The First Tee of Silicon Valley DRIVE Classes and Field Trip with San Antonio Elementary

On November 1st, The First Tee of Silicon Valley hosted San Antonio Elementary for a field trip to Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course in San José. The field trip was the culmination of a 4-week DRIVE in-school program taught by City Year staff members. Students were able to put their learned core values and golf fundamentals to practice on a real golf course. San Antonio Elementary, located blocks from Rancho Del Pueblo, has 4 club groups (20-25 students each club) scheduled to participate in our DRIVE program through the 2018/2019 academic year.  Program Manager, Chris Moreno-Hunt says, “taking the students on a field trip to Rancho Del Pueblo not only helps reinforce the skills they are learning through the DRIVE program, but also provides a unique experience for many who tell us they live so close to the golf course but have never visited.”

Boys and Girls Club at Downtown College Prep El Camino Begins Their In-School DRIVE Golf Program

On Monday, October 22nd, The Boys and Girls Club of DCP El Camino implemented The First Tee of Silicon Valley’s DRIVE program for the first time in the 2018/19 school year. Located in downtown San José, Downtown College Prep prepares first-generation students for college success. DCP is a tuition-free charter school serving over 1,700 students. Lead by The Boys and Girls Club after school staff, students will play a series of games integrating The First Tee Nine Core Values and golf fundamentals.

2018 Fall Parent University is a Success!

On Saturday, October 20th, The First Tee of Silicon Valley attended Alum Rock Union School District‘s (ARUSD) Fall Parent University Family Fun Day at Mathson Institute of Technology.  TFTSV set up golf games and an informational booth for parents/guardians where they learned about our program and how to register for our Winter Session. More than 300 parents, children, and community members from ARUSD came to the event.  “We are grateful to the Alum Rock School District for including us as a community partner and we are thrilled to share our program with the Alum Rock students” said Chris Moreno-Hunt, TFTSV Program Manager.

Our Friend, Joe Bronson, Writes Again

Joe Bronson, friend of The First Tee of Silicon Valley, has written his next book, ‘Through The Green: Golf Shots, Spots and Stories Inspiration and Aspirations’, published in August of 2018. Joe is passionate about the game of golf. All proceeds from his book sales are given to organizations like The First Tee of Silicon Valley and others that support golf in the community. “Golf is more than a game. It mirrors life and is a great revealer of character. Take it from author Joseph Bronson, who has played golf for over 40 years at many of the top courses in the world, from the United States to Scotland, United Kingdom, China, Japan, New Zealand, and even Israel. Through the Green: Golf Shots, Spots, and Stories Inspirations and Aspirations details how to play Pebble Beach from an amateur and professional perspective; contains a complete layout of the world’s hardest and most enjoyable holes that he has played; and delights with a fictional short story about a retired business executive who tries to compete for a USGA national championship. Golf is a difficult game to play and more difficult to master, but with Bronson’s experience and insights, golfers and non-golfers alike will want to improve their golf game and relish the challenges that the game provides. Proceeds from book sales will facilitate college golf programs and The First Tee.” ( Purchase a copy of Joe’s book on and support organizations like The First Tee of Silicon Valley. Joe visited our main program location, Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course. Such visits are an excellent way for supporters to learn more about The First Tee of Silicon Valley’s classes and coaching to build the character of San José’s deserving youth. As Joe said, “The First Tee of Silicon Valley is a significant asset of this community and one only needs to see the looks on the faces of the parents to understand how vital this program is to their child’s development.”  ( View Joe’s full blog post from his visit Rancho del Pueblo among many others.

Earthquakes Game

Saturday, October 6th found George Maxe and Carlos Herrera (our resident football expert), at the San Jose Earthquakes v the New York Red Bulls game as guests of Rod & Laura Howard of Synectic.   While the Earthquakes did not enjoy success on the field, George & Carlos had a lot of fun and learned much about Synectic and Avaya. Watching the game from the Avaya suite allowed them to see Avaya product demos.  Rod & Laura had the opportunity to learn about The First Tee of Silicon Valley throughout the game as well.

