FTSV Benefits from the 4th Annual Fund the Kids

First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV) benefits from the 4th Annual Fund the Kids tournament sponsored by Jacobs. On Saturday, September 21st, Jacobs hosted 42 golfers at Gilroy Golf Course as they played a fast-paced 18 holes and on-course games. Players were then treated to lunch, raffle and a fun and engaging speech from FTSV former participant and current coach, Martin Fu.

FTSV would like to thank Presenting Sponsor Jacobs, all the supporting sponsors and players for raising $8,200 which will go to help MORE kids in South County.

Jacobs has been the Contract Operator for the South County Regional Wastewater Authority (SCRWA) plant in Gilroy since 1984. Tournament Coordinator, Kerry Edmonds said, “Community involvement is an extension of the Jacobs’ and the SCRWA culture. They care about their surrounding communities which is why we felt compelled to sponsor the 4th Annual Fund the Kids Golf Tournament, benefiting First Tee – Silicon Valley and will do it again next year.”

First Place: John Hagins, Noy Phannavong, Ryan Fane

Closest to the Hole (#4 & #6): David Bradley & TG III

Long Drive Womens: Lindsey Edmonds

Long Drive Mens: JD

If you have an upcoming tournament and would like to make First Tee – Silicon Valley the beneficiary, please click here.

Published: 09-26-2024

First Tee Leadership Summit in partnership with PGA Tour Superstore

In August, two awesome FTSV participants traveled to Emigrant, Montana to take part in this year’s First Tee Leadership Summit in partnership with PGA Tour Superstore. Kids from across the country were selected to attend this fun event, participating in team building activities, growing through challenges via positive risk taking, and developing positive self-identity. Over the course of the week, these participants learned important things about themselves and others all while creating long lasting relationships and memories. Thank you, PGA TOUR Superstore, for this event!

Participants Natalie Chen and Alexandra Varo represented FTSV at the Leadership Summit, attending different weeks.

Throughout each week, both participates took part in activities such as a ropes course, horseback riding and white-water rafting as well as different self-reflective activities and hearing from different inspirational speakers. Both had really positive experiences during their trip, and both participants feel that they grew as people while there.

FTSV Participant – Natalie Chen

When asked which activity stood out the most, Natalie reflected on her time white-water rafting. “One moment that was special was the white-water rafting. Everyone was jumping in the water and I hesitated because I didn’t want to get my clothes wet. Everyone reassured me that it would be okay, and I had so many people committed to making sure I was safe. I ended up jumping in! It really helped me to connect and bond with these other people and it gave me confidence.”

“Before Montana, I was more reserved, especially for physical activities. After this trip, I am willing to take bigger risks, and I believe that will help with my leadership skills. Being a good leader and being able to direct a team to success depend on taking those risks. Just going for it and having the mindset that you can succeed is really important.”

FTSV Participant – Alexandra Varo

Participant Alexandra Varo also had a transformational experience in Montana. From horseback riding to golfing with new friends to attending a fun dance night with a live band, Alexandra made memories while exploring about her own natural leadership abilities. For her, the experience that was most impactful was the partner rope ladder. She and another participant had to navigate a tall rope ladder all while being tied together, forcing them to focus on their trust and communication in a situation where anxiety can build quickly. By pushing through the scary heights, they were both able to succeed and make it to the top.

At the end of the trip, Alexandra and the rest of the participants spent time reflecting on how the week was and what they learned. She spoke in front of the group about how she had changed over the course of the week. Alexandra said, “I’m usually not confident in my own decisions. This week, however, I made a lot of my own choices. It taught me more about being independent, to think about my opinion first instead of asking someone else… I want to take on more leadership roles when I get to college next year. I was talking with someone about how my new school doesn’t have a track club, and how I could start my own. I have a new perspective about how important it is to be a leader sometimes, and how not to let anything, especially yourself, hold you back.”

National Opportunities

These sorts of national opportunities provide FTSV participants to expand on the lessons they are learning in the program, and to push themselves to grow in ways they never would have expected. Not only are trips such as this Leadership Summit super fun, they are transformational, personal growth experiences that have lasting impressions. If you would like to learn more about the available National Opportunities, please visit our website, or reach out to Coach Phoenix ([email protected]).

