As part of First Tee National’s partnership with PGA TOUR Superstores, First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV) was awarded a $31K Grant – $16,000 in support of our upcoming teen retention initiatives and $15,000 in support of our DE&I initiatives.
FTSV Teen Retention Initiatives
Our greatest teen recruitment challenge is teens’ lack awareness that golf is an option. Teens stop exploring new sports at this age and if they do explore, sadly golf is not always seen as “cool.”
FTSV believes strongly in and is committed to longitudinal mentoring and character development. The longer that we have to walk alongside kids, the broader and deeper their personal growth. Forming high quality developmental relationships with our experienced coaches is the most important element in the transfer of life skills to teen participants. We strive to maximize mentoring time (e.g., purposeful Q&A with participants about a class’s lessons and life skills) and minimize the “noise” of so many moving parts required to conduct quality programming. We draw from Positive Coaching Alliance and The Search Institute to deliver coach training that equips our staff with proven and effective relationship-building strategies.
The PGATSS $16K grant will support the coaching required for our existing and expanding teen initiatives. More specifically, this grant ensures experienced program coordination, which includes coaching delivery that is essential to maintain and improve our teen support.
Read more about our Teen Initiatives:
Summer of Opportunity – Ace Career Project – Junior Council
FTSV DE&I Retention Initiatives
Our programs are accessible to youth of different backgrounds and perspectives and affordable to families experiencing financial hardship. Appreciating diversity, respect, integrity, active listening, and empathy are at the core of what we teach the youth we serve.
FTSV’s greatest challenge in reaching underserved/underrepresented youth is convincing parents that golf, in general, and our program, in particular, are a good opportunity and an affordable option for their kids and teens. A disproportionate percentage of the low-income youth in our service area are Latino. Many parents speak only Spanish and most believe that golf is too expensive and unwelcoming.
To overcome this challenge, FTSV intentionally partners with Title 1 schools near our on-course golf locations, which are located in lower income areas. Our School Program equips educators to successfully deliver FTSV’s curriculum of life skills through golf. It includes equipment on loan, training, support, coordination and a field trip to FTSV course locations. In addition, FTSV staff collaborates with the schools to attend on-site parent information and community events, where we can promote transition opportunities to our on-course golf program and connect with parents. Our staff uses this opportunity to break down stereotypes of golf, connect with parents, and provide information on the life skills curriculum, scholarships and future opportunities afforded to FTSV participants.
The PGATSS $15K grant will underwrite annual school partner fees for a total of 8 Title 1 Schools to ensure we are reaching underserved youth with the goal of transitioning them to our on-course program utilizing our financial aid program.
FTSV is very grateful that PGA TOUR Superstores chose our chapter to be a recipient of their generous grants to further these important initiatives.

Published: 09-12-2024