The Moca Foundation $25K Grant for Gilroy Youth

The Moca Foundation has provided a $15K grant to support course sessions for Gilroy youth and $10K to support driving range improvements for Gavilan Golf Course.

First Tee – Silicon Valley delivers Youth Development to South County

First Tee – Silicon delivers our youth development program at 3 locations throughout Silicon Valley with Gavilan College Golf Course serving South County youth. The Moca Foundation grant will help underwrite mentor training to provide a 1 coach:4 participant ratio coaching, curriculum supplies and golf course access fees especially for the youth in the Gilroy area. FTSV is focused on building relationships, fostering teamwork and inclusion, and creating an engaging activity-based learning environment that makes learning interactive and fun.

Moca Foundation Funds will aid in improvements to Gavilan Golf Course

We are also excited to announce that The Moca Foundation will be funding driving range upgrades which has been on our wish list for a few years.  It will include replacing the range mats, safety dividers, golf ball trays and rubber tees on the upper range and building out a new lower driving range with the same necessary amenities.  This will allow FTSV to provide a more engaging class with more hitting and less watching and waiting.

May van Scherrenburg, The Moca Foundation Associate Director shared…

“We are proud to support First Tee – Silicon Valley’s efforts of character and leadership development for Gilroy youth to foster a culture of acceptance and provide mentorship. Golf provides a powerful vehicle to help kids build the strength of character and life skills that they can use both on and off the golf course.”

If you are interested in learning more about how you can support our programs or improvements, please contact Judy Dixon Deaton, Development Director [email protected] or 408-508-4881.

First Tee – Silicon Valley at Maze Day Community Fair

First Tee – Silicon Valley was able to attend this year’s Maze Day, a community resource fair held at Hoover Community School in Redwood City. It was a major success where our Program Coordinators were able to meet about 200 families, hand out 100+ backpacks that included First Tee – Silicon Valley flyers, and had more than 40 parents’ express interest in joining the program. Thank you to Hoover Community School for having us out, and we hope to come back in the future!

What is Maze Day?

Maze Day is a large community resource event where community organizations all come together to offer information about their programs. Organizations in attendance included the Sheriffs Activities League (SAL), Police Activities League (PAL), after school programs, and groups committed to providing books and school uniforms. For FTSV, we were able to build relationships with other community groups as well as community members. We attended both days of the resource fair and ended up leaving extra backpacks with Hoover Community School to distribute in the future, helping to make sure students have what they need to succeed.

FTSV Outreach Events

Outreach events like Maze Day are important parts of FTSV’s commitment to community partnerships. Being able to reach more families and create partnerships with schools and organizations allows us to impact even more people. If you are a part of a school or community program and want to get involved with us, please contact Joe Stuban at [email protected].

FTSV Participants Compete at the 2023 PGA TOUR Champions’ PURE Insurance Championship Impacting First Tee

Support our 3 FTSV participants as they compete in the 2023 PGA TOUR Champions’ PURE Insurance Championship

First Tee – Silicon Valley Ace participants Joshua Jang, Norah Yang, and Camille Thai will be competing next week in the PGA TOUR Champions’ PURE Insurance Championship at Pebble Beach Golf Links, September19th to the 24th. You can watch the tournament on Golf Channel Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (22nd-24th) from 3-6pm. You can also watch in person. Click here for more information. Best of luck to Joshua, Norah, and Camille!

Meet Joshua

Joshua is a standout FTSV participant and volunteer coach. Joshua has been an engaged participant since 2016 and a dedicated FTSV volunteer since 2020, amassing over 200 volunteer hours. He’s taken initiative and collaborates well with our staff on ideas for program improvements. He is also a high-performing competitive golfer. He recently qualified for the 112th California Amateur Championship and is a 3-year starter for his varsity golf team. “I feel that my selection for the PURE Insurance is a testament that First Tee has always been about more than just golf,” says Joshua. “First Tee – Silicon Valley has been an important part of my life, and the strong sense of community and support for one another has helped me realize what it means to be part of a positive change larger than oneself.”

Click here to watch Joshua Jang find out he was selected on Golf Channel.

