FTSV’s First Junior Council

On December 15th over 25 high school FTSV participants gathered to form our first ever Junior Council. The group is comprised of participants that have been in our program anywhere from 1 to 12 years, and many of whom have also been junior coaches. They know our program better than anyone, and most importantly, they want to be part of group that can leave a legacy and positively impact families, coaches and participants of the future.

The Go-To Team

Building a go-to-team is a lesson in our life skill curriculum. The lesson discusses the importance of surrounding yourself with a support network. One that listens and challenges you by asking questions. These participants are our go-to-team, and they are the go-to team for each other. They are forging a tight-knit community of FTSV high schoolers while applying the skills learned at FTSV to make program improvements. Due to the demand and size of the group, they are splitting into 3 sub-committees focusing on marketing, fundraising, and events. You will hopefully see the fruits of their labor in 2024, so stay tuned.


If you are interested in joining our program like these high schoolers, please click here or contact us at [email protected] or 408-508-4880 for more information.

PUBLISHED: 01-05-2024

Coach Spotlight: Meet Coach Ronna

This month’s Coach Spotlight: Meet Coach Ronna! We are so grateful to have Ronna on our team. She has been a volunteer coach with us since the summer of 2021 and has coached just about every season. Before FTSV she volunteered for St Christopher Catholic School as a tutor for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 8th graders. She also volunteered for Bay Areas Women’s Sports Initiative where she taught girls life lessons through physical activity. She is an avid golfer, so FTSV is a great fit.

“Has been a great attribute to the first tee!” Says Coach Kyle, about Ronna. “Her positive attitude and demeanor keeps her classes fun and engaging. She demonstrates great leadership skills. If any complications or concerns come up, Ronna is the first one to jump into action. We can’t thank her enough for the years of dedication and support.”

“I enjoy being out there with the kids,” says Ronna, “and tying in golf and life skills while finding ways to utilize them away from the golf course. My goal is to help build trusting relationships so I can help participants build their go-to-team.”

Ronna has been fantastic with the participants,” said Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt.  “She meets the students where they are, brings people together, and builds their confidence. Her lead coaches We are grateful to have her as a coach!”

Help Make an Impact through Volunteering!

First Tee — Silicon Valley is looking for high quality, caring people like Ronna that are interested in showing up and guiding others, so they become even better people and leaders of tomorrow. Our volunteer coaches work together to teach our Life and Golf Skill curriculum by finding and using coachable moments and by making the sessions fun and engaging.

Interested in Getting Started like Ronna?

What if I am not an expert coach or golfer?

Our coaches come from all walks of life with different life and golf experiences. We provide life and golf skill training as well training on coach strategies, techniques, and on our coach philosophy. Our goal is to make sure every coach feels supported. Additionally, we have created lesson plans to help everyone work together and support one another in the content and delivery. There will always be a paid, lead coach for each class coordinating the group of coaches.

What is the time requirement?

  • Volunteer coaches can choose from several class options by location, day of the week, and time.
  • Time commitment is 2.5 hours a day, once a week for an 8-week season. The 2.5 hours include a 30-minute pre-class meeting, 1.5-hour class, and a 30-minute post-class debrief.

Join our team, learn/develop coaching skills, make a difference in the youth, and give back to the community! Please help us spread the word. The more positive and dedicated coaches, the better the program, and the more impactful it is for our youth. 

PUBLISHED: 01-05-2024

SAGA Foundation Donates $100,000

First Tee – Silicon Valley owes an enormous thank you to SAGA Foundation led by President, David Bartoshuk for their generous $100,000 donation to further develop FTSV programs in the Palo Alto-Redwood City area including at Baylands Golf Links. Their donations to FTSV now total $610,000 over the last six years. 

What is the SAGA Foundation?

The SAGA Foundation assists nonprofits to work smarter, reach further, and have a lasting impact. They are committed to helping FTSV expand dramatically at Baylands for the benefit of Mid-Peninsula youth and the community. David Bartoshuk, President – SAGA Foundation, says, “At SAGA, we continue to believe in the tremendous power of working together, and we recognize there is no limit to what can be accomplished when it doesn’t matter who gets the credit.” Read more about SAGA’s commitment to collaboration in their Fall 2023 Letter – The Power of “WE.”

