Winter Girls Golf Play Day

First Tee – Silicon Valley hosted our Pre-Winter Girls Golf Play Day on Saturday, November 12th, 2022 at Rancho del Pueblo. The theme of the event was Halloween.

30 of FTSV’s participants joined us for the biggest Girls Golf event ever! This event provided an opportunity for the girls to socialize with positive female mentors, create lasting friendships, and build their confidence to feel empowered in our community.

The participants played on the golf course with their partner, following an alternate shot format. On the course, they shared stories about their Halloween experience and asked open-ended questions to get to know each other. After the round, they gathered for our costume contest and Halloween games. The event concluded with participants receiving their treats, building strong social connections, and preparing for another wonderful season here at FTSV!

We were excited to have several new girls join this girls golf event. One of the new participants mentioned to us that she had a blast and is “beyond excited for the next event.” We had participants at the event become new friends and even had the older participants express interest in volunteering in the future.

A big thank you to Coaches Gracie, Cynthia, Roni, Katelyn, Audrey, Natalie, Li An, and Alexandra, for supporting and coaching the girls throughout the event. Without them, we would not have been able to have a record turnout. Thank you for being great role models and for inspiring our girls to love the game of golf and feel safe to be themselves. A special thanks to Coach Gabby for leading and coordinating not this just Girls Golf event, but all of our Girls Golf events! Coach Gabby was a participant in our program for seven years, then progressed from a Volunteer Coach, to an Instructor, to a Coordinator. She is a true leader and represents the best of what First Tee is about. We are truly grateful to have Gabby in our program and thank her for what she has done for the girls in Girls Golf.

Thanks to Gabby and the other coaches, First Tee — Silicon Valley Girls Golf participants are already on their way to becoming amazing leaders in our community, and we know that with the mentorship of our FTSV coaches, the girls will have the best go-to team to feel supported and inspired to reach their dreams and goals. If you are interested in making a positive difference and mentoring youth for First Tee & Girls Golf, please visit: and contact us at (408) 508-4880 or [email protected].

All FTSV Players in PLAYer Part 2 and above interested in joining, or learning more about our next Girls Golf event on February 25th, 2022 may contact Manny Gallardo at [email protected] or call (408) 508-4887. We will release our next event flyer on our youth opportunity page around mid-January. Stay tuned!

Winter College Day Tournament!

Our first annual College Day Tournament was a rousing success! The initial iteration of this tournament began as the Mentor-Junior Tournament, where we would have participants pair with Stanford University players or our own volunteer coaches. This year both the Stanford AND Santa Clara University Men’s and Women’s teams joined us at Rancho del Pueblo, which allowed every participant to pair with a college player.  Additionally, a new component of the tournament was added in the form of a post round reception, educating our students and their families on the college process. At the conclusion of the tournament FTSV participants and families were able to ask questions about college to not just the college golfers, but also to our very own volunteer coaches, Matthew Faulkner (SJSU professor) and Tracy Cone (former ASU golf NCAA champion). At FTSV we coach A.L.R, which stands for ask open-ended questions, listen, and respond, and we also teach the concept of building a go-to-team. Both were prominently being exhibited by all! The conversations continued as pizza was served and awards were given out.

The format for the tournament itself was a two-person alternate shot between a FTSV participant and their college golf partner, with the added twist that each of our participants teed off on even number holes and each college golfer teed off on odd number holes. In addition to our standard Long Drive and Closest to the Pin competitions, we had a Color Wheel minigame between Holes 7 & 8 where participants could potentially save a stroke off their score for hitting the appropriate color on the parachute. A definitive highlight of the day was Hole #1, where each participant rolled a die and based on the result the college golfer had to perform a certain action during their golf shot. We saw shots off of knees, one leg, and even using a nerf bow and arrow instead of a club!