Meet Norah

Norah is a leader and role model in her classes as a FTSV participant and as a volunteer coach. She has been active as a participant since 2015 and began volunteering as a FTSV coach in 2022. As it relates to her golfing acumen, Norah led her high school golf team to a league championship as a freshman and was awarded MVP in 2021. She has qualified for the USKids World Championship twice and the IMG Junior World at Torrey Pines. Additionally, Norah has placed high in several AGJA tournaments. “I am so excited to play,” says Norah. “There are so many applicants for these wonderful events, and to be selected makes me feel so honored and proud. First Tee had supported me every step of my golf journey, from not even knowing how to hold a golf club to being able to compete nationally with amazing golfers. It has taught me so much, and I look forward to representing First Tee – Silicon Valley.”

Meet Camille

Camille has been an outstanding participant in our program for a decade and has assisted us in our fundraising events. A highly ranked golfer who won the IMG Junior Worlds and placed 2nd at the Pinehurst US Kids World Team Championship, shooting 65. “I’m so excited and honored to be selected,” says Camille. “I’ve been with the First Tee for more than 10 years now and it has been instrumental in helping me develop both as a person and a player. I wouldn’t be who I am today without it.”

“We are excited for all three to experience an opportunity of a lifetime,” says Chris Moreno-Hunt, FTSV Program Director. “All three have been dedicated participants, and have made our chapter a better place. We will be cheering them on!”

First Tee – Silicon Valley Mentor Junior Tournament

The First Tee – Silicon Valley Mentor Junior Golf Tournament was a total blast! At Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course, younger FTSV participants paired up with the high school players, working together to do their best. Fun was had by all as the younger participants were able to experience competitive golf, some of them for the first time, while the older participants helped lead by example on the golf course.

A Collaborative Experience

During the Mentor/Junior Golf Tournament, we provide an opportunity for our youngest participants to learn from some of the older ones. They played together in a Shamble format, where everyone hit their drive, the team picked the best one, and they played their own balls from there. It was a very collaborative experience, and the best part was how people were able to make new friends and learn from one another.

Showing Respect

One of the biggest life skills demonstrated during the event was how to show respect. Starting from the first interaction, participants were introducing themselves, shaking hands and making everyone feel seen and comfortable as the round began. Golf etiquette was on full display, with divots and ball marks being repaired, and teammates encouraging and complimenting each other as the day went on. Showing respect for one another is a big part of First Tee – Silicon Valley, and during the Mentor/Junior tournament, it became clear how much our participants really live the values taught. All in all, everyone had fun, and bonds were built between our young participants and our returners.  

First Tee – Silicon Valley Chapter Championship

Every year, First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV) holds a Chapter Championship where participants of all ages can play in a fun, supportive and competitive environment. On Saturday, August 19th, 40 participants gathered to play at Rancho del Pueblo and demonstrate their First Tee life skills and golf skills. We want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who attended, parents, kids and volunteers alike. Thank you for making it such a huge success and we hope to have everyone back next year!

The players were sorted by their ages in a net stroke play event. There was a closest to the pin contest as well as a long drive, and even a raffle! All of our participants did very well, and most importantly, showed phenomenal sportsmanship and respect for themselves, others, and the course. Some players had never competed in a golf tournament before, and members of their group helped support them, assisting with rules, score keeping, and generally being positive and kind. It was a competitive event, but even in competition, the most important thing is everyone having fun and looking out for one another.

While score is absolutely not the most important thing, it is good to celebrate the winners of this event to recognize all of the effort they have been putting in working to develop their golf skills.

2nd – 4th Grade: Kazimir Zabinski (31, Overall Lowest Score!)

7th –  8th Grade: Nathan Lopez and Findlay Rich (33)

9th– 12th Grade: Kristen Tang (32)

After the event, everyone was treated to pizza while we awarded medals and prizes. All in all, participants, volunteers, and staff alike had a really fun time, and we hope that everyone will return for next year’s Chapter Championship. Thank you again to all and to Rancho del Pueblo for having us. Remember, if you stick with it and put in the effort over time, you’ll continue to impress yourself!

If you’d like to learn more about the opportunities we have for our participants, click here!

Girls’ Golf Summer Play Day

On Saturday, August 19th, First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV) held our Fall Pre-Season Girls Golf Play Day at Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course. The theme of the event was Summer Playday.

