13 FTSV Participants Compete for National Opportunities

13 Ace participants from our chapter were selected to apply for this year’s national First Tee participant opportunities. The 13 were selected based on their activity/engagement in our chapter, their grade, and active duration within the program. Only active Ace participants (our highest level) were able to apply for scholarships and national opportunities.

The national opportunities include FT Game Changers Academy, First Tee Innovators Invitation, Pure Insurance First Tee Open, John Deere Drive Your Future Academy, First Tee National Championship, and the First Tee Leadership Summit to name a few. These opportunities are scattered around the country ranging from Montana to Monterey, from Illinois to South Carolina. Additionally, we had a few participants apply for national scholarships like the First Tee College Scholarship Program, and the John Deere Power Four Good Scholarship. Only a few are eligible to apply for each opportunity and selections will take place throughout the year. Applications include submitting their school resume, extracurricular activities, golf activities, together with essay responses and letters of recommendations.

The application process is rigorous and our participants are competing with top participants from around the country for a small selection of slots. “They have worked hard to showcase their outstanding accomplishments and illustrate the impact First Tee – Silicon Valley has had on their lives” says Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt. “We wish them luck and are keeping our fingers crossed they get selected. Regardless of the result we are proud of who they are and the work they are putting into the applications and in our program.”

To learn more about the national opportunities as well as our local and regional opportunities please visit our youth opportunities page or call 408-508-4880.

Curriculum Sneak Preview Videos – Go-to-Person

There are times where someone we know struggles to take on a burden alone.  We all eventually experience a situation where our family or close friends need us for comfort, advice, or reassurance.  How we respond in these scenarios can be crucial to their development and ability to overcome a challenge. Now is always the perfect time to become a Go-to-Person!  What does it mean to be a Go-to-Person and how can we be a good Go-to-Person?  This brief First Tee – Silicon Valley Eagle lesson video will give you a glimpse into the importance of being a part of a support network, how you can approach being a good go-to-person, and how being go-to-person can help us in golf as well as in our everyday lives. Go To Person Video The golf community includes a culture of assisting one another. One way to build upon that culture is to connect with others through the sharing of course knowledge, self-management tips, and golf techniques.  Sharing simple golf tips like our golf cue phrase (click the link below), “shaking hands with the coach and elf” can be used to assist people in controlling their distance. You never know, helping someone with a swing tip can be a great start to a budding friendship and a bond for life. Handshake Video

Support Financial Aid by Joining the Caddy Club

Together, Building Game Changers! Our kids and teens are facing challenges unseen by previous generations. Many lack access to safe opportunities that foster a culture of acceptance and provide mentorship. They live in a world where social pressures are always on, calm and confidence are hard to access, and perseverance is a required superpower every day. Young people are growing in new environments that are demanding more from them, and therefore more from First Tee – Silicon Valley and more from the golf community. Youth Development through Golf FTSV exists to enable kids to build the strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of new challenges. By seamlessly integrating the game of golf with life skills curriculum, we create learning experiences that build inner strength, self-confidence, and resilience that kids carry in everything they do. With the belief that ALL kids deserve the chance to grow in a supportive environment with mentors guiding them. We are dedicated to building golf programs that are accessible, welcoming, and as impactful as they are fun. Who You Will Be Helping FTSV on-course participants:
  • 85% racially diverse
  • 80% achieve all A’s and B’s in school
  • 100% certifying youth graduate from HS
  • 100% Ace top level teens go to college
Why FTSV Needs Your Help
  • Our FTSV chapter lacks the financial support of First Tee National and PGA TOUR tournaments. We are 96% locally-supported.
  • The pandemic diverted much of FTSV’s funding to essential services and large fundraisers had to be scaled back.
How You Can Help