Published: 09-13-2024

FTSV Trainings for Instructors and Volunteer Coaches

FTSV recently completed our quarterly, off-season coach trainings for First Tee – Silicon Valley Instructors and Volunteer Coaches. The trainings are tailored to facilitate growth in our coaches and expand on their coaching techniques. Thank you to the 23 paid coaches who attended the instructor training and the 55 volunteer coaches who attended the mentor training.

First Tee has 4 coaching building blocks

Empowering Youth, Mastery Driven, Activity Based, and Continuous Learning – that coaches around the country are exposed to through national trainings.  At our local Instructor training we dive into the details of those building blocks and build upon our coaching techniques that are based on research and partnerships with established organizations like Positive Coaching Alliance and The Search Institute.   

Our mentor training, held later in the day, provided our volunteers with specific coach framework that is rooted in the Activity-Based coach building block and provides coaching tips for each section of our classes. At the conclusion of this particular mentor training, we celebrated one of our volunteer coaches, Norah Yang, for her win at the First Tee National Championship this past summer.

Coaching is an ongoing journey of self-exploration and personal development, which is why we ask our coaches to attend all 4 coach trainings each year.  It is also why we consistently identify and incorporate fresh and proven coaching tips that reinforce our coach approach and curriculum into each training.

FTSV coaches are the backbone of our program. They are the mentors that guide our participants and help them feel welcomed. We want them to always be learning and feel empowered to help others. Hopefully our trainings are accomplishing that goal. From everyone in the FTSV office, thank you very much to all our amazing coaches!

To find out more about how to be a FTSV Coach, please click here.

Instructor Training

Mentor Training

Published: 09-12-2024

FTSV Awarded PGA TOUR Superstore $31K Grant

As part of First Tee National’s partnership with PGA TOUR Superstores, First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV) was awarded a $31K Grant – $16,000 in support of our upcoming teen retention initiatives and $15,000 in support of our DE&I initiatives.

FTSV Teen Retention Initiatives

Our greatest teen recruitment challenge is teens’ lack awareness that golf is an option. Teens stop exploring new sports at this age and if they do explore, sadly golf is not always seen as “cool.”

FTSV believes strongly in and is committed to longitudinal mentoring and character development. The longer that we have to walk alongside kids, the broader and deeper their personal growth. Forming high quality developmental relationships with our experienced coaches is the most important element in the transfer of life skills to teen participants. We strive to maximize mentoring time (e.g., purposeful Q&A with participants about a class’s lessons and life skills) and minimize the “noise” of so many moving parts required to conduct quality programming. We draw from Positive Coaching Alliance and The Search Institute to deliver coach training that equips our staff with proven and effective relationship-building strategies.

The PGATSS $16K grant will support the coaching required for our existing and expanding teen initiatives. More specifically, this grant ensures experienced program coordination, which includes coaching delivery that is essential to maintain and improve our teen support.

Read more about our Teen Initiatives: 

Summer of OpportunityAce Career ProjectJunior Council

FTSV DE&I Retention Initiatives

Our programs are accessible to youth of different backgrounds and perspectives and affordable to families experiencing financial hardship. Appreciating diversity, respect, integrity, active listening, and empathy are at the core of what we teach the youth we serve.

FTSV’s greatest challenge in reaching underserved/underrepresented youth is convincing parents that golf, in general, and our program, in particular, are a good opportunity and an affordable option for their kids and teens. A disproportionate percentage of the low-income youth in our service area are Latino. Many parents speak only Spanish and most believe that golf is too expensive and unwelcoming.

To overcome this challenge, FTSV intentionally partners with Title 1 schools near our on-course golf locations, which are located in lower income areas. Our School Program equips educators to successfully deliver FTSV’s curriculum of life skills through golf. It includes equipment on loan, training, support, coordination and a field trip to FTSV course locations. In addition, FTSV staff collaborates with the schools to attend on-site parent information and community events, where we can promote transition opportunities to our on-course golf program and connect with parents. Our staff uses this opportunity to break down stereotypes of golf, connect with parents, and provide information on the life skills curriculum, scholarships and future opportunities afforded to FTSV participants.