“We cannot thank David and the SAGA Foundation enough for all of their support of FTSV’s future at Baylands Golf Links and in the lives of youth throughout the Mid-Peninsula.” said FTSV President & CEO, George Maxe.

PUBLISHED: 01-03-2024

FTSV’s Li An Panfil Selected for First Tee College Scholarship

First Tee – Silicon Valley participant and Junior Coach Li An Panfil has been selected for the First Tee College Scholarship program. During her four years in college, Li An will receive an educational grant to help with tuition, as well as access to personal development workshops, internships and employment opportunities post-graduation. Additionally, Li An will be matched with an adult mentor, someone who will act as a resource and motivator as she goes through college. Congratulations Li An on the recognition of all your hard work!

Li An was selected for this program because of her stand-out participation during the First Tee Leadership Summit, as well as her long track record of hard work within First Tee – Silicon Valley. This leadership summit is one of the National Opportunities available to our participants who go above and beyond, providing workshops and learning experiences aimed around developing leadership skills. Li An was at home as a leader here, rising to the occasion and making the most of this opportunity, attracting the attention of facilitators and eventually being selected for the scholarship. We are so proud to have Li An representing us on a national scale.

We had the opportunity to ask Li An about how First Tee has impacted her

“First Tee has played a big role in developing my perseverance”. Having been in the program since the third grade, she has really grown up in First Tee, moving through the different golf skills, and most importantly, life skill lessons. For her, the Goal Ladder stands out the most. She said “[the] goal ladder has really helped me. It has become a natural part of when I plan things, I don’t even have to specifically think about it”.

With tools for building achievable, measurable goals, Li An continues to accomplish what she sets her mind to. This includes doing very well academically, excelling as a junior coach, and, in the future, being accepted into a college where she will continue to thrive.

As a junior coach, Li An has been a rockstar. Her attitude and kindness shine through the work she does, as she passes on the life skills First Tee has taught her down to the next generation. Not only does she work to help bring up others, Li An also gets personal fulfillment out of coaching. When asked, she said “[the participants] put me in a good mood. Seeing people I know and them remembering things about me, and people showing that they care brings me up. It’s a big community feeling, showing that I am making a big impact, spreading knowledge and helping people to improve and be their best self.”

For her next steps, Li An is currently planning on attending a four-year university, now with the support of the College Scholar program. In the future, she wants to pursue a career in healthcare, a field where her perseverance, positive attitude and innate care for others will definitely play a role. Congratulations again Li An!

If you are interested in more information on our National Opportunities, please visit our website or reach out to Program Coordinator Phoenix ([email protected]).

FTSV Participants Awarded Ace Certification Status!

First Tee – Silicon Valley is excited to share that two of our participants, Katelyn Chan and Shivam Maji were awarded the distinguished honor of being Ace Certified!

Ace is the highest level of certification at First Tee and less than 1% of First Tee participants from across the country achieve Ace-certification. As a result of their hard work, Katelyn and Shivam will receive local and national recognition from First Tee for completing their Ace classes and the post-class documents. More importantly, their work in our Ace classes helped them apply the First Tee Life Skills to college and career exploration, and to their give-back volunteer opportunities. The Ace classes also assisted in developing transferable skills that will aid them in their professional development.

Meet Katelyn Chan

She was in our program from 2012 to 2023 and was a volunteer coach since 2021. Throughout her time with us, she participated in several seasons each year, attended our Leadership Series, and was selected for the National Leadership Academy in Montana. Recently she was awarded the Make Your Mark Scholarship for her application of First Tee Life Skills to a community project. In her time with FTSV, she was a positive influence on her peers and coaches and led by example by putting her goals into action and demonstrating care for others. She is now a freshman at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo studying statistics.

“The Fall Ace-Education class was the most helpful to me because it included doing research on how to pay for college,” said Katelyn. “Many students limit the number of private schools they apply to because they fear the financial costs, however, we learned how accessible scholarships and grants are. Not only did we do research on the variety of scholarships that are on the internet, but we were also taught about budgeting and identifying the different types of financial options available to us when pursuing college.”

