Summer “In-Person” Classes – Started This Week

TFTSV began our first of five weeks of in-person classes on July 7th at Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course and on July 11th at Gavilan Golf Course. Our summer in-person classes were reduced to comply with the local safety guidelines allowing us to provide 11 smaller classes while serving over 110 participants. Although we would have liked to have our full schedule of potentially 500 participants, we are excited classes have resumed and look forward to providing an engaging set of golf and life skills lessons. Our team is committed to following county, city, and golf course safety guidelines and keeping our participants and coaches safe this season. Part of the preparation for the summer in-person classes included bringing our team of volunteers and instructors up to speed on the new safety policies. On July 1st we held our first ever volunteer and instructor Zoom training covering safety practices and developing our coaching tools. We have a great team of coaches ready to create a safe, fun, and supportive environment for all. To join our team and get involved as a volunteer coach, please visit our Volunteer page. To learn more about our programs and future seasons please visit our Youth Classes page.

TFTSV Offers Community and Exercise – Fall Class Registration Opens Aug 12th

What’s become a challenge and creating lots of uneasiness during this social isolation and social distancing is the imbalance between spending time inside and outside our homes. Having schools switch to online classes, and programs being shut down has shifted daily routines causing anxiety among youth and families trying to fill the void of exercise and community. TFTSV’s classes offer a solution for youth to be in small groups learning life and golf skills through fun and engaging golf games and physical activities. Making new friends and being around positive and supportive coaches is one of the top reasons our participants love our program. Golf has seen a huge resurgence as the ultimate outdoor social distancing, safe activity making our program a great space to be active while building community.   Our next season begins September 7th and ends October 31st.  Mark your calendar now for registration which opens August 12th and closes September 1st. TFTSV will schedule classes in compliance with local safety guidelines. Please stay tuned for future announcements regarding the Fall Season. We look forwarded to serving new and returning participants and families. All youth 2nd grade and above are welcome and invited! Tell a friend, and learn more about our programs and future seasons by visiting our Youth Classes page.

Coaches Needed – Due to Covid-19 Cohort Protocol

TFTSV is looking for additional coaches to join our team for the Fall Season (9/8 to 10/31) and beyond. If you are interested in giving back to your community, instilling life-enhancing values, and mentoring youth through golf, this is the position for you. We offer golf and life skill training so you do not need to be an expert golfer. TFTSV’s goal is to ensure a fun, safe and engaging learning environment with caring coaches – both employee and volunteer mentors – who are trained on our coaching strategies – activity-based, mastery-driven, empower youth, and continuous learning. We coach all youth 2nd – 12th grade regardless of background or experience.   Per our county’s current safety guidelines, our coaches are allowed to coach only one class in order to avoid not mixing with multiple cohorts or groups. This new safety rule limits our ability to deliver our normal number of classes for up to 500 participants. We believe in the lasting impact of our program and want to make our program available to as many families as possible, but to do so, we need additional caring and committed coaches. Consider joining our team as a volunteer coach, please click here to get started or contact our Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt.

Curriculum Core Lesson Clip

During the County shelter-in-place order our staff created short core lesson videos for participants and families and instructional training videos for our coaches. The core lesson videos are intended to be a guide for families to reinforce our core life lessons in your everyday lives.

Last month we highlighted a Par and PLAYer video and this month we are featuring a Birdie video. Coach Chris shares the importance of building and using a Goal Ladders to achieve large goals in everyday life and in the game of golf. Our goal is to teach without lecturing, and help students learn by doing and reflecting.

Please watch the videos below for a sample of the many curriculum videos available to participants and their families that are active in our program. Learn more about our Youth Classes and exposing your family to our positive youth development curriculum.

