First Tee – Silicon Valley Alumni Club

As you may have already heard, First Tee launched its national alumni network platform. We encourage you to register HERE and search for our First Tee – Silicon Valley Group.

Having a chapter alumni club will allow us to continue nurturing our relationships with FTSV staff and alumni, strengthening our community and bonds with each other as we navigate our professional stage of life. 

Our group will focus on three main pillars: Networking, Opportunities, and Giving Back.

  • Networking: quarterly meetings, engage and network with FTSV alumni and staff, alumni mentorship program
  • Opportunities: speak at FTSV events, represent FTSV at golf outings, and career development opportunities
  • Giving Back: volunteer coaching, opportunities to join the FTSV board and become an official advocate for FTSV

Members must be 18 years or older. Members must have completed at least two sessions of the First Tee program. We encourage you to invite your fellow FTSV alumni to grow our community to stay connected and involved with our chapter!

“First Tee – Silicon Valley has played a pivotal role in my life in developing character and gaining lifelong mentors and friends. Specifically, I’ve seen my self-confidence, public speaking, teamwork, and leadership skills grow through FTSV programming, events, and opportunities. The Eagle and Ace courses and opportunities introduced me to the concept of professional networking and conducting informational interviews, preparing us for our professional lives. I’m truly thankful for the mentorship I’ve received and the relationships formed through FTSV”

— Rhea Advani, Alumni

Already an Alumni? Join us as a volunteer Board Ambassador! Board Ambassadors give advice, assist with projects, represent the organization in the community at events, help raise funds, and expand FTSV’s network throughout Silicon Valley and beyond. LEARN MORE…

FTSV Alumni network connect

Join the Caddy Club as a New Years Resolution

As we start a new year and think about resolutions consider supporting a local non-profit by making monthly recurring donations.  Join the Caddy Club as a way to support our Financial Aid Program. Help us provide our youth development program for kids in our community no matter their background.  When you join as a recurring donor now you will be registered and ready to compete in the 2023 Majors.

  • You can become a Caddy Club member by making a minimum $20 monthly donation for at least 12 months. Click Here to Join!
  • Every $240 donation allows FTSV to offer financial aid to a new under-served, at-risk youth participant to attend an 8-week session
  • All Caddy Club members receive invitations to our Donor Appreciation event. This includes our Caddy Club Majors fantasy golf competition with more than $25,000 in donated prizes available. It includes 4 Major 2023 Tournaments: Masters April 6-9, PGA Championship May 18-21, US Open June 15-18, and Open Championship July 20-23

Youth Development through Golf

FTSV exists to enable kids to build the strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of new challenges. By seamlessly integrating the game of golf with a life skills curriculum, we create learning experiences that build inner strength, self-confidence, and resilience that kids carry in everything they do. With the belief that ALL kids deserve the chance to grow in a supportive environment with mentors guiding them. We are dedicated to building golf programs that are accessible, welcoming, and as impactful as they are fun.

Together, Building Game Changers!

Our kids and teens are facing challenges unseen by previous generations. Many lack access to safe opportunities that foster a culture of acceptance and provide mentorship. They live in a world where social pressures are always on, calm and confidence are hard to access, and perseverance is a required superpower every day.

FTSV 2023 Hitting through noodles

First Tee – Silicon Valley 2022 Annual Review

First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV) had a productive rebuilding year working hard to grow our course participation, school partners and coaching staff due to the lasting effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our non-profit had its highest revenue year ever hitting the $1.8M mark. FTSV is proud to share our annual operations are stronger than ever and we are optimistic about launching a comprehensive campaign to endow our programs and build facilities that will secure our future growth and stability.

FTSV Annual Review Infographic

Youth Opportunities

FTSV Teens were selected for various leadership and golf opportunities where many received special recognition through scholarships. Meet one of our Teens!