Meet Shivam Maji

He is a senior at Lynbrook high school. Shivam has been in our program since 2017 and began volunteering with us in 2023. Shivam excelled in our classes each year, took initiative by applying the skills, and always sought out ways to improve himself and his surroundings. “I found the career project to be especially valuable for me,” said Shivam. “The introspective lessons really helped me to think about and explore my interests and skills, learn about different jobs, and create a career action plan. The class motivated me to dive into networking, seek internships, and make connections that really made applying to college so much easier. I’d really like to thank First Tee – Silicon Valley, and Coach Chris and Coach George for jumpstarting my professional development.”

To be an Ace-certified, participants must be:

  • at least 14 years old
  • be in our program for a minimum of 3 years; and attend a minimum of 2 seasons per year.
  • Attend our 4 Ace-Future Planning Classes (Career, Golf, Education, Give-Back)
  • Complete the 4 Ace-Future Planning post class documents
  • Submit a letter of recommendation
  • Be selected by a panel of First Tee National judges

Congratulations Katelyn and Shivam for your outstanding work and contributions to our chapter and to your community! Our chapter is better because both of you. We are excited for your future and the impact you will continue to make on others.

To find out more about our Ace-Future Planning classes and how to be Ace-certified, please reach out to [email protected] or 408-508-4884.

FTSV Participant Katelyn Chan Awarded Make Your Mark Grant!

Congratulations to FTSV Participant Katelyn Chan for being awarded the Make Your Mark Grant!

Through the Ace Giving Back to the Community class, Ace First Tee participants like Katelyn have an opportunity to make their mark on their community, and leave behind a legacy of impact and service to inspire future Ace participants. To qualify for this Grant, a minimum of 24 hours must be devoted to a project or initiative that seeks to apply knowledge gained at First Tee and bridges service to the greater community. The project must make an impact on a cause or organization in the participant’s community while highlighting the impact First Tee has had on their learning and preparation to succeed in this initiative.

Beginning this Winter, FTSV will allocate $500 in her name to the Ace-Give Back Volunteer class to collectively pursue an enhancement or appreciation project that benefits the FTSV community. FTSV is doing this to reinforce the Make Your Mark Grant and to teach our teens about working as a team and project management.

Katelyn was one of 5 selected from across the country based on her volunteer work at Plateful and ArtReach. At Plateful she contacted restaurants and delivered their excess food to homeless shelters. At ArtReach, she made and distributed care packages for different organizations or community groups. She made support cards for hospital workers, toys for dog shelters, and ordered/delivered handwarmers for the homeless. She credited First Tee – Silicon Valley and the performance and process goal lessons for helping her create and follow through on an action plan to be successful.

“Many people in high school brag about how much they can procrastinate,” said Katelyn, “but at First Tee – Silicon Valley we learn the importance of setting due dates, creating plans, and taking initiative. It is great to grow up and spend a big chuck on my life with First Tee, and be around such a supportive group of people who push me to be the best version of myself. Thank you so much for this grant, I am so surprised!”

Congratulations Katelyn! Your work in the community shows high character, empathy, and a desire to make the world a better place. Thank you!

If you are interested in joining our program like Katelyn did years ago, please click here or contact us at [email protected] or 408-508-4880 for more information.

SCVCC Skins Game – Franky Sinks 20’ Putt to Win

It was a sunny fall day in the mid-60s at Silver Creek Valley Country Club on November 25th. The 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Skins game started out with a clinic on the driving range. There was a player Q&A session with the gallery, Wayne Kumagai, Organizer, and Avery Cook, Head Pro. We were fortunate to feature five (5) terrific players.

1) Lexi Lowe, Leland High School, +3 handicap, BVAL Champion and team MVP

2) Kaleiya Romero- Pepperdine University, WCC First Team, 2022 and 2023 US Amateur participant

3) Francesca (Franky) Sumcad – Colorado University, former Valley Christian Player, and First Tee – Silicon Valley participant

4) Caleb Shetler – SJSU / Mountain West Freshman of the year, 2021 US Amateur participant at Oakmont, Santa Clara County Champion, Course Record Holder Cinnabar (60) and San Jose Country Club (59)

5) Katherine Zhu – CAL graduate / Rolex All American, 2-time AJGA Champ, former #1 player at CAL

The holiday should have been the 4th of July because the event started off with a bang and continued throughout the day. 

#1 Caleb hit a 320-yard drive and then a lob wedge to 4 feet which he converted to win the first skin.

#2 Kaleiya Romero hit a big drive, then hit a wedge to 4 feet and converted the birdie to win the second skin.