Summer Classes Resume

TFTSV is excited to deliver our Summer program and are thankful for the support and commitment of our participants, parents/guardians, and donors. Thanks to them, we have 375 participants registered for the Summer, and are able to deliver classes. The first 3 weeks in June will be optional, online Zoom classes and the final 5 weeks from July 7th to August 8th will be regular, in-person Golf Course classes. All 8 weeks of content will be delivered in the 5-week in-person classes. Maintaining safety is of upmost importance as we navigate uncertain times. We are following the safety guidelines put forth by the County, Parks and Recreation, and affiliate golf courses. Our final policies will be posted as we get closer to July 7th. To learn more about our programs and future seasons please visit our Youth Classes page. On Saturday June 6th, we held our first ever parent orientation on Zoom. We had a great turnout and discussed safety procedures, updated class policies, local and national opportunities, and provided details on our class structure and purpose. Parent/guardian involvement is a key component of our program. Parents/guardians are encouraged to get involved, volunteer, and help participants absorb the life lessons. To get involved as a volunteer coach, help at our upcoming fundraisers, or help with our check-in table please click here.

Alumni Returning as Coaches

This summer we are fortunate to have 5 TFTSV alumni returning as coaches – Sapna Desai, Gracie Lacy, Andres Herrera, Noah Covarrubias, and Erica Lam. All alumni progressed to our top Ace level and have 7 or more years associated with our chapter. They are in a unique position to lead by example. Having the experience as a participant, and volunteer coach provides them with tools to connect with their students. They are carrying on a tradition of alumni returning to our chapter to give back and make a positive difference. TFTSV believes positive youth development happens through a meaningful, quality relationship between the coach and participant. Mentor coaches are critical to ensuring our participants have an optimum and enjoyable learning environment. Therefore, we are always looking for high quality volunteers to serve as mentor coaches.  

New Core Lesson Video Resources

During the County SIP order our staff created short core lesson videos for participants and families and instructional training videos for our coaches. The core lesson videos are intended to be a guide for families to reinforce the core life lessons in your everyday lives. Two of our video stars are alumni of The First Tee of Silicon Valley who now work for our chapter – Gabby and Joe. Gabby Ruiz began our program in 2010, started coaching in 2017, and now works as a Program Coordinator. She helps with marketing in the office part time, coaches at Baylands and Rancho Del Pueblo, and studied Graphic Design at Mission College. In the Fall she is going to San Jose State University to pursue her Bachelor’s Degree. Joe Stuban began our program in 2004 as participant. He returned as a Program Instructor in 2019 and, like Gabby, quickly advanced to Program Coordinator. He works part time in our office on program administration and outreach in addition to coaching classes at Rancho Del Pueblo and Gavilan Golf Course. Joe is currently finishing up his Bachelor’s Degree at San Jose State University majoring in Economics. Both Joe and Gabby are hardworking, smart, compassionate TFTSV alumni leaders. We are lucky to have them on our team. Please watch the videos below for a sample of the many curriculum videos available to participants and their families that are active in our program. Learn more about our Youth Classes and exposing your family to our positive youth development curriculum. Gabby on Meeting & Greeting (A.L.R) Video Joe on COURTESY Video

Statement regarding events surrounding the death of George Floyd

We are disheartened and upset at the events surrounding the death of George Floyd. The First Tee of Silicon Valley strongly condemns racism and discrimination and believes there is no place in this world for hate and prejudice. Appreciating diversity, respect, integrity, active listening, and empathy are at the core of what we teach the youth we serve. We are determined to continue our mission of building character to shape the leaders of tomorrow and to inspire them to make our community and the world a better place. -The First Tee of Silicon Valley Here is the public statement from The First Tee National CEO:
“Society bears the marks of prejudice and injustice, even today. The events over the last week are disturbing and heartbreaking on so many levels. I wish we could shield today’s young people from it, and yet, it’s all around them. As a community of caring adults who come together in support of the next generation, it’s our responsibility to ensure kids build the confidence to find their voice, their footing, and stand up for what is right, even when it’s hard. Our character is a compass, and it is the source of our words, thoughts and actions. Strong character stands against injustice. As we grieve the events happening around us, we have to lead the next generation to higher ground.” – Greg McLaughlin, CEO, First Tee

Our High School Graduates!

