Our Supporters – San Jose Country Club & More

Thank you, San Jose Country Club! We appreciate the outpour of support we have received from various organizations. Our participants represented our organization at the 91st Ernie Pieper Santa Clara Men’s County Championship. Benefits of this tournament came to The First Tee of Silicon Valley. Additionally, multiple golf courses will be hosting our Ace and Ace Certified participants this Summer on golf treks, including SJCC. Lastly, thank you to Ernie Moreno of Moreno Clean for donating a foursome for our 2017 Open. On Saturday, June 3rd and Sunday, June 4th, participants of The First Tee of Silicon Valley assisted at the 91st Ernie Pieper Santa Clara County Championship. Hundreds of golfers came out during the gorgeous weekend to take part in the tournament and be crowned either the Champion or Senior Champion. Younger participants represented as greeters on Saturday, welcoming golfers with a friendly (yet firm) handshake, using their best meet-and-greet skills, and offering The First Tee of Silicon Valley ball markers. Older participants represented as standard bearers on Sunday, keeping and displaying the scores of the final senior group and two last foursomes of the tournament. Thank you to our participants for spending their weekend with us at San Jose Country Club.