#3 The third hole was halved with pars by Caleb and Katherine Zhu.

#4 All players hit the green and putted for birdies. The hole was halved with pars.

#5 Lexi made a 25-downhill putt for birdie to win the hole for three (3) skins.

#6 Franky Sumcad made a 35-foot uphill putt for birdie, and Lexi Lowe made a 5-foot birdie to tie.

# 7 Lexi Lowe made a 25- foot putt for a birdie and Caleb made an 8-foot birdie putt to tie.

#8 Kaleiya Romero hit to the edge of the green in two (2) shots and chipped up for an easy birdie. Katherine Zhu made a clutch 35-foot downhill putt to tie the hole.

#9 Franky Sumcad sunk a 20-foot birdie putt to win the hole and four (4) skins.

A special thanks is due to Eric Lee who donated an extra $50 for each birdie that was made which equated to initial an additional $500.

Overall, Silver Creek Valley Country Club member supporters were able to raise $4,795 for First Tee – Silicon Valley and Youth on Course.  The players demonstrated great skill, and all the attendees were in awe of the vast distances they all could hit the ball.

Recap Provided by Organizer Wayne Kumagai

If you would like to organize a fundraiser to benefit FTSV, please contact Development Director Judy Dixon Deaton –   [email protected].

FTSV Kids vs. Parents Tournament

Thank you to the all the First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV) kids and parents who took part in our first-ever Kids vs Parents tournament on November 11th at Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course.  FTSV kids competed against their parents in this 9-hole stroke play contest. The kids played a scramble format, while the parents played an alternate shot format. It was great to see all of the kids working together as well as the parents throughout the round. We used a Ryder Cup-style scoring – each match was worth one point, with matches ending in a tie worth ½ point to each side. The kids controlled the tournament by winning 8 out of the 10 matches for a final score of 8-2. The low round of the tournament was a 29 turned in by Ben and Liliana Hughes.

We had two course contests – hole #1 was closest-to-the-pin and hole #4 was longest drive. Congrats to our winners from each level:

Parents Long Drive:  Mark Johnson

Parents Closest-to-the-Pin:  Nate Kassel

Kids Long Drive:   Ben Hughes

Kids Closest-to-the-Pin:   Beatrice de la Rosa

There were plenty of highlights during the tournament, but the hole that stood out the most was hole #2 where we gave the kids an advantage by allowing them to use a nerf bow and arrow to put their tee shot as close to the pin as possible. The parents also got to have some fun on hole #6 by spinning the random club wheel to determine what they will hit their tee shot with. We look forward to hosting this tournament again and implementing more gimmicky play ideas.

The tournament concluded with a pizza party, awards, and a raffle. It was great seeing families meeting one another and FTSV participants making new friends. Congratulations to all of our participants for competing with respect, integrity, and sportsmanship.

Join us for the next Tournament

Save the date for our next round of tournaments on February 24th, 2024. Contact Tanner Riley at [email protected] or call (650)-887-7048 for more information. We will release our next event flyer around mid-January. Stay tuned!

FTSV Hosted College Day Tournament

On November 11th, First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV) hosted its annual College Day Tournament where our participants partnered up with a member from the Stanford men’s team, Santa Clara men’s team, or Santa Clara women’s team in a fun, supportive, and competitive environment.  Additionally, we invited 6 participants from First Tee – Greater Sacramento to join in the fun.

The players were grouped by age competing in a multi-formatted competition.  Course contests such as closest-to-the-pin and long drive were included as well.  All of our participants displayed honesty, integrity, and other FTSV life skills impressing the collegiate players.  Our participants made the most out this experience by asking for advice about balancing life and higher education.

“Golfing with Meva Schmit from Santa Clara during the college day tournament was such a surreal experience that provided me with a glimpse of how a highly skilled and experienced college golfer approached each and every golf shot. Meva shared with me tips on how she tackled her short game and we delved into deep conversations of balancing sports and academics. Her experience provided me with a unique perspective on how I can personally develop my golf game beyond high school. I am super grateful for the chance to play golf with a college player!” – Natalie

While score is secondary to the experience of playing golf with collegiate players, it’s good to celebrate the winners of this event to recognize their effort.