The First Tee of Silicon Valley would like to wish our 2020 class a big congratulations on their high school graduation! We are proud of who they are, and what they have accomplished in and out of the classroom. They have been involved with TFTSV between 4-11 years, excelling as participants, and giving back as volunteer coaches. Although we are sad to see them go, we are excited for what lies ahead. Good luck class of 2020. We are proud of you!

Amanda Nguyen – Eagle – 5 years
Andres Herrera – Ace – 7 years
Archis Dhar – Ace Certified – 8 years
Arthi Chandra – Ace – 11 years
Avery Chen – Eagle – 8 years
Calton Kong – Ace – 10 years
Darren Chan – Eagle – 9 years
Erica Lam – Ace Certified – 9 years
Francis Agcaoli – Eagle Certified – 4 years
Gracie Lacy – Ace – 10 years
Juan Pablo Roa – Ace – 9 years
Justin Lam – Ace – 8 years
Krisha Sharma – Eagle – 8 years
Linette Jun – Ace – 6 years
Mitchell Fong – Ace – 4 years
Pranav Vadali – Ace – 6 years
Ralph Kho – Ace – 7 years
Rishi Ajjarapu – Ace – 8 years
Sarah Finch – Ace Certified – 10 years
Twisha Sharma – Eagle – 9 years

The participants above progressed through our program and either participated in the Eagle or the Ace levels. The Eagle level is our second highest level in our program (4 of 5). Eagle participants refine their golf playing skills with emphasis course management and ball flight, learn to develop their leadership skills, and utilize cooperative and collaborative communication strategies. They also learn to build healthy mental and physical habits, and explore what it means to appreciate diversity. The Ace level is the top level in the program. Ace participants take a series of (4) 8-week projects that focuses on career development, post high school education preparation/exploration, volunteerism, and advanced mental and physical golf training. Making it through our program takes commitment, perseverance, and consistent demonstration of the First Tee Nine Core Values. We look forward to the participants taking what they learned and using the core values to make the world a better place.

For more information on our mission, curriculum, coaching, and how to get started please visit

Juan Pablo Roa as a new and graduating participant

Letter – From TFTSV’s President & CEO

On behalf of TFTSV’s core staff and board, we hope that you and yours are well. TFTSV’s core staff is doing well, engaged, and productive. “Dealing with Challenges” and “Playing with Perseverance” are two of TFTSV’s 27 core lessons that are very relevant during this season of sheltering-in-place. It is noteworthy that what we teach the young people in our care applies well beyond golf to other parts of life including how we as individuals, families, organizations, and communities make the best of a public health crisis. Those of us who work or volunteer for TFTSV do so because we enjoying helping all participants regardless of background be the best versions of themselves and have the best shot at success. Therefore, it’s been very strange to not be coaching and mentoring youth for such a long period – we cancelled our spring classes for 500 participants. However, core staff are keeping their eye on the ball so that we can get straight back to business when we resume classes this summer. Our team of five full-timers and four part-timers have been working from home on a wide variety of activities/lessons for participants at home and projects to improve our program and business, including our web site. For example, we are building an online resource library of our 27 core lessons, golf cues, and more for participants, families, and coaches to foster learning outside of actual classes. We have created corresponding signs of each core lesson for all to reference at our check-in/-out table for each class to reinforce our curriculum. We will be stronger and better as an organization when we expect to return to classes this summer. I speak for myself, our staff and our board when I say how enormously grateful we are to our financial supporters. Your prior generosity has been very important during such an unexpected, adverse time as it has enabled us to keep most of our infrastructures (including core staff) intact. While we are excited to return to what we so enjoy – helping participants –, we will do so with serious concerns about TFTSV’s long-term, financial stability. We need our supporters now more than ever. If you are moved to make a donation, we will surely put it to important use as we pay it forward for the benefit of the youth in our care. Best, George Maxe