The PGATSS $15K grant will underwrite annual school partner fees for a total of 8 Title 1 Schools to ensure we are reaching underserved youth with the goal of transitioning them to our on-course program utilizing our financial aid program.

FTSV is very grateful that PGA TOUR Superstores chose our chapter to be a recipient of their generous grants to further these important initiatives.

Published: 09-12-2024

FTSV Annual Chapter Championship

On August 24th 2024, First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV) hosted its highly anticipated annual Chapter Championship at the scenic Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course. The 9-hole tournament brought together 36 enthusiastic participants in an individual stroke format, each competing according to their respective skill levels.

This annual event holds significant value for our students, offering a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the competitive world of golf. For our younger players, it’s a chance to experience the nuances of tournament play, including understanding golf rules and managing their pace of play. These experiences are crucial as they lay the groundwork for future competition.

For our more seasoned participants, the tournament provides a platform to test their skills against other highly skilled players. The format of the event, which is intentionally designed to be low-pressure, helps players of all ages practice good judgment, set realistic expectations, and manage their emotions under competitive conditions.

The highlight of the day happened right from the start! On the very first swing, James Carlo Vergara from grades 5-6 stepped up to Hole #1 for our closest-to-the-pin contest and delivered an unbelievable hole-in-one!

The Chapter Championship is not just about honing technical skills; it’s also about fostering personal growth and confidence. Participants are encouraged to build relationships with fellow players they might not have met before, thereby creating new bonds and learning from one another. This aspect of the tournament is integral to our mission of using golf as a vehicle for personal development and community building.

Overall, the Chapter Championship was a resounding success, offering valuable lessons and experiences to all who participated. We look forward to seeing our students continue to grow and apply the skills they’ve learned as they advance in their golfing journeys.

While score is absolutely not the most important thing, it is good to celebrate the winners of this event to recognize all of the effort they have been putting in working to develop their golf skills.

Grades 5-6

  • 1st Place – James Carlo Vergara
  • 2nd Place – Damien Gutierrez
  • 3rd Place – Wyatt Doiguchi

Grades 7-8

  • 1st Place – Suri Lau
  • 2nd Place – Jesse Jang
  • 3rd Place – Ben Hughes

Grades 9-12

  • 1st Place – Joey Jang
  • 2nd Place – Tristan Hipolito/Evan Santoso
  • 3rd Place – Ian Choe

Longest Drive Winners:

  • Grades 5-6 – James Carlo Vergara
  • Grades 7-8 – Suri Lau
  • Grades 9-12 – Joey Jang

Closest-to-Pin Winners:

  • Grades 5-6 – James Carlo Vergara
  • Grades 7-8 – Suri Lau
  • Grades 9-12 – Evan Santoso

For information about these tournaments and more, visit Our Opportunities page or contact Tanner Riley – [email protected].

Published: 09-11-2024

FTSV Summer Games Tournament

Rancho del Pueblo was filled with energy and excitement this summer as it hosted its first ever FTSV Summer Games Tournament, featuring a creative spin on Olympic-themed events across the scenic course’s Holes #3 to #7. Competitors of all ages came together for a day filled with unique challenges and friendly competition.

Here’s a recap of the unforgettable day:

The tournament kicked off with a twist on a classic sport. Hole #3 was transformed into soccer Golf, where participants traded their clubs for soccer balls. (Rancho’s design includes FootGolf with its own greens and larger holes adjacent to the traditional greens.) The goal was to kick the ball into the hole with as few attempts as possible. The strategy involved careful control and precision, with competitors learning quickly that a well-placed kick could make all the difference.

At Hole #4, it was all about raw power and technique. This traditional golf hole was the setting for the Longest Drive competition. Players took their best swings, aiming to send the ball soaring as far as possible. The event showcased some incredible drives, with participants using every ounce of skill to gain those extra few yards. We had a winner from each level. Congratulations to Yoodahm Ko from grades 2-4, and Victor Kotlyar from grades 5-6.