1st Place

6th-8th Grade:  Ben Hughes (FTSV) and Kush Arora (Stanford) score of 27

9th – 12th Grade:  Joey Jang (FTSV) and Ethan NG (Stanford) score of 22

2nd Place

6th – 8th Grade:  Jayden Aguinaga (FTSV) and Barclay Brown (Stanford) score of 27

9th – 12th Grade:  Jacob Burnett (FTGS) and Sean Karl Dobson (Stanford) score of 23

3rd Place

6th – 8th Grade:  Suri Lau (FTSV) and Will Celiberti (Santa Clara) score of 28

9th – 12th Grade:  Hailey Mac (FTSV) and Muzzy Donohue (Santa Clara) score of 25

Closest to the Pin

Kristen Tang (FTSV) and Rachel Wang (Santa Clara)

Long Drive

Jaiden Aguinaga (FTSV), Joey Jang (FTSV), and Kush Arora (Stanford)

If you’d like to learn more about the opportunities we have for our participants, click here!

First Tee – Silicon Valley’s Winter Pre-Season Girls Golf

First Tee – Silicon Valley hosted our Winter Pre-Season Girls Golf Play Day on November 11th, 2023, at Rancho Del Pueblo.  The theme of the event was Autumn Fun.

20 of FTSV’s youth participants had “fall fun” enjoying games on the practice areas while meeting new friends.  The fall event allowed our girls to build confidence by interacting with their grade peers as well as meeting some of our Ace participants who were in attendance as mentors.

On the green, Coach Gracie challenged the participants to compete in a fall-themed version of tic-tac-toe by chipping golf balls to score 3 in a row.  The girls were tasked in marking their progress with toy corn-on-the-cobs.

On the range, the girls were given a lesson on the full swing by some of our golfers who either progressed to our Ace classes or are currently starting for their local high school team.  Special thanks to Coaches Vian, Elise, Jennifer, Li An, and Natalie!

The event concluded with enjoying snacks, playing fall-themed games, and creating a collage dedicated to Coach Colleen, who is a First Tee master level coach, for all of her support.  We hope this experience of building new friends, meeting our Ace participants, and practicing golf together was memorable for our female participants.  We’re confident our participants will utilize the life skills they learned from this event.

We are always thrilled to have our Girls Golf event, and want to say thank you to all the participants for making it such a success. Everyone made sure to create an inclusive, supportive and respectful atmosphere where all felt comfortable to learn and try new things. If you are interested in making a positive difference and mentoring youth for First Tee – Silicon Valley & Girls Golf, please visit: firstteesiliconvalley.org/about/volunteer/

Join us for the next Girls Golf Event

FTSV participants are welcome in join.  Learn more about our next Girls Golf event on February 24th, 2024 may contact Manny Gallardo at [email protected] or call (408) 508-4887. We will release our next event flyer around mid-January. Stay tuned!

Change the Game for MORE Kids!

Who helped you get to where you are today?

Mentoring is priceless.  If you had a mentor growing up, you know that having someone to listen and give support, encouragement, and guidance to overcome life’s challenges can be transforming. When we look back on the 95,000 kids First Tee – Silicon Valley has worked with, we are filled with pride and joy knowing that our mentors and our youth development program was there for the kids of our community.

Meet Salma and Nancy.  These sisters have progressed and benefitted enormously from our program. Golf was never on their radar but their mom learned about First Tee – Silicon Valley through a family friend. Their mom really liked the life skills we were teaching and the girls felt included and enjoyed the community that they developed with their First Tee peers and coaches. Salma and Nancy were able to participate for 6 years due to our financial aid program. They are first generation Latinas to graduate high school and go to college in their family due to the character-building skills cultivated by our mentors (See Salma’s impact video at the bottom).

Salma and Nancy
Right: Salma / Left: Nancy

Our kids face a lot of heavy stuff.  The pressures of social media, loneliness, mental health struggles, family dynamics, inequities of living in Silicon Valley and devasting world events are all adversely affecting youth. We create time and space for our kids to share what’s going on in their lives so they reach out and connect with us.

We have long-term mentoring impact.  Our intentional focus on the recruitment, retention and progression of our participants teaching a proven curriculum by high quality mentors has a big impact. 100% of our long-term kids graduate high school and 100% attend college while learning life skills that make them good citizens! 

Help us Mentor MORE Kids!

We are thrilled to share that we have new 25-year agreement for expanded access at Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course which doubles the number of kids and we can serve. Help us grow our program and help us mentor more kids.