Nancy Rivera was selected to the First Tee College Scholarship Program. The First Tee Innovators Forum empowered selected First Tee teens to develop a meaningful service project in their communities focusing on raising awareness on global issues focusing on education, health, and sustainability. Twenty-six participants were selected from across the country and had the opportunity to learn from global industry leaders through interactive workshops and small group breakout sessions. As a result of group workshops and motivating speeches by Frank and others, Nancy narrowed in on her project, which will provide resources to promote and explain higher education in low income and undocumented communities.

Nancy said this about her work…

“As a first generation in my family to go college and graduate high school, I have faced challenges such as understanding the college application process, college requirements, and federal documents/financial options,” said Nancy. “Being able to have mentors in First Tee and taking the FTSV Educational Ace project has definitely helped me through this difficult and foreign process. I know others in my position are not exposed to the same opportunities or guidance, which led me to think that everyone should have a support system or a place where they are able to go and receive this help for free. For my family and I, it was not just the higher educational process that was challenging or was unknown, but navigating this space in a foreign language that made it that much more challenging, and is why I want to provide this help in Spanish.”

“I want to provide different workshops that can help with the college application process like filling out FAFSA, or preparing for the common application process, or discussing financial options. Many schools do not offer this information and specifically do not offer it in Spanish which is what I would like to change. I want to break down stereotypes and would like our families to see higher education as being possible. I have already started reserving meeting spaces, thanks to my school, to host several of these workshops…” READ FULL ARTICLE HERE

Nancy Rivera first tee participant

Help Teach FTSV Youth about Showing Respect

Be a Volunteer Coach!

First Tee — Silicon Valley is looking for high quality, caring people that are interested in showing up and guiding others, so they become even better people and leaders of tomorrow. Our volunteer coaches work together to bring our core lessons to life by finding and using coachable moments and by making the sessions fun and engaging. One of the 6 life skills that coaches are responsible for teaching is Respect. Coaches use our games to deliver impactful tools and tips needed to show respect to others, one’s surroundings, and oneself.   

Coaching is fulfilling and beneficial!

” I started coaching First Tee to help kids learn golf, a sport I love. Interestingly, I quickly found out how much more meaningful it is for me to see them learn life skills. It’s witnessing the life skill growth that now really moves me.”

Coach Mark

“Understanding how much the juniors look up to the coaches and how much of an effect we have on their lives is impactful.”

Coach Rob

“Volunteering has helped me hone my skills in leadership, patience, and collaboration and makes me feel like I am making a positive impact in my community.”

Coach Catherine

“FTSV has introduced me to wonderful people and helped me form indispensable relationships. FTSV helps me better the lives of my students and myself!”

Coach Matt

“While it’s great to see their golf skills improve over the season, it’s even more rewarding to help them learn and apply the life skills in their daily lives.”

Coach Tracy

What if I am not an expert coach or golfer?

Our coaches come from all walks of life with different life and golf experiences. We provide life and golf skill training as well training on coach strategies, techniques, and on our coach philosophy. Our goal is to make sure every coach feels supported. Additionally, we have created lesson plans to help everyone work together and support one another in the content and delivery. There will always be a lead coach for each class coordinating the group of coaches.

What is the time requirement?

  • Volunteer coaches can choose from several class options by location, day of the week, and time.
  • Time commitment is 2.5 hours a day, once a week for an 8-week season. The 2.5 hours include a 30-minute pre-class meeting, 1.5-hour class, and a 30-minute post-class debrief.

How do I get started?

  • Visit our volunteer page and click on the volunteer form.
  • Or contact Julie Donnellan at 408-508-4882 or [email protected]
  • Click here for our volunteer tri-fold for more information.
  • We are accepting volunteers year-round, but to be able to coach in the next season you will need to complete the on-boarding steps by 2/15 for Spring, 5/15 for Summer, 8/15 for Fall, and 11/15 for Winter.

Join our team, learn/develop coaching skills, make a difference in the youth, and give back to the community! Please help us spread the word. The more positive and dedicated coaches, the better the program, and the more impactful it is for our youth.  

First Tee - Silicon Valley Volunteer Coaching

We Need Your Feedback

Take a Quick Survey

First Tee – Silicon Valley is planning to embark on an ambitious campaign to expand program access for kids and increase the impact of our work. As we look to launch this effort, we are eager to hear from supporters like you.