Rishi & Ralph National Spotlight Feature

The First Tee home office has selected two of our seniors, Rishi Ajjarapu and Ralph Kho, to highlight nationally. They will be featured in a national spotlight for their local and chapter contributions. Rishi Ajjarapu joined our chapter in 2012. He successfully made it to our top Ace level, and moved into a volunteer coaching role in 2016. Over the last 3 years, he has contributed over 376 hours of volunteer coaching. Throughout his time at TFTSV, he has demonstrated leadership, compassion, and enthusiasm which contributed to his successes as a participant and coach. In addition to his TFTSV contributions, he was selected by national panel of judges to attend the Joe Louis Barrow Life Skills & Leadership Academy in Boise Idaho and the NorCal Life Skills & Leadership Academy. While at the NorCal academy, he was selected by the coaching staff to receive the “Excellence in Core Values” award which goes to the student who best demonstrates and exhibits the core values throughout the academy. Rishi credits TFTSV for his motivation, leadership and interpersonal skills needed to pursue his extracurricular activities. He is a member of his high school’s Future Business Leaders of America group. His FBLA group worked together as a team to create Seniors Get Savvy, a non-profit aimed to teach seniors how to use technology. His FBLA team competed and placed 2nd in a state-wide competition evaluating their contributions to local businesses and non-profits. He also served on his Cupertino Youth Activity Board which put together an event providing mental health resources to teens. Rishi says, “Golf is a medium that brings people together, and I want to bring people together for the common good.” He attributes our core lessons of ALR (Ask, Listen & Respond), Go-To-Team, and Goal Ladders as reasons he felt prepared in his clubs and credits the core values for his motivation to succeed and give back. Rishi plans to attend college at the Rutgers University, New Brunswick in the Fall. Meet Ralph Kho. He has been in TFTSV program for 9 years and is an Ace level participant. Ralph began our program in TFTSV’s first season at Palo Alto Muni (now Baylands) in 2011. He has been an instrumental part of our organization volunteering for community events and coaching classes. In 2016, he was selected as the recipient of the Dennis Kettmann Scholarship Award which offers a college scholarship to the college of their choice. Ralph is planning on using the scholarship as he attends the University of Dallas in the Fall. Ralph has not only succeeded in our chapter, but has also been selected by The First Tee national judges to participate in the National Par 3 Championship, the NorCal Life Skills & Leadership Academy, and the PURE Insurance First Tee Championship at Pebble Beach Golf Course. In addition to his local First Tee accomplishments he is active in his community as an International Student Mentor and a member of his school’s National Honor Society and Multi-Cultural Club. Ralph credits TFTSV for “teaching me moral principles, what it is like to have a positive mindset, how to cope with stress, and how to stay physically and mentally healthy.” Please join us in congratulating Rishi and Ralph for their contributions, accomplishments, and graduation. We are proud of who they are and we wish them the best as they embark on their college journeys.

Summer Registration Opens May 13th

Registration for our 2020 Summer classes opens Wednesday, May 13th for all participants 2nd grade and up. For our class flyer and scheduled classes, please click here. Classes are held once a week (same day each week) over a 9-week period beginning June 9th and ending August 8th (no class 6/30 – 7/4). * In each class, participants learn a golf fundamental and a core life lesson through engaging games and activities. Come join our program and experience a fun, safe, and friendly learning environment. *Our summer schedule is dependent on the Santa Clara County’s stay-in-place order. We have contingency plans available if the stay-in-place order carries into June or July. More information/details will follow by the end of May, if necessary. We are committed to keeping our participants, parents/guardians, staff, and coaches safe by complying with our host golf course’s safety/sanitizing guidelines and by implementing a few new procedures and policies that can be seen here. We hope to see you soon!