Hole #5 brought a new level of creativity with the Javelin Throw event. Instead of traditional javelins, participants used a specially designed launcher to hurl a tennis ball onto the green. The objective was to land the ball as close to the hole as possible. Contestants displayed a range of techniques and strategies, from aiming high to maximizing distance.

Hole #6 was a test of versatility and skill in the One Club Challenge. Competitors were required to complete the hole using only one golf club of their choice. The challenge forced players to think strategically about club selection and shot execution. Some opted for irons, while others chose drivers for a more aggressive approach.

The final event at Hole #7 was perhaps the most unique: the Archery Shot. Here, participants took their tee shots with a foam-tipped bow & arrow. The unusual setup added an extra layer of challenge, requiring steady hands and keen focus. Players had to balance the intricacies of archery with the precision of golf, aiming to hit the fairway or green with a well-placed shot.

The Summer Games Tournament at Rancho del Pueblo was a resounding success, blending traditional golf with imaginative Olympic-themed events. Each hole offered a distinctive challenge, pushing competitors to adapt and showcase a wide range of skills. The camaraderie among participants made the event an even more memorable occasion.

Congratulations to all our participants for making this such a wonderful tournament! And congratulations to all of our winners!

1st Place (Gold Medal) – Yoli Lin and Alanna Grigsby

2nd Place (Silver Medal) – Odin Lopez and Yoodahm Ko

3rd Place (Bronze Medal) – Yao Yan, Kai Brunner / Yuan Lin, Landon Fang

Next Tournament will be November 9, 2025. For information about these tournaments and more, visit Our Opportunities page or contact Tanner Riley – [email protected].

Published: 09-11-2024

Girls Golf Summer Play Day

Girls Golf Summer Play Day – a day of fun and friendship on the green! What a fantastic day we had at our Summer 2024 Girls Golf event! We kicked off the morning with some essential range practice, where everyone had the chance to sharpen their skills before diving into the day’s activities. To break the ice and set a positive tone, we engaged in some fun icebreakers, helping everyone get comfortable and excited for the day ahead.

Our first highlight was capturing a fantastic group picture—an essential keepsake to remember this special day. With smiles all around, the girls were then divided into groups and set off to tackle the uniquely themed golf holes.

Each hole on the 4-hole course (i.e., Holes #1, #2, #8 & #9) presented a new and quirky challenge. One-hole featured beach balls where the participants had to chip over them, adding a playful twist to the game. Another hole was creatively designed with noodles as seaweed obstacles, making the experience both entertaining and memorable. Our goal was to make each hole engaging and different, ensuring that the day was full of surprises and laughter.

After making their way through all four holes, the girls returned to the patio area where arts and crafts awaited them. This creative segment provided a perfect opportunity for the girls to relax and bond with each other while expressing their artistic talents.

Overall, Girls Golf Summer Play Day was a tremendous success

Coach Gracie said, “It was heartwarming to see the girls interacting, laughing, and getting to know each other better.” The energy and enthusiasm were infectious, and the smiles on everyone’s faces said it all. We couldn’t have asked for a more enjoyable day and can’t wait for our next Girls Golf event. Until then, keep swinging and smiling!

Thank you to Coach Gracie and all of our volunteer coaches for making this Girls Golf Event so memorable!

Next Girls Golf will be November 9, 2024. For information about these tournaments and more, visit Our Opportunities page or contact Manny Gallardo – [email protected].

Published: 09-11-2024

FTSV Grateful for families at Appreciation Day

(Appreciation Day – August 10, 2024) – This past Saturday First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV) celebrated our families for their continued participation in our classes. As an organization that relies heavily on the commitment from participants, coaches, and instructors, we wanted to show how appreciative we are of their efforts to make our classes what they are – an inviting environment and community centered around building character and golf. Families and coaches came together from the Mid-Peninsula, greater San Jose, and South County to play games, meet other families, and have a good time.