Golf Friends Have a Deeper Link

Playing the game of golf can improve your quality of life as there are many physical, emotional and social benefits. The First Tee Nine Healthy Habits were created through a collaboration among The First Tee, ANNIKA Foundation and Florida Hospital for Children to promote healthy, active lifestyles for youth. The First Tee of Silicon Valley participants learn Nine Healthy Habits as part of our education curriculum and one of the social healthy habits is Friends. The First Tee of Silicon Valley teaches our participants to maintaining healthy relationships and encourages them to surround themselves with friends and supportive people. We have relevant discussions about how to effectively handle challenging situations, including bullying and navigating the digital age with social media. We have also observed the special friendships our participants have formed through being involved in our program from 2nd to 12th Grade through 5 levels of certification. There is something different about the friendships they make through golf, an extra dimension, a deeper link. It’s amazing, you smack a little white ball across a few miles of mowed turf and it shows you–and your mates—what kind of person you are: flawed, full of hope, willing to push hard against the limits of your ability, ready to laugh, weep, try and keep trying. All the ingredients of true friendship. Consider registering your child in a class, becoming a volunteer or supporting our non-profit youth development organization.

Golf is a Game of Common Courtesies

There are so many common courtesies that are the fabric of the game of golf. As one of The First Tee’s Nine Core Values, Courtesy teaches participants respectful behavior toward others. Our weekly curriculum incorporates handshakes and introductions at all program levels. A round of golf should begin and end with a handshake between fellow competitors. Players also should be still and quiet while others are preparing and performing a shot. Whether players are waiting to get started on the first hole or waiting their turn while others are playing the course, following some simple rules and etiquette will help maintain order while playing and allow them to remain courteous toward one another. A strong handshake with confident eye contact creates an immediate image of strength, professionalism and belief in oneself. It helps pull shy, insecure participants out of their shell, creates a bridge for communication between individuals of all ages and backgrounds, and sets the tone in showing respect for others. Parents, volunteers and spectators have commented that they can point out a participant of The First Tee of Silicon Valley from a crowd of young adults just by watching their demeanor and ability to communicate with other individuals. Consider registering your child in a class, becoming a volunteer or supporting our non-profit youth development organization.

Caddy Club Members Matter

There is still time to be part of the 2018 Caddy Club! It has been a challenging year to raise money for our youth development non-profit as much of the local giving has been diverted to supporting disaster relief and homelessness. The First Tee of Silicon Valley is a safe haven that provides structure, direction and mentorship to many children who never dreamed of working on core values and life goals through golf. We are turning back to golf enthusiasts like you that understand the impact of our specialized program to ask for help. We appreciate your generous financial support to continue shaping youth into high quality adults and to keep our classes affordable. More than 50% of our current class costs (>$250) are covered by contributions keeping class fees affordable. More than 25% of our participants which are on free/reduced school lunch program require financial aid to even cover the $160 class fee. Your generosity provides opportunity and results. If you have already received your 2018 bag tag and magnet as a Caddy Club member, please consider a year-end gift to help us reach our $250,000 goal. If you are not yet a member of our Caddy Club for this year, please visit our website to learn more about our multiple levels of Caddy Club Annual Giving (starting at $250) and see the impact you can have by underwriting a participant(s) as they progress through the 5 levels of certification. Thank you for realizing our program is a game changer for participants – they are behaving better, are getting better grades and are healthier on the golf course, in the classroom and in our local community. The First Tee of Silicon Valley is a self-sustaining, local chapter celebrating its 13th year of offering affordable access to over 65,000 youth. Please donate to help us meet our goal of raising $250,000 by year-end.

