Youth Leaders Share Impact of Outreach

According to an outreach youth leader at Franklin Elementary, “FTSV Outreach gave us the opportunity to have impactful conversations about the core values. The early childhood education setting does not allow for these types of crucial conversations. These core value conversations and using the values in the games led to more positive behaviors in our classroom setting as well in their day-to-day lives. Our staff and the parents noticed a drastic improvement socially and emotionally with participants. First Tee’s outreach program truly has a lasting impression and has been a platform that helps the participant perform the best on and off of the golf course.” 

When in-person learning was postponed due to COVID there was a void in peer-to-peer interactions. At our golf course program, we noticed a difference when we resumed in-person classes in the summer of 2021. Participants were more reserved, and hesitant to be themselves. When schools came back so did after school programs and enrichment programs. Students were back interacting face-to-face. However, social wellness through healthy communication is a skill that needs to be practiced consistently. The long hiatus prevented those skills from being practiced. When we relaunched our outreach program at 10 sites this academic year, we hoped that our games, Nine Core Values, and curriculum would help promote social and emotional wellness.

“First Tee outreach program has been incredibly fun to get off the ground again after two years of COVID,” says City Year Leader, Uma Reddy. “The program has been incredibly rewarding from start to finish. I see the greatest improvement in their respect for their peers, their awareness about safety, and in their expression of sportsmanship. I add points to their game when they show sportsmanship which allows students to get just as excited about practicing good sportsmanship as having fun and learning golf.”

Our school and community partners in East San Jose, Santa Clara, East Palo Alto, and Redwood City are currently delivering our golf and life skill curriculum at their schools with plastic clubs, velcro targets, and tennis balls. Each week the youth leaders at each school teach a core value together with a golf skill using games that promote friendly peer-to-peer interaction.

Recently our staff began hosting field trips where participants at each school leave their campus (for the first time in 2 years) and go on a group trip to our affiliate golf courses.

“Kids need to be kids,” says Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt. “We are thankful to work collaboratively with school partners and offer their participants a sport that is mostly new to them, games that are engaging, and a space where they can safely interact with each other.”

Are you interested in having your school or youth development program partner with First Tee – Silicon Valley. Please contact our Program Coordinator, Joe Stuban  408-508-4885, [email protected], or visit our outreach page

Emotional and Social Well-Being – Register Now For Summer Classes

Registration for the summer program opens 5/12 at 10am. Summer begins June 7th and ends August 6th.

Is happiness a choice that is under our control, or is it a product of our surroundings and constantly shaped by external factors? Maybe it is a bit of both, and although our surroundings are not under our control, how we think and act is. We have control over our awareness and practice of social and emotional well-being, which is a foundation for happiness.

Emotional well-being involves identifying and operating from our strengths rather than focusing on our weaknesses. It involves reflecting and recognizing how we are feeling, why we are feeling that way, and then choosing the appropriate way to react to that situation. When participants hit a bad shot the tendency is to dwell on their mistakes, which hinders their ability to see the positives and be in a head space necessary to successfully make adjustments.

It is important to learn from mistakes, and there is a distinction between learning and dwelling. Dwelling decreases the confidence in oneself, which negatively impacts the ability or desire to persevere. On the other hand, learning involves self-reflection which gives us the tools to persevere. Our program encourages participants to make a conscious choice to self-reflect and identify what they did well, what they enjoyed, and how to manage their frustrations so that they are having fun while learning through challenges. How they feel after a bad shot is not a choice, we feel what we feel, but what we do with that feeling is a choice.

If emotional wellness involves internal reflection, social well-being involves mutually respectfully and compassionate interactions with others. In our classes we teach participants to “Ask, Listen, Respond” as a tool for engaging conversations. Social well-being also includes surrounding oneself with positive and supportive individuals. If one does not feel included or supported, it is more difficult to feel happy. Our coaches enjoy using the time in our games, on the course, in our warm up, and during transitions to get to know each other.

By better understanding ourselves and those around us, we set the stage for a more empathetic, and compassionate community.