Personal Growth through Golf

Golf is a metaphor for life. It’s not the score that counts, but what you learn along the way. As in life, golf requires goal setting, working with others and digging deep when things get tough (perseverance). Golf is a perfect practice ground for learning skills that go far beyond the fairways.
  • Golf focuses on interpersonal and self-management skills on and off the course
  • Golf puts emphasis on setting goals and making goals a reality
  • Golf helps us learn conflict resolution, resilience and how to plan for the future
Golf legend Bobby Jones said it best, “Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots – but you have to play the ball where it lies.” First Tee – Silicon Valley is a youth development organization that enables kids to build the strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of new challenges. By seamlessly integrating the game of golf with a life skills curriculum, we create active learning experiences that build inner strength, self-confidence, and resilience that kids can carry to everything they do. We utilize golf as a powerful vehicle, but do not define our success by how well kids play the game. We focus on the deeper side of golf more than the technical and prioritize personal growth of kids. If we do our job well, the game of golf will inherently benefit as we develop lifetime golfers of all levels. Kids become a better version of themselves when they have the space to be who they are, surrounded by passionate people who guide them to see what they are capable of. Our trained coaches create safe, supportive and empowering environments to help our kids prepare for life ahead, including friendships, school, college and even their careers. FTSV is committed to having a safe and welcoming environment for everyone involved in the organization. As part of our commitment, all employees, coaches and volunteers must complete a background check before working with our youth. Plus, all employees, coaches, volunteers, and board members are required to complete the U.S. Center for Safe Sport training program.

SVB Foundation to the Rescue

The SVB Foundation recently awarded FTSV a $6,500 base grant plus an additional $2,500 for COVID hardship, totaling $9,000. The SVB Foundation is currently focusing on partnering with employees who regularly volunteer to award grants to non-profit organizations that are most impacted by the current pandemic. Reka Mishra, SVB Financial Group Managing Director (Strategic Initiatives and Quick Wins, Transformation Office) was recruited to join FTSV’s Board in 2019 to be instrumental in providing leadership in the areas of STEM programming and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Reka shared, “I was drawn to their mission to develop youth throughout Silicon Valley, transforming their lives and giving them a brighter future. Being an advocate for STEM, I consulted on their innovative platform to offer under-served youth the opportunity to develop both personally and professionally while exposing them to STEM concepts for improved career choices. I am also proud to serve an organization that holds DEI at the core of their identity and ensures it is part of our culture and present in all aspects of our business.” The $9,000 grant will underwrite expenses for items related to COVID-19 Health & Safety Procedures that address sanitizing guidelines and social distancing protocols at our 3 golf course facilities and office, so we can continue offering classes for our youth participants, many underserved. FTSV has COVID-19 Class Safety Procedures that address safety/sanitizing guidelines and new check in, warm ups and class curriculum with social distancing in mind. “Dealing with Challenges” and “Playing with Perseverance” are two of our 27 core lessons that are very relevant during this unprecedented time. It is noteworthy that what we teach the young people in our program applies well beyond golf to other parts of life including how we as individuals, families, organizations, and communities make the best of a public health crisis. We work or volunteer for FTSV because we enjoying helping all participants regardless of background be the best versions of themselves and have the best shot at success. Our diversity, empathy and inclusion (DEI) efforts are not a project, program or series of events, but an expression of who we are and a purposeful process to ensure our mission is fulfilled. Thank you SVB Foundation for providing the necessary funds so we can purchase supplies needed for our 2021 classes. Your grant will allow us to continue providing our youth development program which enable kids and teens to build the strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of new challenges by seamlessly integrating the game of golf with life skills. For more than 35 years, SVB Financial Group (NASDAQ: SIVB) and its subsidiaries have helped innovative companies and their investors move bold ideas forward, fast. SVB Financial Group’s businesses, including Silicon Valley Bank, offer commercial and private banking, asset management, private wealth management, brokerage and investment services and funds management services to companies in the technology, life science and healthcare, private equity and venture capital, and premium wine industries. Headquartered in Santa Clara, California, SVB Financial Group operates in centers of innovation around the world. Learn more at svb.com.

