Our Supporters – PGA TOUR Superstore

Thank you to the PGA TOUR Superstore in East Palo Alto for generously donating $12,500 to The First Tee of Silicon Valley. Their representatives presented the check at our 2017 Open at Cinnabar Hills. We appreciate the ongoing support we receive through giveaways at tournaments, hosting Girls Golf events in-store, and more. Our partnership includes in-store promotions to help boost our registrations for upcoming seasons and special events to complement our classes at golf courses. We invite our participants to take part in putting activities/contests, utilize the hitting bays and simulators, and gathering in the store’s dedicated meeting space. In addition, we enjoying hosting the PGA TOUR Superstore at our events as they assist us with registration and even on course contests. We appreciate all the PGA TOUR Superstore has done for The First Tee nationwide and are very grateful to have the opportunities to work with them here in Silicon Valley.