We had some serious golf being played out there and each level was extremely tight score-wise. In fact, each level had a tie for 2nd place! Here are the results for each level of the tournament, and congrats to all of our top finishers:


  1. Andrew Leong (Baylands) & Joey Hayden (SCU Men’s)
  2. Jesse Jang (Gavilan) & Jack Morrison (SCU Men’s)
  3. Vincent Vo (Rancho) &  Carson Kawasoe (SCU Men’s)


  1. Kristen Tang (Rancho) & Audrey Brust (SCU Women’s)
  2. David Harrigan (Gavilan) & Michael Thorbjornsen (Stanford Men’s)
  3. Jayden Aguinaga (Rancho) & Karl Vilips (Stanford Men’s)


  1. Joey Jang (Gavilan) & Ethan Ng (Stanford Men’s)
  2. Joshua Jang (Gavilan) & Nate Menon (Stanford Men’s)
  3. Norah Yang (Rancho) & Inara Sharma (SCU Women’s)

Special thanks to Santa Clara University coach Andrew Larkin and Stanford team captains Ethan Ng and Nate Menon for helping to put the College Day tournament together! Both teams were fantastic with our participants, helped them feel at ease, and made the tournament an unforgettable experience. Thank you Stanford and Santa Clara players! Also, thank you to our volunteers Matthew Faulkner and Tracy Cone for coming and discussing college-related topics with our participants, as well as our volunteer coaches Alex and Stefan for helping run the tournament! Lastly, thank you to Coach Robby who coordinated and lead the event! We are grateful to have Robby in the program and leading our pre-season tournaments.

Join us!

Our next pre-season tournament is on February 25th. If you are interested in learning more about our opportunities and tournaments, please visit our youth opportunities page, email us at [email protected], or call 408-508-4880. We hope to see you at the next tournament in February!

First Tee – Silicon Valley Outreach in  12 Schools

As the school year is now well underway, so too is First Tee’s Community Program (CP). Between delivering a school-wide First Tee lesson at The Primary School in East Palo Alto, connecting with families at the Parent University event at Alum Rock School District, and conducting trainings for several CP partners, our staff have been enthusiastically facilitating individual site deliveries and strengthening relationships with schools and community organizations. There are currently 12 active CP partners delivering First Tee lessons on-site.  

            One of our 12 active community partners is Anne Darling Elementary whose after-school program is led by CORAL (Communities Organizing Resources to Advance Learning). Time and time again they have illustrated just how impactful our partnerships can be. Through the efforts of her and her staff, the students of Anne Darling have not only been exposed to the benefits of First Tee – Silicon Valley’s (FTSV) lessons, they have taken those lessons and applied them across a wide area of their schooling. There has been “an increase in self-confidence, teamwork, and excitement from all of our students” says Valerie Sanchez, Site Manager for Anne Darling Elementary. Their team has “noticed an increase in attendance, engagement, and positive behavior” in their students since partnering with FTSV. She attributes this positive change to “their excitement to play” and “engage in the fun lessons that are offered,” and says that this excitement “motivates [the students] to complete all their work.”

At the conclusion of their CP classes, FTSV Program Coordinator, Joe Stuban, organizes a field trip so the participants can take the lessons learned at school and apply them at our nearby golf location, Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course. At the field trip our team of FTSV coaches delivers a typical FTSV lesson on the driving range and putting green. “These participants bring the energy, show respect, and have a blast,” says FTSV Program Coordinator and Coach, Manny Gallardo. On these field trips students trade out the plastic clubs and tennis balls that they use for the CP program and get to explore real clubs and the real deal.

FTSV encourages and provides opportunities for participants that have taken our CP program and experienced a field trip, to transition into our 8-week golf course program. The combination of the CP program, field trip, and golf course program provides chances for participants like those at Anne Darling, to learn the game of golf, and more importantly apply life lessons that build character.

We are grateful for our community partners and look forward to providing our fun and engaging educational program to more participants in 2023.

If you are interested in our CP outreach program, please click here, or contact us at 408-508-4885. If you are interested in having us attend a community event, please call 408-508-4884.