Thank you for taking a quick, anonymous survey to help us better understand our community? CLICK HERE to take the survey by January 6, 2023. Your responses will provide important insight as we build this exciting new fundraising campaign that will allow us to grow our impact.

We have retained Aperio Philanthropy to conduct a study to assess our current strategies and offer recommendations on the feasibility of a new comprehensive campaign to fund our future.

Our work has never been more meaningful in our communities. Thank you for your support and for sharing your insights with the Aperio team.

Charles Schwab Challenge Grant

As you consider your year-end giving, we are excited to share an amazing opportunity for First Tee — Silicon Valley and our community.  We can make every gift go further, reach more kids and teens in our community, and make a bigger impact than ever before thanks to the Charles Schwab Challenge Grant. This program is only possible because of the leadership and commitment of Charles Schwab. He and his company believe in the mission of First Tee and the power of our Chapters to change the game for young people.

This matching grant will help us deliver the life-changing impact of our program to kids from all walks of life. We will be able to expand our reach like never before and connect with kids and families in new and innovative ways. And we will be able to support the next great generation of mentors and leaders.

FTSV’s ability to receive this match will be tied directly to support from existing and new donors! We invite you to accept the challenge to help us make a bigger impact in our community, reaching more kids and teens like Itzel Espino. 

Itzel Espino

Itzel joined FTSV in 2018 and in addition to being a participant, recently joined our coaching team. In her speech to the Invitational attendees, she touched on three themes — her family history, the impact of getting financial assistance for our program, and the life lessons she learned and applied at her internship. You can watch Itzel’s entire speech here.

We appreciate your ongoing support and your commitment to Building Game Changers.  Click here to see the different ways you can donate today.

4th Annual Challenge Cup raises $58K

The 2022 Challenge Cup was awarded to La Rinconada Country Club scoring 349 Points – the most of the competing clubs.  The real winners are the kids who will receive financial assistance from the $58,250 in donations. This support helps us to create a sense of belonging for all kids – no matter what walk of life.  The 131 participating club members will be supporting 230 deserving youth. If you want to get a sense for the impact, please watch this video.

The 4th Annual Challenge Cup was an inclusive and friendly challenge between golf clubs benefiting First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV) to help us grow the game of golf while building game changers in our community. It was an opportunity for golf clubs to demonstrate their philanthropic spirit of giving back to a non-profit closely associated with their favorite past time. This year we had 2 Golf Club head-to-head challenge matchups competing for the Challenge Cup on Friday, December 2nd.  It was a great day of sunshine and no rain with just a little frost delay.

The final points tally was:  La Rinconada 425 points vs. Almaden 440 points and Sharon Heights 341 points vs. Menlo 340 points. The club with highest overall score among ALL clubs was declared winner of the 4th Annual Challenge Cup Perpetual Trophy! Congratulations to La Rinconada Country Club!

All teams were encouraged to include men, women and seniors in their team tally. Each participant made a donation to benefit the FTSV. The format was a Point Par Scoring with 100% of Handicap — Net Par 1 point, Net Birdie 2 points, Net Eagle 3 points, and Net Albatross 4 points. The aggregate of top 24 scores from each club determined their team score. The team scores were compared to rival club to determine each match up club winner.  Special thanks to all the Club Pros for assisting with coordination, promotion and scoring. 

If your golf club wants to be a part of the 5th Annual Challenge Cup or create a fundraiser benefitting FTSV, Contact Development Director, Judy Dixon Deaton to get started 408-508-4881 – [email protected].

4th annual challenge cup

Coach Spotlight – Juan Andrade

Making an impact means caring for others and acting on that care.  Our coach, Juan Andrade displays both with the work he does as a FTSV Coach, and what he does away from FTSV.

Juan is a Behavioral Technician for the Sunnyvale School District. There he is responsible for assisting individual students in developing skills which lead them to join the mainstream educational environment. He is also responsible for delivering discrete trial therapy based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to individual students. To be successful in that position requires empathy, understanding, patience, and care. All qualities that we covet in a coach and aim to reinforce in our participants.