19 ofFTSV’s youth participants had a Summer-time blast playing golf, enjoying games and socializing with new friends. This event provided an opportunity for the girls to develop their respect for themselves and others, find their own voice, identify their talents, and inspire them to live active and healthy lifestyles.
On the course, the girls engaged with each other and worked as a team in summer themed golf games.  They played seashell scramble, coconut bowling, and hula hoop hop. They gained new friends, shared their summer memories, and bonded over common interests.

“This group had so much energy and were very conversational” – Coach Li An.

The event concluded with brunch, building a coral reef, and a game of giant Jenga. We hope this experience of building new friends and playing golf together was memorable for our girls, and that they take the lessons learned to help them as they grow into amazing women in our society.  Special thanks to Coach Gracie, Karen, Roni, Li An, and Natalie for hosting our event.

We are always thrilled to have our Girls Golf event, and want to say thank you to all the participants for making it such a success. Everyone made sure to create an inclusive, supportive and respectful atmosphere where all felt comfortable to learn and try new things. If you are interested in making a positive difference and mentoring youth for First Tee – Silicon Valley & Girls Golf, please visit:

Join us for the next Girls Golf Event

FTSV participants are welcome in join.  Learn more about our next Girls Golf event on November 11th, 2023 may contact Manny Gallardo at [email protected] or call (408) 508-4887. We will release our next event flyer around mid-October. Stay tuned!

FTSV hosted an Appreciation Day on August 12th

On Saturday, August 12th, First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV) hosted an Appreciation Day event at Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course. The event was a celebration of our FTSV families, participants and coaches, and an opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for them. We had over 140 people in attendance. Thank you so much to all that came out, and thank you for being a part of First Tee – Silicon Valley.

There were many fun games setup. On the putting green, we setup our Mission ImPuttable game, which are really challenging and fun putting holes where you can play against your friends. We had the driving range open for people to hit and clubs for people to borrow. There was also a tug of war, a sack race, and cornhole, and winners of any of our games could claim prizes from our prize tent. Near the end of our event, we provided pizza, dessert, and highlighted our CEO & President George Maxe for his 15-year anniversary with FTSV!

While the games were fun, the biggest success was people from throughout our FTSV community meeting each other and making connections. Because we have three different locations and many different days of class, often times families, coaches and volunteers are not easily able to meet and interact with others in the program. However, at Saturday’s event, FTSV families and coaches from throughout the South Bay had the opportunity to build relationships with each other. People were laughing, talking and having fun all while building connections to one another and helping to expand on the sense of community that we try to foster. We will be hosting more community and appreciation days at Rancho del Pueblo for all to attend and hope to have everyone come out. Until next time!

Click here to see photos of the event

Please invite your friends, family or anyone else you think would enjoy or benefit from our program to join us! Registration for the Winter season opens on November 8th.

We have awesome volunteer opportunities for people looking to get involved, give back to their community, and continue to develop leadership and mentorship skills. Parents, families, teenage participants, and community members are what allow us to impact as many young people as we do, so please consider joining our team!

Camille Thai took first place at the 2023 California Junior Girls’ State Championship

Over the weekend of June 19th, First Tee – Silicon Valley’s Camille Thai took first place at the 2023 California Junior Girls’ State Championship. By setting specific process goals throughout the weekend, Camille was able to focus herself only on the current shot, and play to the best of her ability.

Setting and Pursuing Goals

First Tee – Silicon Valley is an organization that teaches kids how to set and structure their goals in an effective way so that they can accomplish big things. By outlining their Process, Performance and Outcome Goals, our participants are able to stay motivated, stay confident, and, most importantly, actualize some of their biggest dreams. One of our teens, Camille Thai, was able to accomplish something really special, in part, due to her strong goal setting skills as well as her incredibly hard work.

The 2023 California Juniors Girls State Championship

Held at Quail Lodge Golf Club in Carmel. The week previous, Camille had participated in a different golf tournament where she was disappointed in her performance. Coming into the State Championship, she was determined and motivated to better play to her skill level. After playing her practice round, Camille didn’t have very high expectations for the weekend because the course was long and especially difficult.

After her first round, Camille finished stroke play at +2, not the result she was hoping for but still in contention. She decided then that her new outcome goal was to just make the cut, meaning she had to be within the top 16 players after two days. With this new goal set, Camille was able to focus and perform, finishing the second day of stroke play -1, putting her in first place. At this point, she was just really happy to have secured the medalist position.

