Become a TFTSV Volunteer Coach

TFTSV is looking for dedicated individuals interested in helping mentor youth in our programs. Volunteers must have a positive approach and a drive to make a difference in the lives of program participants. This is a great opportunity to meet and work together with like-minded coaches, positively impact youth through golf, and give back to your community. Training is provided and golf skills are not required. Volunteer positions are available. Join our team and make a help difference! Summer Season onboarding steps must be in process by May 15th. Please click here for more information and how to get started.

Staying Connected to Participants

As we look back over the last month and a half, we want to express our gratitude for your ongoing support and commitment to maintain a sense of community through our various activities. We loved seeing our participants’ build their own mini golf course, post about who is on their go-to team, build and play an indoor putt bowling game, create beautiful core values artwork, and even show responsibility by competing in our laundry toss contest. To read about each challenge and to see the great work put in by our participants please visit our News section and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. At a time where we can easily feel isolated, our participants have shown us that there are still many ways to stay connected. We are working hard to prepare for a return to normal programming. We miss coaching and working with everyone, and until we restart our in-person programs, please know that we will continue to design more challenges to stay engaged and build community.

Ace Class Exploring Careers via Zoom

This Spring marks the largest enrollment for an Ace class in TFTSV history – 14 participants! Despite the COVID-19 crisis, these participants are taking the Ace-Career Exploration class online via Zoom. Chris Moreno-Hunt, Program Director, and George Maxe, President & CEO, are teaching about self-awareness, types of industries and business functions, informational interviews, planning and resume building. The self-awareness section guides participants to a better understanding of interests, values, and skills both in general and theirs, in particular. The objective is to help them see the overlap between a “work” personality and careers. For example, individuals with more developed communication and social skills tend to select and perform well in people-oriented careers such as teaching, sales, and human resources. Two of the hallmarks of the four Ace projects – career, education, volunteerism, and golf – are exploration and goal ladders, a First Tee tool first introduced to participants at the Birdie level. Participants leverage their new self- and work-awareness to learn more by conducting three informational interviews and preparing career action plans using a goal ladder. For example, a current participant who is interested in a career in sports management recently interviewed with John Poch, Executive Director of the San Jose Sports Authority, which is Silicon Valley’s sports commission and founding organization of TFTSV. Of course, Coaches Chris and George are ready to help including making business introductions of participants to potential informational interviewees. As Ace-Career participants make progress on their career goals, they will surely encounter various roadblocks. Thus, the class also addresses the challenges they may face building upon the “Dealing with Challenges” lesson they had in the Birdie level. COVID-19 has certainly posed its challenges to each of us. We’re proud of our Ace-Career participants for staying in the game with TFTSV by taking this season’s class via Zoom.
Amanda Flores

TFTSV’s Laundry Toss Contest Winners

On May 2nd, 19 TFTSV participants along with 9 parents/guardians took part in our laundry toss responsibility contest. All contestants joined the competition on Zoom and took turns tossing their rolled-up socks into their laundry bins from 3 yards away. We played two rounds, and divided the competition between participants and parent/guardians. The goal was to toss as many socks into their laundry bins out of 10 as possible. Music played during each round and everyone practiced their responsibility by getting a head start on their Saturday laundry. Congratulations, and thank you to everyone who participated. The winners of the Spring 2020 Laundry Toss Contest are: Participant Division 1st place – Edwin Sanchez 2nd place – Shreyash Avasarala 3rd place – Mariano Garcia and Genesis Torres Parent/Guardian Division 1st place – Shreyash’s mother 2nd place – Genesis and Camila’s mother Please follow us and stay engaged Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Edwin can be seen in the middle, left screen in the photo.

TFTSV Core Value Drawing/Art Contest Winner Announced

Beginning, Tuesday, April 14th TFTSV participants were encouraged to submit their artwork that best represented one of our nine core values. Thank you to those who submitted their art/drawing, great work! The winner of the TFTSV Core Value Drawing/Art Contest is Nancy Rivera! Congratulations Nancy! Nancy’s drawing will be the cover photo and placed on the front flipper of our website at The top 5 submissions can be seen below and the winning artwork will be posted next week on our social media accounts. Please follow us and stay engaged Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Winner – Nancy Rivera

TFTSV Core Value Drawing/Art Contest

  Calling all participants! TFTSV is looking for new Core Value artwork to be placed on our website, and what better art than yours? Beginning, Thursday, April 16th TFTSV participants are encouraged to submit their art. We will feature all submissions, and the winning participant will be the cover photo for the website post. Guidelines:
  • Art project can be a drawing, painting, or an arts and craft project
  • The project must represent one of our Core Values (Respect, Courtesy, Responsibility, Honesty, Sportsmanship, Confidence, Perseverance, Judgment, Integrity)
  • Art submissions must be submitted to [email protected] by Monday, April 20th at 11:59pm
  • Please send the picture as a JPEG
Please follow us and stay engaged Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

TFTSV Indoor Putt Bowling Challenge Winner Announced

Beginning April 7th, participants were challenged to build their own indoor putt bowling game and participate in the indoor putt bowling challenge. Congratulations to everyone who submitted a video. Hopefully you can use the game set up to practice your putting while at home.