Before becoming a Behavioral Technician, Juan applied his excellent coaching and people skills as a Playworks coach, and as an After-School Director for Ellis Elementary.

At Ellis Elementary, he was our most active and engaged community partner, delivering the FTSV community program at the school 4-5 times per week, every week.

In the Fall of 2022, Juan began his first season as a coach in our 8-week golf course program. He immediately connected with our staff and with the participants he coached. Additionally, he assisted our team of coaches by providing insight and coaching content in our most recent coach training regarding ADHD and Autism.

“I got the privilege to introduce the First Tee program to my students at Ellis where they got the opportunity to pursue golf and elevate their life experiences through golf,” said Juan. “Since moving from implementing the First Tee program at schools to RDP I have really enjoyed watching the enthusiasm and personalities of the participants come out when playing.”

“Coach Juan is the type of coach that makes everyone around him better,” says Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt. “He believes in everyone and cares for everyone. We are fortunate to have him part of the team.”

Interested in joining Coach Juan as a FTSV Coach? Please:

  • Visit our volunteer page and click on the volunteer form.
  • Contact Julie Donnellan at 408-508-4882 or [email protected] for volunteering
  • Contact Chris Moreno-Hunt at 408-508-4884 or [email protected] for paid coaching
  • Click here for our volunteer tri-fold for more information
  • We are accepting volunteers year-round, but to be able to coach in the next season you will need to complete the on-boarding steps by 2/15 for Spring, and 5/15 for Summer, 8/15 for Fall, and 11/15 for Winter
  • Training provided (golf and life skills)
coach juan andrade

Ace Volunteer Project – Making an Impact

This winter season 15 FTSV Ace participants will be taking the Ace Volunteer Project, which is one of 4 Ace projects throughout the year — Career, Golf, Education, and Volunteer. The Ace volunteer project has 8 classes and has an outside-of-class application activity. To be an Ace participant requires years of FTSV classes and a successful demonstration of the life skill and golf skill requirements at every FTSV level.

In this winter’s volunteer project, participants will explore giving back opportunities – where to look, why volunteer, what benefits exist through giving back, and how to find opportunities that match their interest. Additionally, they will develop transferable skills and learn what it means to go above and beyond when volunteering. Lastly, they will work on interviewing strategies and professional correspondence. The goal of the project is to apply the skills learned in class, and the skills learned throughout FTSV to real volunteer opportunities and experiences. For that reason, we encourage participants to volunteer at FTSV and at other organizations in addition to taking the 8-week volunteer class.

Over the years we have had a large number of FTSV participants giving back as junior coaches. This year we have 51 FTSV participants coaching classes. Many coach with us 3-4 seasons a year in addition to their other volunteer responsibilities.  

Our junior coaches have an impactful role in our program,” says Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt. “They deliver and demonstrate FTSV life lessons, and in doing so, reinforce the importance of the life lessons and pave the way for future coaches.”

Volunteering is critical for the health of our organization and plays a vital role in developing the skill-set necessary for career success. We are pleased to have these Ace participants along with our other junior coaches showing the way and giving back.

Congratulations Ace participants for making it to Ace and for choosing to be role models for the younger generation.

To join or learn more about our program visit and click on “youth programs,” then “youth classes.”

ACE Volunteers 2023

First Tee – Silicon Valley Save the Dates – 2023

Please save the dates for First Tee – Silicon Valley fundraising events which are designed for our supporters, both individual and corporate. Attending our events are a great way for all individuals to learn more about us while having fun. They also provide a wonderful opportunity for corporations to sponsor our youth programs while entertaining customers. The money raised from these events and our private Invitational in July represent 55% of our fundraising budget which sustains our youth development program.