Your $500 donation will underwrite one low-income course participant and one Title 1 student to experience our program. That is less than $1.50 a day for authentic, one-on-one mentorship teaching our character-building life lessons that have proven to make a difference. On behalf of kids like Salma, we thank you! 

We are here, and have been every day since 2005 changing the game for MORE kids.

Thank You for helping to make that happen!

*Click on the Donate button to make an online credit card donation or make a pledge to mail us a check.

Create a positive impact on the world – Volunteer Coaches

Doing things for others simply to do something positive is one of the most rewarding things a person can do. There is a tremendous gratification that comes from using your time to create a positive impact on the world. When people volunteer with First Tee – Silicon Valley, they become part of a community of helpers, a community of kind, caring individuals wanting to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

Make a difference for others… make a difference for yourself!

Not only are our coaches making a huge difference in the lives of our young participants, they are also greatly benefiting themselves as well. The fun, supportive and interesting folks who volunteer with FTSV end up becoming friends with each other, looking forward to spending their class time alongside their fellow coaches. From golfing buddies to friends to role models, our coaches and volunteers develop strong relationships with one another as they work together to help kids. Our coaches also make large personal gains in their own skill sets, including mentorship, communication, patience, planning and facilitation. All of these skills are helpful in and outside the workplace, making our coaches very well rounded and capable individuals.

Interested in making a positive impact?

If these benefits sound like something you would be interested in, please fill out our volunteer form to learn more about how you can get involved! From coaching to administrative support and even one-off event day help, there are many ways to join the FTSV team.

Email [email protected] with any questions or interest.

Let’s hear directly from some of our awesome coaches about some of the great parts of working with First Tee…

How has working/volunteering with First Tee – Silicon Valley given you a sense of community?

“Working with the kids is always great, but it’s incredibly special to build relationships with students across multiple seasons. Building that consistency and experience together really creates a space where you can dive beyond what you normally would be able to in a single season.”

– Coach Trevor

“FTSV has provided me with the most positive and engaging sense of community. It is something that I take pride in being a part of. It is more than just a golf program. It gives our participants, families, volunteers, coaches, core staff, and everyone a safe place to be welcomed and encouraged to be themselves. Building the relationships with everyone is really impactful to a positive environment.”  

– Coach Kyle

“Everyone who works at the First Tee and all the participants are so friendly and welcoming. We plan fun events outside of coaching like Taco Tuesdays.”

– Coach John

What kinds of skills have you yourself developed and/or improved through your coaching?

“Through coaching at First Tee, I have improved my communication skills, teaching children has enhanced my ability to break down complex ideas in an appropriate way for any audience. Coaching has also helped to further develop my leadership skills by taking leading activities, mentoring participants, and setting a positive example for junior volunteers.”

– Coach Ysabelle

“The skills I’ve developed and improved through First Tee are the different ways to Coach and influence our participants to take something away from class each day. Whether that be a golf cue or a life skill, I get fulfillment out of the participants being able to share something they learned with their family or friends after class.” 

– Coach Tanner

How do you see yourself making a difference?

“I feel like a difference has been made in the student when they feel comfortable enough in their environment to proactively ask and learn a new concept that’s not part of the lesson for the day. It could be a golf skill or a life skill- if a student cares enough to want to learn even when there’s no tangible reward, they’ve reached a mindset that will carry them far beyond the class they’re in now.”

– Coach Trevor

“Seeing the transformation of our participants over the years is when I feel I am making the biggest difference. Seeing the participants social and life skills improve is the most gratifying part of the job. When the kids ask for advice or things not golf related is truly important. We also have value as a mentor. Just listening and having a meaningful conversation will make a difference with everyone.”

– Coach Kyle

“We provide a safe space for the participants to have fun while still learning life lessons. You can tell they all feel welcomed in class by the coaches and other participants and are excited to be there. Throughout the season you can see students become more confident in their golf abilities, and with who they are as people.”

– Coach Megan

Is there anything else you’d like to add about being a First Tee coach?

“I’m honored and proud to be part of the first tee family! These have been the best years of my life. I feel like I have made a positive impact on the community I grew up in. Seeing the diversity in our program is a true reflection of our community. Nothing has been more rewarding than passing on these positive traits and values to the next generation of leaders.”

– Coach Kyle