Over 100 people attended the event at Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course. The games included Giant Jenga, tug-a-war, football toss, water ballon archery, corn hole, ball toss, driving range games, and a mission ImPuttable game. The event concluded with everyone enjoying pizza and hanging out together. We were fortunate enough to end this wonderful season with an event that formulated new connections, smiles, and most importantly a feeling of togetherness.

Special Appreciation to…

We owe a special shout out to our coaches who helped out: Elora, Katelyn, Isaiah, and Felix. Your help made it possible to host the wonderful families of FTSV. We would also like to thank the families that showed up. We know it’s not easy to find free time on a weekend, so we are very happy you all chose to spend your Saturday with us. Lastly, we would like to thank Coach Victor for putting the event together.

We hope to see you all again later in the year!

We love what we do and are so grateful for everyone in our program.

Interested in joining our program and taking a class, Registration for the Fall 2024 is now open! Fall too busy for you? FTSV runs year-round. LEARN MORE

Growing FTSV with Community Day

( FTSV Community Day – August 10, 2024) – One of the major components that helps our organization grow is the community that we all share and enjoy. First Tee – Silicon Valley has been developing relationships all over the Alum Rock District, greater San Jose, and Silicon Valley to not only help our organization reach new heights, but also to have the impact with those we work with and for – our kids and teens.

As a way to celebrate those relationships and in an effort to build new ones, we hosted a Community Day this past Saturday, August 10th, at Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course. This event was meant to both introduce new families to our program, and help build a sense of welcome at Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course.

FTSV Classes on display at Community Day

We were able to host families and show them what our classes are like, having them go through a format of what our Practice Class does. We started on the practice range where Coaches Phoenix and Michael led a fun target game where pairs of participants faced off against each other. This was followed by Coach Manny’s Hungry Hippo’s Chipping Game where the kids beat their parents. The day ended with a 9-hole game of Mission ImPuttable led by Coach Tanner, who showed participants how to properly keep track of their score as a duo on a score card. In all three games families learned and experienced different ways to show respect to others, themselves, and their surroundings. Respect is a core Life Skill that all grade groups in our program learn and practice.

We would like to thank the families who showed up to this event and made it such a fun event. Once again, we would not be where we are today without the help and support from the wonderful people in the San Jose community.

Interested in joining a class, Registration for the Fall 2024 is now open! Fall too busy for you? FTSV runs year-round. LEARN MORE

Published: 08-14-2024

National Opportunity Recap – First Tee Leadership Academy & Game Changers Academy

(National Opportunity Recap) – This summer, four fantastic First Tee – Silicon Valley participants returned from across the country after participating in First Tee National Opportunities. Isabella Herrera and Marrisa Wei attended the Game Changers Academy held in Minneapolis, MN while Dakota Chang and Ashely Pang represented FTSV at the Leadership Academy in Atlanta, GA. Both of the events provided a unique opportunity for participants to learn from industry leaders, engage in leadership-building activities, meet participants from across the county, and build lifelong memories. If you would like to learn more about the National Opportunities and how to qualify and apply please visit click here or reach out to Coach Phoenix ([email protected]).

First Tee Game Changers Academy Honoring Joe Louis Barrow, Jr. is a five-day learning and empowerment academy. Attending participants participate in important conversations embracing topics of self-awareness, inclusivity, and community building. First Tee invites its partner, RISE, a national leader in the sports community championing social justice, to facilitate engaging and interactive workshops paired with introspective activities and reflections led by our nationally trained First Tee coaches. 

The experience is designed to enlighten, inspire, encourage, and position our teens to be Game Changers in their current and future communities. The academy is the ultimate tribute to Joe Louis Barrow, Jr., a fearless champion of change.

During the week, FTSV participants Isabella and Marissa attended workshops, met inspirational people, and completed group activities all based around building leadership and teamwork skills. For Isabella, one of the most memorable actives was when she played golf with Victoria Arlen. Victoria is a four-time paralympic medalist in swimming, an ESPN sportscaster, and even performed on Dancing with the Stars, all after having to re-learn how to walk after losing the ability to eat, speak, walk and even more. Victoria developed two different rare conditions that completely changed her life, leaving her in a coma for four years. Her recovery journey taught her how important setting progress goals are to staying motivated while working towards something big.