Top Golf

  • at the new San Jose location on Monday, March 20, 2023
  • a fun, social event for golfers and non-golfers
  • Registration is available December 20th


  • at Cinnabar Hills Golf Club on Friday, June 9, 2023
  • a golf tournament, lunch and dinner — our largest event of the year
  • Registration opens February 10th


  • at Baylands Golf Links on Monday, October 9, 2023
  • a golf tournament, lunch and dinner — serving the Mid-Peninsula
  • Registration opens June 6th

Challenge Cup

  • at Several Silicon Valley golf courses in early December 2023
  • an inclusive and friendly challenge between golf clubs
  • Registration opens August 1st

Please contact our Development Director, Judy Dixon Deaton at [email protected] or 408-508-4881, for more information about participating in our events or Sponsorships.

PGA TOUR Superstore Gift Wrapping

First Tee – Silicon Valley participants Alexandra V and David J joined Calvin Harris (Store Manager) and George Maxe (FTSV President & CEO) over the Thanksgiving weekend to wrap presents for East Palo Alto store customers.

This was a great opportunity for FTSV to pay it forward to others in a spirit of gratitude for all that PGA TOUR Superstore has done for FTSV and our participants. This was our first opportunity to resume this holiday tradition since 2019.

FTSV also expects to resume used golf drives at the store in 2023 on Saturdays 2/11, 5/20, 8/12 and 11/4.

We are excited to double our thanks to PGA TOUR Superstore as they open a new store in Cupertino this Saturday 12/10 at 20600 Homestead Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014.

It’s been 9 years since the PGA store opened in 2013. Since that time, PGA TOUR Superstore has been one of FTSV’s most loyal, generous supporters.

Franky Represents FTSV in 9-Hole Skins Game at SCVCC

Come watch the best amateur players in the Bay Area compete in a 9-Hole Skins Game on Saturday, November 26th at beautiful Silver Creek Valley Country Club in San Jose and support our FTSV participant Franky Sumcad. Franky stole the show last year by winning 7 skins and raised $5,450 for FTSV.

This year’s Skin Players include: 

 1) Francesca (Franky) Sumcad / Valley Christian High School, +1.1 Handicap, # 1 player at Valley Christian and 2022 First Tee Participant in Pure Insurance Championship at Pebble Beach

2)    Sabrina Igbal – TCU graduate / California CIF High School Champion, NCGA Champion, SF City Champion, CA Women’s Amateur Champion, currently at Q – school for LPGA

3) Katherine Zhu – CAL graduate / Rolex All American, 2-time AJGA Champ, former #1 player at CAL

4) Caleb Shetler – SJSU / Mountain West Freshman of the year, 2021 US Amateur participant at Oakmont, Santa Clara County Champion, Course Record Holder Cinnabar (60) and San Jose Country Club (59) 

Players will play an exhibition 9-hole match and if a player wins a “skin” (lowest score on the hole).  He/She will be able to choose the First Tee – Silicon Valley or Youth on Course as the recipient of the money raised by spectators and club members.

Donations are welcome and can be pledged here

All proceeds will go to support junior golf benefitting First Tee – Silicon Valley and Youth on Course. 

Schedule of Events at Silver Creek Valley Country Club:

Saturday November 26, 2022

Free Admission to all spectators.

12:30pm -1:00 pm   Golf Clinic with Junior Honorary Members as demonstrators (watch and learn). Spectator Event Only / there is no hitting or playing except by SKINS PLAYERS

1:00pm – 3:15pm      Tee off 1st Hole, Spectators need to walk the course

3:15pm – 5:00pm      Awards and Pictures with SKINS PLAYERS

READ FAQ and sign up as a guest / spectator.

Link to FAQ–ftCB-sUtC0WalzHhsjDEppnIK-CU/edit?usp=sharing

Sign up as guest on google sheet.

Main Contact: Wayne Kumagai [email protected] for additional information.

Background Info: Franky Sumcad was chosen to be a Silver Creek Valley Country Club Junior Honorary Member in July 2021. SCVCC created this program to support young, prominent, local golfers as well as grow the game of golf.  Franky will have access to the club to practice, work at junior clinics, and be a role model for the club’s youth. She has been in the First Tee – Silicon Valley since 2012 and has progressed to our Ace level. Additionally, she has been a volunteer coach for several years coaching our younger participants.

Franky Sumcad
Baiba Scott with Franky