The winner of the Spring 2020 Indoor Putt Bowling challenge is……. Salma Rivera! Congratulations Salma!

We will also post her winning video on our social media accounts next week. Please follow us and stay engaged Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Click here for a video on how to build the putting game.


Indoor Putt Bowling Challenge

Beginning Tuesday, April 7th, TFTSV participants can participate in our Indoor Putt Bowling Challenge. All video submissions are due by 11:59pm, 4/10. Join the fun and compete against other TFTSV participants for the right to be called TFTSV Putt Bowling Champion!
Challenge: Putt Bowling
See below for videos on how to set up and play the game.
  • Each player must build their own ramp using the video tutorial (see below).
  • Three targets are placed equal distance from each other on the top of the ramp (see video).
  • Each player hits 10 putts from 10ft away, please use integrity and honesty.
  • Players must use a golf ball or a plastic/nerf golf ball.
  • 5 points for each ball that knocks down the outside targets (plastic spice bottles).
  • 10 points for each ball that knocks down the middle target (plastic spice bottle).
  • Please submit a 10 second video to [email protected] of you putting to the target. Please also tell us your name, your TFTSV level, and your point total in the video.
  • Videos are due Friday, 4/10 no later 11:59pm.
  • The winning video will be posted next Tuesday on our website.
We will also post his winning video on our social media accounts next week. Please follow us and stay engaged Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

TFTSV 2020 Summer Registration

We are anticipating having registration open for our 2020 Summer classes on Wednesday, May 13th for all participants 2nd grade and up. Nothing will be official until Tuesday, May 5th, once we are provided an update on the stay in place order. For our class flyer and scheduled classes, please click here. Classes are held once a week (same day each week) over a 9-week period beginning June 9th and ending August 8th (no class 6/30 – 7/4). Each class, participants are learning a golf fundamental and a core life lesson through engaging games and activities. Come join our program and experience a fun, safe, and friendly learning environment. See you soon!

Staying Connected and Building a Support Team – #RespectOthers #GoToTeam #TFTSV

Por favor oprima aquí para Español We all need people or animals we can depend on, to reassure us, to support us, and to guide us. At the First Tee of Silicon Valley we believe in building teamwork and relationships so much so that one of our Core Lessons is centered around how to, and why we create a “Go-To Team.”  Having a go-to team means you have someone to turn to when life gets hard, you have someone to challenge your beliefs, and offer advice when asked. A go-to team can come from anywhere and anyone. All we have to do is ask, ask for help, ask for guidance. And when we are asked to be on someone’s go-to team, we need to listen. Golf is an individual sport, where we can be isolated in our thoughts for better or worse. Yet it doesn’t have to be that way. By asking questions, expressing interest, and respecting others we can build lasting friendships, gain new perspectives and create a positive support network with the people we play with and our coaches. We are committed to being a friendly resource for all, and during this time we ask that you explore how you have been impacted by your go-to team and how you can be the best go-to person for others. Please share a picture of you with your go-to team on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter using #TFTSV and #gototeam and #respectothers. Make sure to follow us too. We are never alone nor should we be. Let’s build a team and spread the word. TFTSV Core Staff is a Go-To Team: Judy, George, Lina, Manny, Julie, Carlos, Chris, Joe & Gabby (left to right by row starting with the top left)

DRIVE Outreach Field Trips

TFTSV hosted several school field trips at Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course during February. Our goal was to reward our current DRIVE (Develops Rewarding, Inspiring Values for Everyone) partners and students by offering them a field trip at the conclusion of their DRIVE classes. Students were able to experience a typical TFTSV class and transition from hitting tennis balls at school to real golf balls at a golf course. DRIVE utilizes our golf platform to extend the life skills and The First Tee Nine Core Values to young people who may not previously have been exposed to the game of golf.  The program’s Activity Plans are designed in a way that allows for indoor and outdoor set up to fit a variety of locations such as gymnasiums and soccer fields.  Training and staff support are provided so anyone can deliver DRIVE regardless of their golf knowledge. In the month of February, we welcomed over 100 total participants from Cesar Chavez, Arbuckle, San Antonio, Anne Darling, Empire Gardens, Generations United, and Bracher Elementary. We are proud to be partnering with youth organizations and schools, many of which are Title I schools with a high percentage of students on free or reduced lunch. For many of the students, their trip to the Rancho Del Pueblo was their first experience at a real golf course. Several of the participants signed up for our 8-week season at Gavilan Golf Course, Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course, and Baylands Golf Links under our financial assistance program. For more information on our DRIVE program please visit

Participant Spotlight: Dylan Chang

Meet Dylan Chang, an 7th grader at Ralston Middle School. He began our program in the summer of 2015 and is currently an Eagle participant (Eagle is our 2nd highest level). He regularly enrolls in 3-4 class seasons a year, receives our A/B honor roll distinction every semester, and is a consistent participant in our seasonal tournaments. Dylan also voluntarily assists our coaches in setting up and taking down our games and equipment every Saturday. He arrives early and stays late to help his coaches and is an engaged participant in our classes.  He is an ambitious and respectful young man who is a joy to have in our program. Congratulations, Dylan, and good luck playing for middle school golf team!