SAGA Foundation Donates $100,000

First Tee – Silicon Valley owes an enormous thank you to SAGA Foundation led by President, David Bartoshuk for their generous $100,000 donation to further develop FTSV programs in the Palo Alto-Redwood City area including at Baylands Golf Links. Their donations to FTSV now total $510,000 over the last five years.  The SAGA Foundation assists nonprofits to work smarter, reach further, and have a lasting impact. They are committed to helping FTSV expand dramatically at Baylands for the benefit of Mid-Peninsula youth and the community. David Bartoshuk, President – SAGA Foundation, says, “SAGA Foundation believes critical problems require bold actions through collaboration, open communication, and entrepreneurship. FTSV continues to be a touchstone of what can be accomplished through creative teamwork and the knowledge that together we can make positive, long-term progress.” David and the SAGA Foundation are showing incredible generosity towards and support of FTSV’s future at Baylands Golf Links and in the lives of youth throughout the Mid-Peninsula.” said FTSV President & CEO, George Maxe. “In addition to SAGA Foundation, we are actively partnering with the City of Palo Alto to make significant improvements to Baylands Golf Links so that FTSV can expand our footprint and public golfers can enjoy more practice area amenities.” FTSV is very grateful to SAGA Foundation and looks forward to impacting many more Mid-Peninsula youth at Baylands Golf Links.

4th Annual Challenge Cup Returns Dec 2nd

Our 4th Annual Challenge Cup returns on Friday, December 2nd with 4 Country Clubs participating*.  It is an inclusive and friendly challenge between golf clubs benefiting First Tee – Silicon Valley to help us grow the game of golf while building game changers in our community. It is an opportunity for golf clubs to demonstrate their philanthropic spirit of giving back to a non-profit closely associated with their favorite past time.

The head-to-head challenge matchups competing for this year’s Challenge Cup are:  Sharon Heights vs Menlo and La Rinconada vs Almaden  

The aggregate of Top 24 scores from each club determines their team score. The team scores will be compared to rival club to determine each match up club winner. The team with highest overall score among ALL clubs is declared winner of the 4th Annual Challenge Cup Perpetual Trophy!  Past winners are: 2021 Almaden, 2020 La Rinconada, and 2019 Sharon Heights.

Along with Silver Creek and San Jose, these same country clubs raised $54,000 last year and a total of $236,000 over the last 3 years. The donations from the Challenge Cup will allow us to create a sense of belonging for all kids – no matter what walk of life. It will help us build the strength of character that empowers kids through a lifetime of new challenges by seamlessly integrating the game of golf with life skills.

Click here for member registration or anyone can donate as non-player to support a team.

If your golf club wants to challenge another club, Contact Development Director, Judy Dixon Deaton to get started 408-508-4881 – [email protected].

FTSV Winter Season, Learning Through Fun!

FTSV makes learning fun with opportunities for participants to apply what was learned. For example, in school science classes participants need lab experiments to bring theory and make it reality. We learn how to cook, not only by reading a recipe, but through applying the recipes and through trial and error. We learn to ride a bike by getting on the bike and falling. Doing a lab experiment, making food, and riding a bike is more fun, engaging, and memorable, which translates into long lasting learning. Similarly, FTSV encourages participants to learn our life and golf skill curriculum through application, play, and reflection, as opposed to memorizing.

Our goal is to make education fun and interactive. To make our lessons fun and interactive requires our staff to be creative with the games that we play. It also involves enthusiasm from our team of coaches. Fortunately, in our most recent survey, 98% of participants said they had fun, 97% said their coaches helped them improve their golf skills, and 94% said their coaches helped them improve their life skills.

This winter we look forward to having another fun season of games that tie in life lessons and golf skill development. Our winter season registration opened to the public on November 3rd. By the end of the first day of registration, over 300 participants registered for a class. Currently, there are a few spaces still remaining for the season beginning on November 29th and ending February 4th (with two weeks off on December 20th through December 31st.) Click here to register and here to view the schedule.

FTSV’s classes take place at Baylands Golf Links in Palo Alto, Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course in San Jose, and Gavilan Golf Course in Gilroy.  We encourage youth 2nd grade and above to join our program and help spread the word.

