NCGA Reach Grant Funds Affordable Private Instruction for Low Income Kids. First Tee – Silicon Valley was awarded a $16,000 NCGA Reach Grant specifically for programs to grow participation in golf from under-represented groups. We are excited to have launched a private instruction opportunity during the current Summer season under the direction of FTSV Coach Felix. Part of the criteria for participating is they must be receiving financial assistance in our normal programming.
Some of the low-income kids in FTSV’s course program have limited access to golf. Golf rates are challenging to afford, or they do not have adults in their lives who play golf, or transportation to a golf course in an obstacle. FTSV works very hard to make our classes affordable (i.e., $20 or less for an otherwise $240 class), accessible throughout Saturdays in East San Jose when many parents/guardians are off work, and welcoming with caring mentors/coaches of diverse backgrounds.
Private instruction is the purview of the golf course operator and its instructors. While FTSV provides coaching in golf skills, we place a lot of emphasis on life skills, and we are not private instructors. CourseCo, which operates our main program location, Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course in East San Jose, supports FTSV’s limited, coordinated entry into private instruction.
Private instruction is expensive so there is a significant barrier to entry for low-income families who are predominantly new to the game. FTSV wants to break down this barrier. With this grant, FTSV will subsidize Rancho for private instruction for low-income kids who are FTSV participants. To be eligible, kids must be Youth On Course members, active FTSV participants in the year of the private lessons, achieved a minimum number of classes prior to the lessons, and in 3rd grade or higher. In addition, they must have already received financial assistance from FTSV, which determines need using total household income, number of household members, financial hardship, and enrollment in their schools’ free/reduced lunch program.
FTSV’s Program Director will present kids with a special invitation each season to ensure that they are eligible and committed. The program will consist of five weeks of a mix of private lessons and practice lessons. All five weeks of the private lessons will fall within FTSV’s 8-week season. The private lessons are 45 minutes in length and limited to two kids. The total cost for a private lesson set would be $120. However, FTSV will only charge kids $20 as a sign of commitment, then subsidize the balance of $100 with this grant. We will limit the kids to two lesson sets per year. Our goal is for 100 kids to take two sets of private lessons.
FTSV expects the Affordable Private Instruction for Low-Income Kids program will strengthen participants’ commitment to golf, continue their enrollment in FTSV classes, and provide golf skills improvement. FTSV will be selecting the kids that have the most potential and are demonstrating the most interest.
Private Instruction will allow these kids to 1) Improve faster with customized instruction; 2) Fix bad habits and establish consistency; 3) Learn at their own pace and comfort level; and 4) Get focused, real-time feedback. On a broader spectrum, the program will develop more low-income kids to have the confidence and ability to enter competitive tournaments, play for their high school teams, and apply for golf scholarships and national First Tee opportunities.
Finally, our hope is participating kids and their families will receive significant inspiration from FTSV’s investment in and validation of them. They will feel more connected to the game of golf as a sport they will continue to play as an adult. In addition, families will likely become more open to golf and more likely to play themselves.
FTSV strongly believes that private golf instruction for low-income kids has been a gap in the golf industry. The NCGA Reach grant will give us the opportunity to see if a program requiring collaboration between key parties like FTSV and an operator like CourseCo is viable for the long-term.
FTSV was chosen for the grant for these reasons:
- Innovation (proposal is something that has not been done before)
- Soundness (the program is well thought out, staffed, and properly budgeted)
- Feasibility (it seems like the program will work, builds on successful programs)
- Impact (many people will be reached, it helps bring in new players)
- Longevity (the program is multi-year – not a one-time event)
- Repeatability (if successful, it can be scaled up and brought elsewhere)
- Completeness (proposal is thoughtful and complete)

Published: 07-08-2024