Isabella was able to play with Victoria, and said this…

“It was incredible what she knows about sports. Whenever I talk with a guy about sports outside of FT, I’m not taken seriously, like I don’t know what I am talking about. When I was talking with her, she affirmed me. She knew all about sports, even more than me, and it made me feel so good to talk with her about it.”

For Isabella, her biggest take away was about herself identity. “My self-identity isn’t something casual I brush past, it’s something I should fully embrace and be proud of. The more pride I have, the more connection I have to myself and that strengthens my self-identity. Putting myself out there when I play golf is what makes me special. Golf is traditionally a white male sport, so being able to not only represent girls but also Latinas when I am playing hopefully can help inspire others to do the same, not just in golf but in sports in general. Representation matters!”

Marissa also had an impactful and memorable experience at the Game Changers Academy. For Marissa, one of her biggest takeaways was learning about the different traits that go into a good leader.

Marissa had this to say…

“Being inclusive is a really important part of being a good leader. It not only starts with understanding who you are as a person, but also by taking the time to understand others values and using that to make a stronger team. Making sure you are listening to everyone is really important, along with having the confidence in yourself to go above and beyond to make a difference.”

Marissa says that her experience during this academy will help her to be a better junior coach with FTSV. “It helped me to become a lot more aware of my actions and for me to make sure that I am listening to my participants, making sure they feel like they belong and are being included. This is a good example of how I can be a leader for the younger participants.”

Thank you, Isabella and Marissa, for representing our chapter in such a positive way!

FTSV participants, Dakota Chang and Ashely Pang recently returned from the PGA TOUR Superstore First Tee Leadership Academy. The Academy builds on the 5-week local Leadership Series and provides selected teens insight on how successful teams perform. The curriculum explores leadership concepts focusing on:  (1) building a successful team by recognizing values and identifying strengths/weaknesses, (2) leading a team by developing authentic relationships and empowering others, (3) supporting the team by developing awareness and acting with humility, and (4) assessing based on comprehending and identifying the teams need and supporting through innovation and advocacy. The academy provides an opportunity for teens to explore team dynamics that enhance their future performance as they collaborate with peers and adult mentors. Activity-based workshops are facilitated by leaders from the Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta United, Mercedes Benz Stadium, and Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation.

Both of our participants had fun and meaningful experiences that they will remember for a lifetime. During their week, they heard from many guest speakers, including the president of the PGA TOUR Superstore, Jill Spiegel. She spoke about the importance of leadership and a strong work culture, and different strategies for bringing teams together.

They also learned about the important traits of good leaders. For Dakota, her biggest takeaway was “Good leaders don’t get caught up on failures. Instead, they take it as a lesson and learn from it, asking ‘what could I have done differently?’. They aren’t afraid to step back and let others take over, and that allows for more diversity and improvement through reflection.” She knows that constructive leadership comes from always striving to do better without putting yourself down for making mistakes.

When asking Ashely about what she learned during the Leadership Academy, she focused more on teamwork. “In a team, communication and relationship building are the fundamental basis of making a team work. Trust is really important in communication, and being able to apply that value with people I didn’t even know was really special. By the end, we had formed teams and lifelong friends! Remember, challenge breeds innovation.”

The Academy was a great opportunity for Ashely and Dakota to apply the leadership skills they learned in their FTSV Grades 9-12 classes, and in their ACE classes. This Academy and the other National Opportunities are part of what makes First Tee special as they help shape the leaders of tomorrow.

This particular national opportunity became available to participants who excelled during the First Tee Leadership Series that took place at our own local Cupertino PGA TOUR Superstore. If your participant is in high school and is interested in being a part of next year’s Leadership Series, please reach out to Coach Phoenix ([email protected]) or have them tell their coach next time they see them!

Join our program by clicking here. The 4 participants have been in our program since they were in grade school and have been models of consistency throughout the years. It is no wonder they are leaders amongst their peers and we are glad their hard work and dedication paid off.