In our most recent survey over 79% of our participants said they made friends in their class and 95% said they felt their coaches cared about them. We believe having a supportive and inclusive environment, coupled with learning how to manage our emotions and build confidence will lead to increase happiness. If participants are happy, then we are happy. This summer we look forward to building emotional and social well-being. This summer we look forward to having fun. Come join us!

Registration for the Summer season opens Thursday, May 12th at 10am. The actual season will start June 7th and will end August 6th. Our break week is June 27th to July 3rd. The classes will take place at Baylands Golf Links in Palo Alto, Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course in San Jose, and Gavilan Golf Course in Gilroy.  We encourage youth 2nd grade and above to join our program and help spread the word. For more information on our programs please visit and click here for the summer schedule. To register please click here

We hope to see you at the course!

Participant Spotlight – Itzel Espino

Itzel Espino is a Birdie participant at First Tee — Silicon Valley. She joined our program in 2018 from our school outreach event in San Jose. When she started in 8th grade she was brand new to golf, but since then she worked hard to catch up with those her age. She progressed through our program, took part in our tournaments and Girls Golf program, and  is now applying to volunteer and give back to the younger participants in our program.

Itzel is a junior at Cristo Rey High School in San Jose. In addition to being a high school junior and Birdie participant, she interns for Silicon Valley Bank where she researches and provides analysis of fund information for the investment team, and summarizes SVB private bank’s quarterly capital market insights for team markets among other responsibilities. She recently was accepted into the Youth on Course caddie academy where she will earn scholarship money towards her college tuition.

“Ever since I became a participant in First Tee it has made a positive impact in my life, says Itzel.” I have personally used goal setting skills in my daily life which has helped me create a clear understanding when making decisions and also makes me feel motivated. I appreciate all of the opportunities that First Tee has given me.”

“Itzel is an extremely compassionate participant who always shows care for the class as a whole and for each of her fellow students individually,” says Program Coordinator, Robby Keith. “She comes to class with a smile and a joke to improve everyone’s mood and makes class more fun.”

Itzel demonstrates high character and a desire to consistently improve. She maintains a great demeanor regardless of the challenge and contributes to  the supportive environment that we promote. We have no doubt she will be successful in anything she decides to pursue.

Are you interested in joining other participants like Itzel? Please click here for our Youth Classes page. Our summer season will begin June 7th and end August 6th. Registration will begin, May 12th at 10am.

Meet New FTSV Ambassador: James Woodbury

First Tee – Silicon Valley recently elected James Woodbury as a Board Ambassador.

James has been at Blach Construction Company for 10 years working his way from Senior Project Manager to Project Executive to Vice President in March 2021. He was recommended to serve on our Board by long-time First Tee – Silicon Valley supporter Mike Blach, Blach Construction Chairman. Prior to Blach, he worked at Devcon for 11 1/2 years as a Project Manager.

James graduated from Cal Poly State -San Luis Obispo in 2000 with a BS in Architectural Engineering and Minor in Construction Management. He is a member at Almaden Golf & Country Club and lives on the course with his wife and 2 girls. James was on the AGCC Board for one year and he and his wife currently run the AGCC Gator Swim Program.

James shared that he has been looking for a way to give back to the community and for something he is passionate about. He loves golf and has been trying to get his girls involved in the game because he feels strongly that golf is a lifetime sport teaching life lessons. James looks forward to utilizing his construction background to improve the future growth our program facilities.

For more background –

Board Ambassadors give advice, assist with projects, represent the organization in the community at events, help raise funds, and expand FTSV’s network throughout Silicon Valley and beyond. Click here to meet all our Board Members. Contact Judy Dixon if you have interest in learning more about a volunteer Board opportunity.

James Woodbury

Meet our Coach – Karl Rogers

Please meet FTSV Instructor, Karl Rogers. He joined our First Tee – Silicon Valley family in August 2019 as a volunteer coach and in the spring of 2022 he transitioned to a Program Instructor role.

Karl works for Lockheed Martin Corporation as a Packaging Design Engineer. As a First Tee Coach he has been teaching classes at Rancho Del Pueblo and Baylands Golf Links.