For more information on our programs please visit To register please click here

We hope to see you at the course!

Coach Appreciation Event

“A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life,” said 7- time national coach of the year winner, John Wooden. Becoming a coach is a big responsibility, but a potentially rewarding opportunity. For coaches to be successful they need to care about their students, they need to adapt to their students, and they need to be present. This year we had over 100 volunteer coaches and 34 paid instructors dedicate their time to help others build character and improve golf skills. Many of our coaches have been with us year after year, season after season, and it is this commitment and continuity that has helped thousands of participants over the years.

On Saturday, November 5th, FTSV hosted an event to celebrate and appreciate our coaches’ commitment to the program. Over 35 adult coaches attended the event. We had a BBQ, games, and activities for the coaches to enjoy and take part in together.

“This event is hopefully one of many appreciative events in the future,” said Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt. “We are fortunate to have a team of coaches who care, and who are positive-minded people. It is a privilege to work with all of them.”

If you are interested in joining our team please visit our volunteer page and fill out this form. You can also call us at 408-508-4880.

Go Green Community Event

First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV), in collaboration with First Green of Golf Course Superintendent Association of America (GCSAA) hosted a Go Green, an environmental education event, at Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course on November 5th.
30 FTSV participants took part in a fun STEM-based learning event with 5 interactive demonstrations, followed by a pizza reception.

Station number 1 explored golf course management by fixing and replacing a golf hole in the putting green, using a stimpmeter to determine the speeds of the green, and learning how to repair the greens.

Station 2 performed experiments on water conservation while participants explored underground water content in different areas of the golf course using a special machine.

Station 3 tested different soils showing the impact they have on grass and watering.

Station 4 explored hydrogen bonds, adhesion, cohesion, and capillary action and its relation to water.

Station 5 involved participants building bird houses that will be placed on the golf course.

First Green is an innovative environmental and STEM education outreach program using golf courses as environmental learning labs. Senior Agronomist from CourseCo, Gary Ingram, led a team of superintendents from all over Northern California and collaborated with FTSV staff to bring the event to our participants. “We’re excited to see Go Green return to our schedule of community day events, especially in partnership with CourseCo.” said FTSV President & CEO, George Maxe. “We anticipate quarterly community days at Rancho del Pueblo beginning with this recent Go Green event to serve Rancho’s local residents neighborhoods.”

Meet New FTSV New Director: Andrea Brenholz

First Tee – Silicon Valley recently elected Sarah Andrea Brenholz to our Board of Directors.

Andrea has worked at ATR International for almost 16 years in the staffing and recruiting industry and has been overseeing the entire business strategy as CEO/President since September 2018.

Outside of her position as head of ATR, she enjoys serving as a mentor to and voice for women and minorities looking to excel in staffing, for which she was named one of Staffing Industry Analysts’ 2018 Global Power 150 – Women in Staffing.

Andrea aims to increase awareness of STEM subjects to the area’s girls and young women, and to give back to the community that serves as ATR’s home.  She shared that she has always been passionate about philanthropy, and she encourages her team to use ATR’s Volunteering Time Off policy to help make a positive impact on all those we meet at ATR and beyond.

Andrea played college golf at UC – Santa Cruz. She loves golf and believes it gives you a leg up due to great business opportunities. She has a passion to introduce golf to more women and kids so they can have the same opportunity.  In addition to joining the FTSV board, she will also be joining our volunteer coaching staff.

For more background on Andrea –

Andrea is a great addition to our FTSV Board Directors. Director responsibilities include voting, providing planning, performance, legal and financial oversight and raising sufficient funds to ensure FTSV’s success.  Click here to meet all our Board Members. Contact Judy Dixon if you have interest in learning more about our volunteer Board opportunities.

Support Our Mission – Become An Ambassador!

Leadership, engagement and fundraising are key to First Tee – Silicon Valley’s sustainability and success.  Consider being part of a volunteer Board Ambassador program that believes youth development makes a difference. 

You are the right person for this role if you are passionate about supporting and advocating for our mission to impact the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character and instill life-enhancing values through the game of golf.