Published: 08-14-24

Tristan Hipolito Awarded the Dennis Kettmann Memorial College Scholarship

First Tee – Silicon Valley participant, Tristan Hipolito, was recently awarded the 2024 Dennis Kettman Memorial Scholarship. Each year golfers in the Dennis Kettmann Memorial Tournament raise funds to remember Dennis. Their generosity underwrites this special $5,000 college scholarship for a FTSV chosen participant.

Dennis’s son and co-organizer of the Memorial Tournament, Matt Kettmann, learned the game from his father, Dennis, and knows that he must be smiling knowing that his memory is now helping FTSV’s young people pursue their college dreams. 

David Henningsen, who is also a co-organizer shared, “It was so wonderful to have the recipient of the “Big D” scholarship play in our tournament and speak to the supporters about how FTSV has impacted him.”

More About Tristan Hipolito

Tristan has been a participant in our program since 2017, joining FTSV after previously participating in FT East Bay (now FT Oakland). As a participant, he continuously goes above and beyond. He speaks up and contributes to Life Skill discussions, works exceptionally hard on improving his golf game, and actively seeks out other ways where he can be of service. He recently represented First Tee in the national Participant Advisory Council in Florida where he was one of eight selected from around the country. Tristan is also a member of our Junior Council where he leads his subcommittee on raising money and donations for our chapter.

Not only is he an engaged and impactful participant, he is also a reliable and kind volunteer junior coach, passing on the lessons he has been taught to the next generation.

This scholarship will go a long way in helping Tristan pursue his educational goals and beyond.  Thank you to the Dennis Kettman Memorial Golf Tournament, and congratulations to Tristan!

  • Interested in joining the program like Tristan? Please click here
  • Interested in becoming a volunteer coach like Tristan? Please click here
  • Interested in making a donation to help participants receive financial aid? Click here
  • Interested in our local, regional, and national opportunities? Click here
Tristen H at Dennis Kettman.

Published: 08-14-24

FTSV’s Alumni Meet Up at the San Francisco Giants Game Was a Total Success!

(FTSV Alumni Meetup at SF Giants Game) – This past weekend, First Tee Alumni from across the country came together at the San Francisco Giants game to catch up with old friends, make new ones, and enjoy an afternoon of baseball and fun. Past participants from FTSV, FTSF and other chapters were all in attendance, as well as leaders from First Tee Headquarters, FTSF Program Manager TK Thein, and FTSV President & CEO George Maxe. Even though the Giants were not able to secure a victory, the alumni meet up was a great success.  FTSV already looks forward to the next one!

When asked about the event, FTSV Alum Kunal Laroia said, “It was great to see and catch up with everyone at the Giants game. The work FTSV has done over the years has truly shaped all of us, and it’s always inspiring to reflect on how much we’ve grown since our FTSV days.”

First Tee Alumi “All Grown Up”

The biggest take-away from the event was seeing the growth of First Tee alumni after aging out of the program. Where they were once kids, practicing their life skills on the golf course and navigating adolescence, now they are developed, capable and confident young adults. It was exciting and inspiring to see how participants had taken what they have learned and practiced in FTSV out into the world, and to hear all about their accomplishments.

Pursuing Goals Long Term

At the course, coaches stress the importance of short- and long-term Goals and creating Goal Ladders. After hearing about what the Alumni have been up to after leaving FTSV, it is clear how setting goals and planning for the future has helped them achieve whatever it is they are passionate about. Not only is FTSV happy for these ex-participants, FTSV is happy for the entire program, knowing how the lessons being taught now will impact them as adults in the future.

Building our Alumni Network

FTSV is so proud of all the work our alumni are doing, and if you are someone who was once in our program, we would love to hear what you’ve been up to! If you’d like to catch up with George ([email protected]) or just help to inspire current participants with your story, please reach out to Phoenix ([email protected]). Maybe you can even come share some of your knowledge in one of the ACE classes or become a FTSV Ambassador!

Fins out about more events like this and more! Become an official FTSV Alumni.

If you’d like to become a member of our Alumni Club someday, first you need to register for our program. You are in luck, because registration opens TODAY! Please visit our website to register for a session. We hope to see you out at the course!

Published: 08-14-24