Coach Rob – Making a Difference for 20 Years

Meet Coach Rob Sisco. He officially joined our First Tee – Silicon Valley coaching staff in 2014. However, Rob’s connection to FTSV extends all the way back to our origins and the Eagles at Rancho Junior Golf Program in 2000. (Eagles became First Tee – San Jose in 2005.) Both of his sons participated in Eagles and then our program through high school, so Rob certainly understands FTSV both as a coach and as a parent. “FTSV changed my life,” says Coach Rob. “Understanding how much the juniors look up to the coaches and how much of an effect we have on their lives. Spending time on the course with the participants is something I look forward to every week. The highlight of my day is when I see a participant hitting a great shot, smiling and feeling like they are succeeding. I enjoy helping the participants succeed in life and golf and I know these skills will help them become successful adults.” Coach Rob has been a committed, impactful, and skilled coach. He has attended the national trainings, coached many of our FTSV levels, and delivered values, mentoring, and instruction to hundreds of participants. “Rob has been an active coach every year, and every season bringing a high level of knowledge to his students and to our team,” says Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt. “Coach Rob has positively impacted so many individuals (participants and coaches) over his years of service. His love for the game and the values that the game espouses shines through in his coaching and is infectious. We are grateful to have Coach Rob on our team!” “I am deeply appreciative of Coach Rob’s dedication to FTSV and its participants.” says President & CEO, George Maxe. “Rob is one of the key individuals surrounding FTSV and Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course who provide perspective and continuity because of his presence for more than 20 years.” Interested in making a difference like Coach Rob? Please visit our volunteer page or call 408-508-4880 to learn more about becoming a coach.

Friends & Family Tournament Creates New Bonds

First Tee – Silicon Valley hosted our Friends & Family tournament at Gavilan College Golf Course on February 27th. Twenty-two participants were paired with a family member making this our largest attendance to date. Our tournament was a great opportunity for our participants to become the experts and help their family understand the world of golf. “Playing with my dad this tournament was a great new experience.  It was something we hadn’t done in the past.  It was great because this time it was my turn to teach my dad something since it’s usually the other way around.  I would really like for this to turn into a family tradition.” – Nancy R. The annual FTSV Friends & Family tournament is a valuable event for our students to bond with their loved ones.  Our low-pressure tournaments are a great stepping stone for students to learn to use good judgment, set expectations, and express teamwork.  We hope our tournaments help our participants to build more confidence in engaging in conversation with others in a tournament setting. The event kicked off with a putting contest where participants earned raffle tickets. Congratulations to all of our participants for competing in our scramble/shamble format with courtesy, integrity, and great judgment!          

Kevin Builds Goals for His Future

Meet Kevin Kiatsupaibul. He is a long-time active member of First Tee – Silicon Valley. He began our program when he was 7 years old and now at age 17 has taken all 4 Ace level (top level of our program) projects. Over the years, Kevin developed his interpersonal skills progressing from a shy participant to a volunteer coach. He is currently taking and excelling in the First Tee Leadership Series in partnership with the PGA TOUR Superstore. “First Tee – Silicon Valley has been a crucial factor in my development as a person, more than any one class at school could have ever provided,” says Kevin. “The goal ladder has always been one of the lessons I most value; it is the single greatest tool for tackling the big and small challenges that life may throw at me.” Kevin continues to set and achieve his short-term goals of finishing FTSV’s program, giving back to the program through coaching, playing on his high school golf team, and playing percussion in his school’s marching band. His long-term goal is to be a computer scientist and he plans on attending a 4-year college in the Fall of 2022. According to Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt, “Our staff and coaches have had the privilege to watch Kevin over the years as he advanced through the program. He is a motivated, smart, and humble young man who is showing what is possible when setting goals and hard work are combined. We are proud of Kevin and look forward to watching him achieve his future goals.” Keep up the great work Kevin! To learn more about our classes please visit our youth classes page or call 408-508-4880.

Spring Classes Begin March 16th – Adopting a Growth Mindset

Over 200 participants will begin their in-person spring classes the week of March 16th. The Spring classes are at full capacity given the COVID class capacity restrictions. FTSV participants will continue their journey towards personal growth with the help of our coaches and through the games and activities. Each week participants will experience a life core lesson and a golf fundamental in an engaging and supportive environment. Participants are encouraged to view mistakes as opportunities to learn. Resiliency skills, self-reflection, and self-management techniques are emphasized and encouraged. Golf can be a difficult sport that can test one’s patience, and as such, is a perfect metaphor for life. Adopting a growth mindset in our program is important because we want our participants to view their skills as skills that can be developed through hard work, strategies, and mentoring. Conversely, having a fixed mindset based on their first golf shot or first lesson can lead to feeling boxed into a label of talented or not talented. When students are in a fixed mindset, they can be afraid to take on challenges or risks that are necessary to get better. For example, if they are labeled “talented,” then there can be a fear of stepping out of their comfort zone for fear of losing that acclaim. If they are labeled “not talented,” then there can be a sense that they will always be untalented so why continue and try.  That is why from lesson 1 until they finish the program, we strive to use process-focused coaching and promote core lessons like perseverance, judgment, 4R’s, S.T.A.R, personal par to establish a growth mindset culture. We look forward to working with the over 200 participants this season and coaching skills that will be beneficial for a lifetime. To learn more about our classes please visit our youth classes page or call 408-508-4880.  