“I am so excited to serve the First Tee organization,” says Karl. “It has provided me with the opportunity to mentor the next generation, while doing something I love. FTSV is an awesome program that is positively impacting the future of our community, the lives of each and every participant, and the coaches. Coaching with the first tee is very rewarding. The participants, fellow coaches, and staff are a joy to work with.  It is such a pleasure to see the participants not only build on their golf skills, but build friendships with each other. Helping participants to overcome interpersonal challenges in a safe yet fun environment is especially rewarding.”

Karl excels at relating and building relationships with his participants. He is consistently identifying coachable moments which makes him successful at life skill integration.

“We are grateful and excited to have Karl join our instructor team,” says Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt. “He excelled as a volunteer coach, and is well liked by his participants and fellow coaches. Karl’s interpersonal skills and care for others helps create the positive social and emotional climate that we strive for. We look forward to having Karl increase his responsibilities as a coach and positively impact those around him.”

If you are interested in joining Karl and other caring First Tee coaches, please let us know!

How to get started

  • Visit our volunteer page and click on the volunteer form.
  • Or contact Julie Donnellan at 408-508-4882 or [email protected]
  • Click here for our volunteer tri-fold for more information
  • We are accepting volunteers year-round, but to be able to coach in the next season you will need to complete the on-boarding steps by 5/15 for Summer, 8/15 for Fall, 11/15 for Winter, and 2/15 for Spring
  • Training provided (golf and life skills)

Register to Play or Sponsor the Open

First Tee – Silicon Valley is excited to announce the 10th Annual Open Scramble Golf Tournament on Friday, June 10th at Cinnabar Hills Golf Club. Registration for foursomes, twosomes and sponsors is available now. The Open is our largest fundraiser tournament so we are pleased to resume a full-scale shotgun tournament with a dinner awards program including raffles and an auction.

Gather your clients, co-workers and friends for a great day of golf and camaraderie for a great cause. Proceeds will help us impact the lives of youth by providing educational programs that build character and instill life-enhancing values through the game of golf. We believe that all kids deserve the chance to grow in a supportive environment with mentors guiding them. We are dedicated to building programs that are accessible, welcoming and as impactful as they are fun.

There are various ways to support the Open:

$20,000 Presenting Sponsor (Registration/Dinner) – co-branded logo on website, social posts, newsletters, flyers, signage; full page ad in program plus 3 foursomes

$10,000 Hosting Sponsor (choice of Lunch, Snacks, Beverage) signage on 3 holes, logo on website, newsletter and program plus 2 foursomes

$5,000 Contributing Sponsor – signage on 2 premium contest holes, program logo plus 1 foursome

$2000 Foursome or $1000 Twosome Sponsor – 18-holes golf, shared cart, boxed lunch, tee prizes, on-course beverages and snacks, dinner and awards program per player

$1500 Hole Sponsor – signage on 1 hole, program listing, and 2 dinner invites

Please contact our Development Director, Judy Dixon Deaton 408-508-4881 – [email protected] for additional customized sponsorship opportunities.

June 10th Open Tournament Timeline*:

10:00 Registration and Range Open

11:00 Lunch Opens
11:30 Welcome and Announcements
12:00 Shotgun Start
4:30 Reception
5:00 Dinner, Awards, Program
6:30 Closing Remarks

*subject to change based on total number of players and public health restrictions.

Show Up for Others – Be a Volunteer Coach!

“No kind action ever stops with itself. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions,” said Amelia Earhart. Becoming a coach allows one to be there for others, and in doing so sets forth a cycle of compassion and altruism. There is no better example of this than with our junior coaches. Almost all of our junior coaches were once participants who looked up to their junior coaches as role models. Now their goal is to pay it forward for the next generation.

First Tee — Silicon Valley is looking for high quality, caring people that are interested in showing up for others, and guiding others so they become even better people and leaders of tomorrow. Our volunteer coaches are responsible for bringing our core lessons to life by finding and using coachable moments. They also work together to make the classes fun and engaging and build a space where mentoring relationships can be formed and grow.

