Golf is a Game of Common Courtesies

There are so many common courtesies that are the fabric of the game of golf. As one of The First Tee’s Nine Core Values, Courtesy teaches participants respectful behavior toward others. Our weekly curriculum incorporates handshakes and introductions at all program levels. A round of golf should begin and end with a handshake between fellow competitors. Players also should be still and quiet while others are preparing and performing a shot. Whether players are waiting to get started on the first hole or waiting their turn while others are playing the course, following some simple rules and etiquette will help maintain order while playing and allow them to remain courteous toward one another. A strong handshake with confident eye contact creates an immediate image of strength, professionalism and belief in oneself. It helps pull shy, insecure participants out of their shell, creates a bridge for communication between individuals of all ages and backgrounds, and sets the tone in showing respect for others. Parents, volunteers and spectators have commented that they can point out a participant of The First Tee of Silicon Valley from a crowd of young adults just by watching their demeanor and ability to communicate with other individuals. Consider registering your child in a class, becoming a volunteer or supporting our non-profit youth development organization.