The final two days of the tournament are a match play format. With the heat, and having to play potentially 36 holes in a day, two days in a row, the tournament became more of an endurance test. Camille made sure that her focus and goal was not on winning, but on just hitting good shots, and to always be thinking about the next one. When asked about what she was thinking, Camille said “I viewed it as two separate tournaments. Match play is really anyone’s game, so you need to focus on what you can control.”

As she played her matches and secured a solid lead, Camille never felt fully secure that she would achieve the ultimate victory. She continued to always be focused on the next shot, and after going bogey free, she was able to tie the final hole necessary to secure the win. The result served as a good reminder of just how much work she has put into her game, and it was quite the confidence booster.

Congratulations on the big win Camille!

Setting and using goals effectively play a large part in Camille’s ability to continue to improve and achieve what she wants. According to her, “It’s kind of ironic. Golf is result oriented, but to get the results you want, you need to focus on the process and short-term goals.” Camille says that when she plays good golf, she isn’t worried about where she will end up; she’s focused on the process, trying to shoot the best shot she can and then immediately moving on to the next shot. Taking this mentality into her everyday life helps her to break down stress and challenges, and approach goals step by step so that she can be her most productive.

Looking forward, Camille’s current goals are to get situated into her junior year as school starts up again, and figure out the new adventure of college applications and recruitment. In regards to golf, Camille’s goals are not score focused, instead they are more about how she feels on the course. She wants to continue to work on her mental game so that she can feel confident and secure over every shot, regardless of standing or situation.

First Tee – Silicon Valley is proud of Camille Thai for her accomplishments, but even more proud of how she has been able set and achieve her goals on and off the golf course. 

Register for a class!

Register your kid or teen. Visit our Course Program Page HERE to learn more.

Camille Thai CA Girls State Champ

National Night Out for Safety – August 4, 2023

On Tuesday, August 4th, First Tee – Silicon Valley attended National Night Out in San José. We met other local community organizations and shared our program with community members, residents and community partners. It was a great opportunity for FTSV to continue to make connections in the neighborhood surrounding Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course. In addition to setting up an informational tent, we set up our golf station with fun chipping games facilitated by participants Nancy and Salma Rivera, while other staff members talked with parents, and signed up new participants!

National Night Out (NN0) is a “national community-building campaign” designed to promote and facilitate community partnerships and safety by bringing people together. In the spirit of collaboration, which is one of FTSV’s six life skills, NNO encourages neighborhoods to host block parties, festivals and cookouts, with the purpose of building relationships and bringing down barriers within a neighborhood. This particular event was held in Emma Prusch Farm Park in District 5 of San José. Our affiliate golf course, Rancho del Pueblo, is located in the heart of District 5, and many of the schools that we partner with and deliver program to are also located in District 5, which made the event even more special.

What we are saying about the event

Victor Manrique, Operations Coordinator, was happy to have attended this event and feels like it has potential to lead to partnerships with other community organizations. He says “As someone who has never attended an event at Emma Prusch Farm, it was truly amazing seeing neighbors come together and enjoy what the community had to offer. It makes me more excited to start building more relationships with the local community and its resources.”  FTSV is thankful to have been invited, and we plan to return again in the future. We look forward to connecting with families, and forming more partnerships within the local community.  

Have First Tee – Silicon Valley attend your next Community Event

Contact Victor Manrique – [email protected] – if you are interested in having FTSV attend a community event.

Salma Rivera Awarded the Dennis Kettmann Memorial College Scholarship

First Tee Silicon – Valley participant Salma Rivera was recently awarded the 2023 Dennis Kettman Memorial Scholarship. Each year golfers in the Dennis Kettmann Memorial Tournament raise funds to remember Dennis. Their generosity underwrites this special $5,000 college scholarship for a FTSV chosen participant.

Dennis’s son and co-organizer of the Memorial Tournament, Matt Kettmann, learned the game from his father, Dennis, and knows that he must be smiling knowing that his memory is now helping FTSV’s young people pursue their college dreams. 

David Henningsen, who is also a co-organizer shared, “It was so wonderful to have the recipient of the “Big D” scholarship play in our tournament and speak to the supporters about how FTSV has impacted her.”