Relationships Matter:

The Search Institute surveyed over 25,000 youth and found that when young people experienced strong developmental relationships with program leaders they were more likely to:

  • Exhibit leadership and social responsibility
  • Develop a sense of community identity
  • Set goals and stretch themselves to reach goals

According to the same study, only about half of the students reported that their youth program leaders expressed care, provided support, and shared power with them. Our goal is to set an emotional climate where all of our participants feel cared for and supported. Thanks to the dedication of our coaches, we are pleased to announce the following numbers from our most recent participant survey:

  • 95% said their coaches cared about them.
  • 92% said their coaches did a good job assisting them with their life skill development.

Coaching makes a difference.

When we ask and survey our advanced participants about their experience in First Tee, them overwhelmingly credit their coaches for improving their communication skills, and their ability to overcome challenges. Additionally, they say they are appreciative of the relationships they formed and the confidence they gained from having their coach believe in them. In a national study across the First Tee network, 87% of First Tee alumni said their relationships with their coaches were meaningful and grew stronger over time. These relationships were based on empathy, high positive expectations, and advocacy (e.g., open doors and eyes to new experiences). According to our participant surveys over the last year, on average:

  • 86% said their life skills have improved.
  • 95% said their golf skills have improved.
  • 97% said their coaches made the classes fun.
  • 93% said they felt part of the group.

When participants have a group of coaches who care about them and work to make learning fun, it results in increased acquired skills and positive youth development.

Coaching is fulfilling and beneficial!

  • Coach Mark – “I started coaching First Tee to help kids learn golf, a sport I love. Interestingly I quickly found out how much more meaningful it is for me to see them learn life skills. It’s witnessing the life skill growth that now really moves me.”
  • Coach Rob – “Understanding how much the juniors look up to the coaches and how much of an effect we have on their lives is impactful.”
  • Coach Gabby – “Coaching boosted my confidence in my communication skills and gave me a platform to be a role model for the youth.”
  • Coach Matt – “FTSV has introduced me to wonderful people and helped me form indispensable relationships. FTSV helps me better the lives of my students and myself!”
  • Coach Misa – “Coaching has given me the opportunity to strengthen my skills as a coach and learn how to navigate and create new relationships with each student and point them in the right direction to help them achieve their short and long-term goals. I am reminded every week of the inclusivity that FTSV has and am proud to be part of this organization.”
  • Coach Jack – “FTSV encourages personal growth and responsibility in a FUN way among friends and caring coaches in a sport that can last a lifetime.”

What if I am not an expert coach or golfer?

Our coaches come from all walks of life with different life and golf experiences. We provide life and golf skill training as well training on coach strategies, techniques, and on our coach philosophy. Our goal is to make sure every coach feels supported. Additionally, we have created lesson plans to help everyone is work together and support one another in the content and delivery. There will always be a lead coach for each class coordinating the group of coaches.

What is the time requirement?

  • Volunteer coaches can choose from several class options by location, day of the week and time.
  • Time commitment is 2.5 hours a day, once a week for an 8-week season. 2.5 hours include a 30-minute pre-class meeting, 1.5-hour class, and a 30-minute post-class debrief.

How do I get started?

  • Visit our volunteer page and click on the volunteer form.
  • Or contact Julie Donnellan at 408-508-4882 or [email protected]
  • Click here for our volunteer tri-fold for more information
  • We are accepting volunteers year-round, but to be able to coach in the next season you will need to complete the on-boarding steps by 5/15 for Summer, 8/15 for Fall, 11/15 for Winter, and 2/15 for Spring.

Join our team, learn/develop coaching skills, make a difference in the youth, and give back to the community! Please help us spread the word. The more positive and dedicated coaches, the better the program, and the more impactful it is for our youth.  

Meet New FTSV Director: Sarah Beelaard

First Tee – Silicon Valley recently elected Sarah Beelaard to our Board of Directors.

Sarah has almost 18 years of work experience at PwC and became a Trust Partner in July 2018.  She spent 16 years in public accounting where she assisted public companies and established multinational corporations (including Fortune 100) with their U.S. GAAP, SOX 404 and SEC filing requirements. She has a unique combination of audit (assurance) and non-audit (advisory, internal audit) experience. 

