Winter Training Focuses on the “Why”

On Saturday November 23rd, 10 TFTSV Instructors and 19 Mentors attended the Winter Season Training at Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course. TFTSV instructors & mentors meet once before every season to engage in our coaching philosophy, policies, and best practices. For our most recent training our Instructors and mentors explored the “why” of our organization – why The First Tee of Silicon Valley exists and why we coach what we do. From there, our instructors and mentors explored the “how” which included building relationships, creating a community of inclusion and teamwork, and setting an engaging learning environment for our participants. The First Tee of Silicon Valley believes positive youth development happens through a meaningful, quality relationship between the coach and participant. Mentor coaches are critical to ensuring our participants have an optimum and enjoyable learning environment. Therefore, we are always looking for high quality volunteers to serve as mentor coaches. Consider volunteering for the Spring Season from March 10th  to May 9th, 2020. Click here to learn more.

Pre-Winter Golf Introduction Class

On Saturday, November 9th, The First Tee of Silicon Valley hosted a free golf introduction class at Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course for students interested in trying out golf and learning about TFTSV classes. Students experienced Integrity through two of our golf games and worked on their Golf Fundamentals. According to our Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt, “The golf introduction classes are usually the participant’s first exposure to the game of golf so it is important to provide a fun, safe, and engaging experience. We hope these classes spark an interest in the game and encourage them to enroll in our 8-week program and progress through our 5 class levels which consist of 27 life skill lessons.” TFTSV hosts four golf introduction classes, one before each 8-week season.  Our next golf introduction class will take place on Saturday, February 22nd at Rancho Del Pueblo from 10am to 12pm. For more information on our golf introduction classes call 408-508-4884.

2019 Girls Golf “Mixed-Up” Sports Competition

On November 16th, The First Tee of Silicon Valley hosted The Girls Golf “Mixed Up” Sports Competition.  With 12 Girls Golf members registered, the participants played nine holes of golf with a twist.  Each hole was designed to use equipment from other sports to play out the hole within the rules of golf.  The girls were introduced to foot golf, archery golf, frisbee golf, tennis golf, and lacrosse golf.  Within the group, archery golf was by far the most popular. “Archery golf gave me my first birdie!!!” – Jennifer, a Girls Golf member. Each group member was tasked with keeping track of another player’s score.  It was great to see the girls helping each other out with aim and alignment despite being in a competition with each other. The day concluded with prizes, trivia, and brunch provided by Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course. Girls Golf Play Days are beneficial events where our female participants enjoy an all-female day with friends and a supportive group of coaches and volunteers.  For many, the Mixed-Up Sports Competition was their first exposure to a tournament setting in golf.  With the help of sports equipment from other sports, the girls were able to learn tournament play in a pressure free setting. Congratulations to our girls for playing with integrity and perseverance! Girl’s Golf dates are set for 2020: February 29th, May 30th, August 22nd, and November 14th.  Registration opens up 3 weeks prior.

Outreach at Taft Elementary “Snags” New Participants

On November 19th, The First Tee of Silicon Valley made its way up the Peninsula to Taft Elementary and exposed new kids to its wonderful program. Over the course of the day 200 students ranging from 2nd to 5th grade participated in various games and activities, focusing on respect and the fundamentals of holding a golf club. Equipped with plastic SNAG clubs and tennis balls, the students had a blast as they were encouraged to explore the game and what it has to offer. With some Taft Elementary students having participated in the past, the excitement and energy these students brought to the game created an incredibly supportive and cheerful atmosphere. By the end of the day 71 new students had expressed interest in joining the golf course class program, and had waited excitedly in line to ensure their names were taken down on Coach Chris’s list of hopeful new participants. Thanks to the wonderful staff at Taft Elementary and Redwood City  PAL for helping to make this possible!

