Invest in Our Future

Help us secure our programs for the long-term

25 YEARS of Proven Programs providing Brighter Futures for over 100,000 Kids Since 2000!

Support our Next 25 YEARS serving 10,000 Kids Annually in our three programs. 

Planned Giving – create a legacy for your family and lasting impact on our organization

Capital Improvements — improve our golf facilities in San Jose, Palo Alto & Gilroy

Endowment for Annual Expenses

  • Course Program — ensure high quality classes that are affordable & accessible to all
  • School Program — equip teachers to deliver our curriculum in their setting
  • Opportunities — provide our kids with special experiences outside of our classes

Contact George Maxe [email protected].

The Future Talent of Silicon Valley DBA The First Tee of Silicon Valley is a nonprofit public benefit corporation (501 c3) – tax identification #46-3102278.