Dakota Chang  and Ashely Pang Selected to First Tee Leadership Academy in partnership with PGA TOUR Superstore

Dakota Chang and Ashely Pang from First Tee – Silicon Valley are 2 of 48 participants selected from across the country to the First Tee Leadership Academy in partnership with PGA TOUR Superstore. The Leadership Academy is set in Atlanta Georgia and provides selected teens insight on how successful teams perform. The curriculum explores leadership concepts focusing on (1) building a successful team by recognizing values and identifying strengths/weaknesses, (2) leading a team by developing authentic relationships and empowering others, (3) supporting the team by developing awareness and acting with humility, and (4) assessing based on comprehending and identifying the team’s need and supporting through innovation and advocacy. The academy provides an opportunity for teens to explore team dynamics that enhance their future performance as they collaborate with peers and adult mentors. Activity- based workshops are facilitated by leaders from the Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta United, Mercedes Benz Stadium, and Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation.

Meet our Leadership Academy Participants!

Dakota Chang is a rising Sophomore at Carlmont High School in Belmont. She has been an engaged participant for roughly 10 years, and continues to become more involved as time goes on. She takes classes every season and spends the entirety of her Saturday volunteering for FTSV at Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course. She does everything from assisting at the admin table, coaching multiple classes during the day, participating in the high school FTSV class, and helping us clean up at the end of the day.  Through her actions she demonstrates what it means to give back and to be there for others. We are very proud to have her represent FTSV at the Leadership Academy!

Ashely Pang is a rising senior, a long-time active participant, a junior coach, and a member of our Junior Council. She is someone who always raises her hand to volunteer whenever something needs to get done, helping out with a smile on her face. In her application, she said “Volunteering itself is a pleasure to participate in since I have the opportunity to shape young minds–both in their character and in golf. In short, First Tee – Silicon Valley has strengthened my leadership skills and has influenced my willingness to engage and give back to my community.” Outside of FTSV, Ashely is the media officer for her hip-hop performance group.

We are very proud of both Dakota and Ashely and we are excited for them to experience this academy!

Published: 06-14-2024