Sarah serves as PwC’s recruiting partner at her alma mater San Jose State University through the Braven program to increase diversity and fill positions in the San Jose office. She mentors underrepresented young people—first-generation college students to help enable them to use their college education to secure a job with future opportunities and potential.  

Sarah grew up in Morgan Hill then moved to South San Jose near Los Lagos and Rancho del Pueblo where she learned to play golf with the help of her husband. She is now raising her 3 kids (daughter age 10 and twin boy/girl age 8) back in Morgan Hill.  She recently joined CordeValle and is introducing golf to her kids. Sarah has personally always been involved in sports and knows what it can do to help the development of kids.

As a mother of a child with type 1 Diabetes, Sarah also fundraises and has served as a chair for the walk committee for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation since 2005.

For more background –

Sarah is a great addition to our FTSV Board Directors. Director responsibilities include voting, providing planning, performance, legal and financial oversight and raising sufficient funds to ensure FTSV’s success.  Click here to meet all our Board Members. Contact Judy Dixon if you have interest in learning more about a volunteer Board opportunity.

Participant Spotlight Story – Norah

Norah Yang is an ACE participant at First Tee — Silicon Valley. She joined our program in 2015 as a participant and is now a volunteer coach. She is a freshman at Castilleja School where she won MVP in her league.

In her time with FTSV she has been one of the leaders in her classes with the way she drives engaging conversations. Additionally, she actively listens to others and knows when to jump in when conversations stall.

As a coach she demonstrates teamwork and takes initiative to help others. When our coaches are setting up, she offers to help. Before a recent class one of our coaches was pushing the wheelbarrow full of game materials and Norah, who was practicing on the driving range, took action and asked if she could help carry items in the barrel. She was not supposed to start her responsibilities for another 15 minutes, but decided to stop her practicing to help. She treats everyone with respect and in turn is respected by her coaches and peers.

“When I see Norah at Baylands, she always asks me how I am doing and offers to help. It takes a lot of self-awareness and confidence to be able to notice when others are in need, and it shows a great sense of character as an individual,” shared Program Coordinator, Gabby Ruiz. According to Program Coordinator, Robby Keith, “She’s excellent in the way she relates to the participants, asking them questions about what they like, thus, representing a wonderful role model to the youth.”

Norah never changes her upbeat, polite attitude, and never comes across as being better than anyone else, which is refreshing given someone with her high skill level. In fact, she strives to learn more about her peers.

“First Tee means a lot to me, it has taught me so many lessons outside of what schools offer,” says Norah. “For example, I use goal-setting skills to manage my high school activities and apply the Nine Core Values to deal with various challenges and setbacks in my daily life. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn with the First Tee, and I am so happy to now be in a position where I can start to give back by volunteering to coach incoming FTSV students.”

She demonstrates high character, adds value to every class she is in, and embodies the supportive environment that we promote. We have no doubt she will be successful in anything she decides to pursue.

Interested in joining other participants like Norah? Please click here for our Youth Classes page. Our summer season will begin June 7th and end August 6th. Registration will begin, May 12th at 10am.

Meet New FTSV Ambassador: Stacy Blasiola

First Tee – Silicon Valley recently elected Stacy Blasiola as a Board Ambassador and she is also serving as a Volunteer Coach at Baylands Golf Links this Spring season.

Stacy returned to the area in 2017 after completing her PhD to work at Facebook as a Senior UX Researcher at Meta Reality Labs. (She interned in the same department in 2016.) She researches end users qualitatively to see what drives decisions and has expertise in digital privacy. Prior to that Stacy was an AdHoc Instructor at UWM with focus on Privacy in the Digital Era and Media Studies & Culture and a Research Asst, Editorial Asst for Social Media + Society at UIC for 5 years. She is originally from Rockland, Illinois. She graduated with a BA in Philosophy from MSU-Bozeman, MA in Media Studies from UWM-Milwaukee, and received PhD in Communication from UIC-Chicago.