Outreach Participants Head Out to the Course

Shepherded out by their First Tee coaches, outreach participants from San Antonio Elementary, Cesar Chavez Elementary, and Clyde Arbuckle Elementary made their way out on to the driving range at Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course. Being the first time many of the students had set foot on an actual course, they were thrilled to finally be able to hit real balls with real clubs. This was evident in the ecstatic way the participants carried themselves. While still remaining courteous and respectful to their surroundings, the students cheered on their classmates and exchanged high fives after successful shots. They giddily took as many turns as possible in their allotted time frame, attempting to outperform each other at every opportunity. Needless to say, they’re hooked on golf! Thank you to Rancho del Pueblo for allowing the students this opportunity!

TFTSV Congratulates Alexia Gutiérrez & Latinx Golf

Congratulations are in order for Alexia Gutiérrez, Founder and Executive Director, and Latinx Golf for their Commendation from the San Jose City Council on Monday, November 19th. Alexia has combined her passions for STEM, tutoring and golf to help the Latinx community including encouraging her students to also register for TFTSV classes. Alexia received the Commendation from Mayor Liccardo and Councilmembers Magdalena Carrasco and Johnny Khamis.

Thank You for Naming TFTSV as your Beneficiary!

The First Tee of Silicon Valley is 100% locally supported and relies on community funding to provide our youth development programs, which are making a big difference! We are very fortunate that various golf organizations and golf tournaments name us as their charitable beneficiary. They believe in funding the future of our organization and the next generation of golfers and good citizens. The Villages Golf & Country Club 9-Hole Ladies Group hosted their Invitational on June 11th.  They conducted a raffle to raise funds and donated $900 to TFTSV. This was our second year being named as their beneficiary. The Almaden Golf & Country Club 9-Hole Ladies Group hosted their Invitational on September 5th. They conducted a raffle that raised $2,332 of which half was donated to TFTSV and half to Corina Green. This was our first year being named as their beneficiary. The Silicon Valley Business Travel Association (SVBTA) hosted their industry Golf Classic at Silver Creek Valley Golf & Country Club on September 23rd.  They conducted a silent auction and donated $2,000 to TFTSV. This was the fifth year being named as their beneficiary for a cumulative total of $6,465.  They also invited us to provide a video, participant speaker and branded centerpieces at their dinner for added exposure. A sincere thank you to these organizations for thinking of TFTSV and for giving back to the community. Keep us in mind if you are affiliated with a golf tournament or event that’s gives to non-profits. Contact Judy Dixon Deaton [email protected] for additional information.

Coach Chris, Our New Program Director!

Hearty congratulations are in order for Chris Moreno-Hunt, who was recently promoted to Program Director. Chris has over 8 years of experience as a Program Manager working for The First Tee, originally with the former chapter in Oakland/East Bay and then with us at TFTSV over the past 18 months. Chris has been a welcome, valued addition to our staff working closely with Coach Matt, who recently switched to being a part-time Program Instructor to pursue other interests. Chris brings a nice blend of empathy, intelligence and golf skill to his work with TFTSV. First, He’s caring… He epitomizes what it means to be a mentor, walking alongside our participants — with empathy — in their development. Second, He’s smart… His approach to the business side of his work, including problem solving and decision making, is thoughtful, thorough and analytical. Third, He’s good… Chris is a scratch golfer, who really knows the game and how to play it well. He played on the teams at Berkeley HS and Pitzer College. We’re excited to see Chris further apply these strengths as he steps up to get TFTSV to the next level of programming. Chris will be building on the 19 years of program management foundation laid by Coach John Jasso from 2000 to 2007 when we were the Eagles at Rancho Junior Golf Program then The First Tee of San Jose, by Coach Molly from 2007 to 2017, and most recently by Coach Matt from 2012 to 2019. Having Chris as the single point person for all programming is essential as TFTSV continues to expand overall, but especially on the Mid-Peninsula. His responsibilities will include coordination and development of instruction, curriculum, outreach and opportunities. In time, we envision TFTSV having a Program Manager at each of our three main locations in San Jose, Palo Alto, and Gilroy. Coach Manny has been the closest to such a Program Manager role working at Gavilan College Golf Course in Gilroy since 2014.  

Thank you, Coach Matt!