The First Tee of Silicon Valley Comes to Redwood City

The First Tee of Silicon Valley is excited to begin classes in Redwood City this upcoming Winter season! We are coordinating with Redwood City Department of Parks & Rec, Redwood City Police Activities League (PAL), Redwood City School District, and San Mateo County Sheriff’s Activities League (SAL). Both PAL and SAL have begun delivering The First Tee DRIVE program in Redwood City and North Fair Oaks schools. SAL efforts, in particular, are for their Pete Liebengood Junior Golf Program. TFTSV’s entry in to southern San Mateo County is part of our plan to expand our presence at the new Baylands Golf Links (formerly Palo Alto Muni) and to reach many more low income youth. TFTSV is very grateful to the SAGA Foundation for its generous grant to help make all of this possible.  

Used Club Drive at PGA Tour Superstore

Bring your used clubs to the PGA TOUR Superstore in East Palo Alto on Saturday, November 10th from 11am to 3pm. Collecting used clubs enables The First Tee of Silicon Valley to pursue our mission to impact the lives of young people by providing education programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values and promote healthy choices through the game of golf. Bring your used clubs to the PGA TOUR Superstore (1751 East Bayshore Road, East Palo Alto, CA  94303) on Saturday, November 10th from 11AM to 3PM and receive a $20 off/$60 PGATSS coupon.
  • Club donations: full sets, usable drivers/putters/fairway metals, golf bags, and iron sets
  • Club donors will receive $20OFF$60 (PGATSS coupon)

The Importance of Volunteer Coaches

The First Tee of Silicon Valley believes positive youth development happens through a meaningful, quality relationship between the coach and participant. Mentor coaches are critical to ensuring our participants have an optimum and enjoyable learning environment. Therefore, we are always looking for high quality volunteers to serve as mentor coaches. The First Tee works with experts in a variety of fields to help coaches deliver programs that seamlessly weave golf and character-building activities into each lesson. Our coaches follow a philosophy centered on positively reinforcing a child’s actions and ensuring a great experience. As a child progresses through The First Tee’s programs, the activities and life lessons become more involved, helping her/him build character and become even more equipped to make good choices on and off the golf course. TFTSV Coaching Philosophy We believe that positive youth development happens through a meaningful, quality relationship between the coach and participant. Young people do not care what a coach knows until they know a coach cares. This philosophy is implemented through four building blocks. Activity-Based Doing versus telling  (create experience-based learning environments; seamless delivery of life skills within golf activities) Mastery-Driven Seek challenging tasks that help develop new skills  (balance the focus on process versus outcome) Empower Youth Young people actively participate in the decision-making process  (develop positive relationships and take a student-centered approach) Continuous Learning Foster long-term solutions rather than short-term fixes  (engage young people in feedback and identify coachable moments) Coaching is a very rewarding experience. Click here for an application to be considered. Onboarding steps must be completed by November 15th to coach the Winter Session (Dec-Feb).

PURE Insurance Championship Impacting The First Tee

On September 30th, The First Tee of Silicon Valley brought 36 TFTSV DRIVE participants on a bus trip to the 2018 PURE Insurance Championship Impacting The First Tee at Pebble Beach Golf Course. TFTSV participants, who were mostly from our outreach efforts in the Alum Rock Unified School District in East San José, took part in the Chevron STEM Zone and learned how science, technology, engineering, and math impacts golf. They also cheered on our 4 local chapter teens: Linette Jun, Calton Kong, Erica Lam & Kelly Yu who were selected to compete in the official PGA TOUR Champions event September 24-30. What an inspiration for the field trip students to observe how the efforts of our high -school, Eagle certified participants earned them the coveted spot to play along-side professional and amateur golfers in a nationally televised event. After watching the golf tournament, they returned to Rancho del Pueblo to hit range balls and turn their inspiration into action! TFTSV sends a special thank you to the Monterey Peninsula Foundation for providing the grant which allowed us to cover transportation to and from Pebble Beach and participate in the Chevron STEM Zone. TFTSV will be piloting its own STEM classes to Birdie level participants this Winter. Elective classes for Par, Birdie, Eagle and Ace will begin in the Spring of 2019. TFTSV’s STEM curriculum will integrate The First Tees’s nine golf fundamentals with developmentally appropriate STEM concepts.