Stacy lives in Sunnyvale with her husband. They recently joined San Jose Country Club SJCC. She is also a member of the Facebook Golf Group.

She started golfing in her 20’s but really got back into it the last 2 years. Stacy was looking for an opportunity where she could give back and loves that it is also connected to her new passion — golf. She felt it was important to get a first-hand experience of our program’s mission by lending her talents as a volunteer coach. 

For more background –

Board Ambassadors give advice, assist with projects, represent the organization in the community at events, help raise funds, and expand FTSV’s network throughout Silicon Valley and beyond. Click here to meet all our Board Members. Contact Judy Dixon if you have interest in learning more about a volunteer Board opportunity.

Meet our new Program Coordinator – Elora Rodriguez

Please meet our new staff member, Elora Rodriguez. She joined our First Tee – Silicon Valley family in February 2022 as a Program Coordinator.

Elora was a program participant in our Eagles program which predated our transition to an official First Tee chapter in 2005. Since then, she received her Bachelor of Science in Justice Studies/Psychology and her Master of Science in Justice Studies from San Jose State University.  She is a third generation San Jose native who spent years working in San Jose as a Community Service Specialist, a Behavioral Specialist, and a Youth Outreach Worker where she provided direct crisis prevention and intervention strategies for at-risk youth. Additionally, she was the Head Women’s Golf Coach at Notre Dame High School in San Jose.

“First Tee – Silicon Valley has provided me with the necessary space, tools, and support to thrive as a community educator and leader,” says Elora. ”Through strong and intentional collaboration, we as a team and community, are fully capable of empowering youth (on the course and far beyond) to reach their greatest potential!”  

Twenty years after being a program participant, she is now using her acquired experience to be a guiding force for others.

“We are grateful and excited to have Elora join our team,” says Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt. “Her experience and passion for serving her community shines through in her interactions with participants, and in her collaboration with our staff. We look forward to learning from her, and working with her to positively impact Silicon Valley youth.”

In addition to assisting with program coordination, you can find Elora coaching at Rancho Del Pueblo and Baylands Golf Links.  If you are interested in joining Elora and other caring First Tee coaches, please let us know!

How to get started

  • Visit our volunteer page and click on the volunteer form.
  • Or contact Julie Donnellan at 408-508-4882 or [email protected]
  • Click here for our volunteer tri-fold for more information
  • We are accepting volunteers year-round, but to be able to coach in the next season you will need to complete the on-boarding steps by 5/15 for Summer, 8/15 for Fall, 11/15 for Winter, and 2/15 for Spring
  • Training provided (golf and life skills)

Good News! FTSV’s Future at Rancho is More Clear

We have good news! On Tuesday, March 15th, San Jose’s City Council voted to proceed with negotiating a 3-course lease beginning 1-1-2023 for Rancho del Pueblo, Los Lagos, and San Jose Muni AND to require that the future operator, in turn, negotiate an expanded, long-term agreement with First Tee – Silicon Valley for our use of Rancho. We expect to know which operator the City selects by November.

FTSV has enjoyed a 21-year collaboration with the Department of Parks & Rec and CourseCo, Rancho’s operator since its opening. However, while FTSV has been seeking greater access for our programs, we have never been granted enough access to meet the high demand for our programs.

We are excited to partner with the new operator to help Rancho transform into a “Community Golf Center” to maximize its benefit to the surrounding community. As such, Rancho would become a more welcoming place for East San Jose residents, beginning golfers, and youth in keeping with FTSV’s policy to welcome all kids regardless of background or ability to pay.

FTSV is seeking increased access to reach at least 1,500 youth per year at Rancho. This access for the long-term will enable FTSV to invest in improvements to Rancho that will benefit our program and the course’s customers. For example, FTSV would like to convert the unused café into a classroom for FTSV that may also be reserved for outside groups.

Stay tuned to our Newsletter and web site Stories for further updates as the process unfolds.

Contact your San Jose City Council Member or the Mayor if you would like to share your FTSV experience at Rancho or your support for FTSV’s expanded access at Rancho.

Contact George Maxe at [email protected] or 408-288-2937 if you have any questions.