Ambassadors represent the diverse interests, needs and concerns of the constituency we serve in the underserved communities within our service area which spans from the southern city of Hollister to Milpitas in the East Bay to Southern San Mateo on the Mid-Peninsula.

Ambassador Attributes include:

  • Diversity which embodies all the differences of the kids we serve
  • Modeling The First Tee Code of Conduct and “Respect for Our Organization”
  • Reflection of high standards of conduct in their professional and public lives
  • Outreach into golf clubs, professional associations, corporate hierarchies and personal networks
  • Willingness to make a difference to the lives of our youth constituents

Ambassador Role is to give advice, assist with projects, represent the organization in the community at events, help raise funds, and expand FTSV’s network.  Many of our Ambassadors also choose to serve as volunteer coaches so they can directly mentor our youth and make a positive difference as a role model. Visit our volunteer page to learn more.

Complete the  volunteer form to get started as an Ambassador and/or Coach. We look forward to getting to know you through our interview and our on-boarding process which includes background checks, Safesport training and mission-program training.

Click here to meet all our Staff, Coaches and Board Members. Justin Moore Charity Golf Tournament Donates $24K (San Jose Country Station*) held its 2nd Annual Justin Moore Charity Golf Tournament on September 20th at Cinnabar Hills Golf Club benefitting First Tee – Silicon Valley and awarded our program a $24,000 donation.

The event sponsored by DGDG featured over 120 golfers including country star Justin Moore and Matt Stell, KRTY personalities Gary Scott Thomas and Nate Deaton, and local Sharks broadcast veteran Randy Hahn. The day was full of fun and generosity!  The dinner kicked off with a 4-song acoustic performance by Justin Moore followed by raffle drawings, live auction bidding, and golf awards and wrapped up with a 4-song acoustic performance by Matt Stell.

Nate Deaton, KRTY’s General Manager, said “This is what our local legendary station does best – connecting celebrities to a community benefit! When Justin asked me two years ago to put together a charity event for the local community, I knew the First Tee had to be a part of it. I have seen firsthand from coaching the impact this non-profit has on kids teaching them golf and life skills. We are looking forward to next year’s event in 2023!”

FTSV is very appreciative to have Nate Deaton as a longtime supporter since our inception in 2005. As someone who started playing golf at age 5, he has been a great advocate for our mission of empowering kids and teens through the game of golf because it was an integral part of his personal development.

*Country station KRTY formally heard on 95.3 can still be heard by going to and downloading the streaming app or can be played on any third-party streaming device.

Pictured left to right – Cinnabar’s Nick Starr, KRTY’s Gary Scott Thomas, Country Artist Justin Moore, FTSV’s George Maxe and Judy Deaton, Country Artist Matt Stell, KRTY’s Nate Deaton and Jamie Jackson, Sony Music’s Josh Easler, Aubri Brown Club’s Ami and Curtis Brown (also charity recipient) and Cinnabar’s Adam Schiro.

Franky Sumcad places third in 2022 PURE Insurance Championship!

First Tee – Silicon Valley Ace participant and volunteer coach, Franky Sumcad, placed third at the 2022 PURE Insurance Championship. She and her senior professional golfer, Rod Pampling, shot 19 under par for the three rounds at the world-famous Pebble Beach and Spyglass Golf Links.

Franky was one of 81 top First Tee golfers from around the country selected to participate in this official PGA TOUR Champions event. The PURE Insurance Championship paired one First Tee junior with a PGA TOUR Champions player and two amateurs.

“PURE was an amazing experience,” said Franky. “Especially since I am generally a more reserved person, I was surprised by how much it showed that I genuinely loved playing golf and playing on such a big stage. I surprised myself and learned a lot of new things in part to everyone there. My excitement from the week spilled over into the car ride home and I talked my parents’ ears off the entire way. “

Congratulations Franky!

Interested in joining Franky and other FTSV participants in our First Tee classes? Please check out our youth classes page. Our fall program has started, but registration for the winter season will open November 3rd.