Meet Salma

Salma joined our program in 2018 and has been an incredible addition ever since. In her classes, she goes out of her way to build a tight knit, inclusive environment for her fellow participants by taking the time to get to know people. She is a great conversationalist who displays her care and consideration for others through thoughtful questions and responses. Salma is also a dedicated and invaluable volunteer, offering up her time to assist with all kinds of FTSV projects and events, and generally being a person who we feel lucky to have in the program.

Salma played in the Memorial Tournament and gave her speech at its conclusion. In her speech she said, “The First Tee curriculum focuses on building a positive self-identity by embracing your unique qualities and always striving to improve.  Thanks to First Tee and my coaches, I have been able to push myself to do much more than I thought possible, and they have pushed me to my stretch zone. My coaches taught me that even though it might be scary, I should always pursue opportunities and take on challenges, which is something that keeps me going.”

Salma went on to share about the impact financial aid has had on her and her family. She said “Both my sister and I are recipients of the financial aid program and we have had a great experience thanks to it. Us along with others I know, have been able to stay in the program, and have been granted local and national opportunities thanks to the financial aid program. I was able to go on my first plane ride to the Game Changers Academy in Philadelphia thanks to First Tee as well as earn this scholarship in order to be able to continue my education in college and be something greater in life. Other participants like my sister were able to join multiple academies in different states and got multiple scholarships because of the opportunities First Tee opened and she was able to get into one of the top ten colleges in the country.” The Dennis Kettman Memorial Scholarship has made a huge impact on Salma, as well as all the other previous recipients.

Salma has set “Outcome Goals” for herself of finishing high school strong and being accepted into college, and this scholarship has made that goal that much more reachable. She is grateful to be selected and said, “Thank you to the people of the DK tournament. Without the scholarship, a lot of us would not have the opportunity to go to college and succeed, and lot of us wouldn’t continue our education, so I am very thankful for the award. Thank you!”

Thank you to the Dennis Kettman Memorial Golf Tournament, and congratulations to Salma Rivera!

  • Interested in joining the program like Salma? Please click here
  • Interested in coaching? Please click here
  • Interested in making a donation? Click here
  • Interested in our being a community outreach partner? Click here
  • Interested in our local, regional, and national opportunities? Click here

FTSV participants play in the NorCal Chapter Championship

Each summer, First Tee participants play in the First Tee NorCal Championship, bringing together chapter kids and teens from all over Northern California. On Monday, July 31st, First Tee – Silicon Valley participants played at the Del Rio Country Club in Modesto alongside and against participants from First Tee chapters including San Francisco, Monterey, Central Valley, Contra Costa, Greater Sacramento, San Joaquin, Tri Valley and Fresno.

This is a fun, unique opportunity for our participants to meet kids from different chapters, make friends, play golf in a fun, competitive tournament, and enjoy an experience different from their normal FTSV classes. Special thanks to our First Tee – Silicon Valley participants Joey, Natalie, Dylan, Tristian, Raashika, and Shivika for coming out to play!

Join Us!

First Tee – Silicon Valley offers many different participant opportunities, including other tournaments, scholarships, leadership academies, and much more.

Please visit our Youth Opportunities page to learn more about these opportunities, and visit our Volunteer and Course Program pages to learn how to get involved!

FTSV Chapter Champs 2023

Great News! FTSV Expands Access at Rancho Up to 2048

Great news! FTSV has a new agreement for expanded access at Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course for our character building programs for the next 25 years. Our plans are well underway to increase the number of classes that each individual participant can take and to double the total number of kids and teens in our program.

The City of San Jose leased Rancho, Los Lagos, and San Jose Muni to CourseCo for up to 25 years this past April 2023. FTSV is grateful to City Council and CourseCo for sharing the vision to transform Rancho into more of a “community (golf) center.”

“FTSV built our program at Rancho over the last 21 years and we are thrilled to have a new long-term agreement. It is a strong indication that CourseCo is serious about significantly increasing the community’s benefit of Rancho.” said George Maxe, FTSV President & CEO. “We are excited to have CourseCo as a partner as we make Rancho an even more welcoming place for kids, teens, and San Jose residents, especially those who live on the Eastside.”

Fall Registration opens on Wednesday, August 16th with more classes for more kids to participate. There are also coaching positions available for both paid and volunteer roles to join our team.

Stay tuned as we begin to make improvements to realize our exciting vision for Rancho that helps change the game for our community. Contact George Maxe at [email protected] or 408-288-2937 if you have any questions or would like to help with underwriting.