2021 Save the Dates

Please save the dates for the First Tee – Silicon Valley fundraising events which are designed for our supporters, both individual and corporate. They are a great way for all individuals to learn more about us while having fun. They also provide a wonderful opportunity for corporations to sponsor our youth programs while entertaining customers. The money raised from these events and our private Invitational in July represent 55% of our fundraising budget which sustains our youth development program. Open
  • at Cinnabar Hills Golf Club on Friday, June 11, 2021
  • a golf tournament, lunch and dinner — our largest event of the year
  • Registration opens Monday, March 10th
  • at Baylands Golf Links on Monday, September 20, 2021
  • a golf tournament, lunch and dinner — serving the Mid-Peninsula
  • Registration opens Monday, April 19th
Challenge Cup
  • at Several Silicon Valley golf courses in late October 2021
  • an inclusive and friendly challenge between golf clubs
  • Registration opens Monday, July 26th
Top Golf
  • at the new San Jose location in early December 2021
  • a fun, social event for golfers and non-golfers
  • Registration opens in early September
Please contact our Development Director, Judy Dixon Deaton at [email protected] or 408-508-4881, for more information about participating in our events or Sponsorships.

Coach Misa – Working to provide Safety, Fun, and Inclusivity

Meet coach Misa Church. Misa joined our program as an Instructor in 2020 and is a graduate of First Tee – Contra Costa, serving on their leadership council and as an alumni coach. Misa is currently studying at San Jose State University and played for their collegiate golf team in 2019. Misa is a wonderful addition to our team bringing experience, knowledge, care, and drive to the role. Misa is well versed in the First Tee curriculum and has an ability to seamlessly deliver the core lessons while building relationships and creating a welcoming environment for all. “We are fortunate and grateful to have Coach Misa on our program staff,” says Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt. “Misa has been able to adapt quickly to our team, has excelled in making learning fun and engaging, and has already made a big contribution to our coaching. In addition, our coaches and parents/guardians speak highly of Misa’s coaching and character.” “First Tee – Silicon Valley means to me that there is a safe space in this world where I get to teach important life skills to young players,” says Misa.  “Coaching with FTSV has given me the opportunity to strengthen my skills as a coach and learn how to navigate and create new relationships with each student and point them in the right direction to help them achieve their short and long-term goals. I am reminded every week of the inclusivity that FTSV has and am proud to be part of this organization.” Great work Misa! Interested in joining our coaching team, please visit our volunteer page or call 408-508-4880.

CYGF $17K Grant Provides Uniform Hats

First Tee – Silicon Valley was the recipient of a generous $17,000 grant from CordeValle Youth Golf Foundation  (CYGF) to underwrite the 2021 cost of golf hats featuring our new logo for all new participants, volunteers, and instructors. All participants are provided hats with our First Tee – Silicon Valley logo at no charge to wear as part of their class uniform. This is a terrific way to reinforce the importance of proper etiquette, to build community, and to publicize our program. The non-profit CordeValle Youth Golf Foundation was founded in 2004. The foundation’s mission is to expand access to the sport of golf for children of all income levels by directly supporting successful youth golf programs throughout the Santa Clara County. The goal is to provide youth with the opportunity to learn the sport, receive lessons and equipment, practice, compete, and build positive life skills. The Foundation annually awards approximately $100,000 in grants to deserving programs. The foundation is funded through a $50,000 annual contribution from CordeValle Golf Club and raises an additional $50,000 per year through CordeValle’s public charity tournaments. CordeValle Youth Golf Foundation and First Tee – Silicon Valley are equally committed to expanding opportunities for youth of all income levels to have access to the sport of golf. Through the discipline and challenge of golf, youth in the Santa Clara County are provided a community with a safe environment and positive life alternatives that build confidence and character, ultimately helping them succeed in our community and in life. CordeValle has been the location for the annual FTSV Invitational since 2005.