The Importance of Volunteer Coaches

The First Tee of Silicon Valley believes positive youth development happens through a meaningful, quality relationship between the coach and participant. Mentor coaches are critical to ensuring our participants have an optimum and enjoyable learning environment. Therefore, we are always looking for high quality volunteers to serve as mentor coaches. The First Tee works with experts in a variety of fields to help coaches deliver programs that seamlessly weave golf and character-building activities into each lesson. Our coaches follow a philosophy centered on positively reinforcing a child’s actions and ensuring a great experience. As a child progresses through The First Tee’s programs, the activities and life lessons become more involved, helping her/him build character and become even more equipped to make good choices on and off the golf course. TFTSV Coaching Philosophy We believe that positive youth development happens through a meaningful, quality relationship between the coach and participant. Young people do not care what a coach knows until they know a coach cares. This philosophy is implemented through four building blocks. Activity-Based Doing versus telling  (create experience-based learning environments; seamless delivery of life skills within golf activities) Mastery-Driven Seek challenging tasks that help develop new skills  (balance the focus on process versus outcome) Empower Youth Young people actively participate in the decision-making process  (develop positive relationships and take a student-centered approach) Continuous Learning Foster long-term solutions rather than short-term fixes  (engage young people in feedback and identify coachable moments) Coaching is a very rewarding experience. Click here for an application to be considered. Onboarding steps must be completed by November 15th to coach the Winter Session (Dec-Feb).