As our fall 2019 season comes to a close, so too will Matt Sheppard’s time as a member of TFTSV’s full-time staff. While we are sad to see him go, we are happy that we’ll still have him on our team as a part-time Program Instructor and that he’ll have more time to pursue his other interests. Matt joined TFTSV’s staff about 8 years ago when he switched from the role of Volunteer Coach to Program Coordinator. He worked closely with Coach Molly, our Program Manager for 10 years, and was promoted to Program Manager himself in 2017. Together, Matt and Molly expanded and grew our programs at Baylands Golf Links and the Golf Club at Moffett Field. Most recently, Matt has worked closely with Coach Chris as Co-Program Managers.
Mentors walk alongside others in their development. To be most effective, they must create a safe, caring and nurturing climate in their relationship with their mentees. Matt has demonstrated such effectiveness as a mentor more times that we could count. Many of TFTSV’s participants have enjoyed him as a coach, confidant and friend because of his supportive spirit and intentional instruction.

Please join me in thanking Coach Matt for his years of full-time work for and contributions to TFTSV.

Thank you, Matt!George Maxe, President & CEO

Dear The First Tee of Silicon Valley Participants & Families, It is with mixed emotions that I share with you all that in the coming weeks, I will be leaving my position as Program Manager to pursue a career in music but will still be an instructor with TFTSV. It is a fitting time for me and the organization, this being my eighth year with the company and The First Tee of Silicon Valley at a point where it is thriving. I want to thank each of you for making The First Tee a wonderful place to work and for all of the fond memories and relationships that we’ve created together over the years. I feel blessed and thankful to be part of such a wonderful community of good people. I am very proud of all that our organization has accomplished. I would like to thank TFTSV staff, volunteers, and instructors. All of which have helped me grow as a person and have been integral in the success of the program. A special thank you goes out to Chris Moreno-Hunt, who I have learned so much from. You have been an inspirational person to work side-by-side with everyday. I appreciate your continuous support and admire who you are as a person. Another special thank you goes out to George Maxe, who has been my biggest supporter and mentor for me during the past 8 years. I appreciate your tireless efforts in helping me reach my full potential. I am forever grateful for your support.  I really cannot adequately express in words how much I appreciate all who are involved in TFTSV. Please know that I am grateful and thankful to you all. I am happy to say that the organization is in great hands with Chris Moreno-Hunt taking on most of my responsibilities along with the assistance of our hard working staff, Lina, Carlos, Joe, Gabby, Julie, Judy, and Manny. In the future you may see me out coaching a couple of classes or doing some behind the scenes work for The First Tee, but my last day as Program Manager will be on Saturday, November 2nd. I hope to continue to see and chat with many of you periodically! Thank you, Matt

Kho’s Amazing Pure Insurance Experience

Ralph Kho had an amazing experience being paired with Bernhard Langer as he represented The First Tee of Silicon Valley at the 2019 PURE Insurance Championship Impacting The First Tee. The 16th annual event, hosted by the Monterey Peninsula Foundation, is an official PGA TOUR Champions event contested at Pebble Beach Golf Links and Poppy Hills Golf Course in Pebble Beach, California, that took place September 24-29. “Playing at one of the best courses in the world with the legend himself, Bernard Langer, knowing that you are on TV is just a once in a life time experience. Being surrounded by such an elite group of people, celebrities, and golfers inspired me to be the best version of myself and carry the First Tee values wherever I go. The moments I had at the Pure Insurance is something that I’ll never forget and will always look back to. I’m very grateful for Coach Matt, Coach George, Coach Chris, and Julie for guiding me through the application process and supporting me.” said Ralph Kho Kho’s mother shared, “We are very grateful to The First Tee of Silicon Valley, … the coaches and the staff that Ralph was selected to participate to the PURE Insurance Championship and to be paired with Bernhard Langer, who has 40 PGA TOUR Champion victories, was a big bonus. We will forever be grateful to The First Tee for this great opportunity and all other that Ralph has received and participated in throughout his time with The First Tee of Silicon Valley. Special thank you to Matt for guiding and supporting Ralph all throughout the application process and for everything he has helped Ralph with from the day he started – mentoring him not just in golf but as a person. Thank you very much to all of you.” Kho is a long-time participant in The First Tee of Silicon Valley’s program. He has been dedicated to progressing through several class levels and generous by giving back to younger participants as a Junior Coach. Kho is truly a fine young man with a very bright future. He is a senior at Junipero Serra High School beginning this fall. Kho’s selection for the event was very timely given his pioneering, class history at Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course which is now Baylands Golf Links. He was one of The First Tee of Silicon Valley’s first participants there as the chapter expanded its classes to the mid-peninsula. The First Tee of Silicon Valley is endeavoring to make an investment to the facility in the form of a learning center and improvements to the range and practice areas. “Ralph should be extremely proud (and excited!) not only by his selection to play in this tournament, but also by his dedication to The First Tee of Silicon Valley. I cannot think of a more deserving participant to represent our chapter,” said George Maxe, President and CEO of The First Tee of Silicon Valley. The PURE Insurance Championship Impacting the First Tee is the only event of its kind where 78 First Tee teenagers from across the country are paired up with 78 PGA TOUR Champions players and 156 amateurs during an official PGA TOUR Champions tournament. There were 78 participants from First Tee chapters across the country compete for the Pro-Junior Team title. Participants are selected by a national panel of judges based on their understanding and application of the values and life skills learned through First Tee’s programs, as well as their playing ability. Nearly 1,000 teens from First Tee have played in the PURE Insurance Championship, experiencing the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet, play and be mentored by PGA TOUR Champions players and amateurs in the field. “We are proud to continue our involvement with this prestigious event and help support the great work of the Monterey Peninsula Foundation and The First Tee,” said Katherine Frattarola, Chief Marketing Officer of the PURE Group of Insurance Companies. “The impact this event has on the incredible young men and women from the First Tee makes this sponsorship tremendously rewarding for our entire team. First Tee is a youth development organization dedicated to helping young people build character through the game of golf. The First Tee of Silicon Valley is one of 150 chapters around the world introducing the sport of golf and First Tee’s Core Values to kids, positively impacting their lives. Serving the greater Silicon Valley community since 2005, more than 78,000 kids have been impacted through The First Tee of Silicon Valley’s programs. To learn more about The First Tee of Silicon Valley, visit For more information on the 2019 PURE Insurance Championship, visit

2019 Pure Insurance Field Trip

The First Tee of Silicon Valley brought 36 class participants from Rancho Del Pueblo on a field trip to the final round of the 2019 Pure Insurance Championship Impacting The First Tee at Pebble Beach Golf Course. While at Pebble Beach, the students watched the best senior professional golfers in the world play together with some of the top TFT players in the country.  The purpose of our field trip is to inspire our participants and expose them to opportunities available to them as they progress through our program. The First Tee of Silicon Valley also coordinates field trips to foster and strengthen mentoring with our participants in a different setting. Lastly, it allows our under-served participants with 98% diversity the opportunity to see the ocean and a beautiful part of the Monterey coast that many have not experienced. TFTSV sends a special thank you to the Monterey Peninsula Foundation for providing the grant which allowed us to cover transportation to and from Pebble Beach. “We are grateful for the Monterey Peninsula Foundation which allows us provide our participants an opportunity to visit a world-famous golf course and learn from some of the best golfers in the world”, said Chris Moreno-Hunt, Program Manager.

95.3 KRTY $5,000 Check Presentation at the Justin Moore Concert

95.3 KRTY presented a generous $5,000 donation to The First Tee of Silicon Valley as the beneficiary of the sold-out Justin Moore concert at Clos La Chance Winery on September 26th.  It was an amazing evening as over 700 people sat under the stars to enjoy an intimate music performance. Justin, who is a golfer himself, and played that morning next door at CordeValle said to the audience, “I am so happy to be a part of this charity night in support of The First Tee of Silicon Valley – they are doing great work teaching kids core values through the game of golf.” A special thanks to General Manager, Nate Deaton and the KRTY staff for supporting us. TFTSV Board Director, Frank Wilde and TFTSV Development Director, Judy Dixon (pictured below) were in attendance for the check presentation.