Go Green Recap

On Saturday, February 10th, The First Tee of Silicon Valley hosted Go Green at Gavilan College Golf Course. A group of TFTSV participants and Aptitud Community Academy students spent the day learning new things, getting dirty, and having fun. Our friends at Our City Forest came out again this year to help us plant 12 beautiful trees all along hole #4’s fairway. Participants learned all the proper steps in how to plant a tree from digging the hole to tickling the roots to post pounding. After the trees were all planted, we took a break to recharge and enjoy some delicious fruit generously donated by Casa de Fruta and the Zanger family. We then ended the day with a rotation through three 20-minute stations. Station 1 was run by TFTSV Ace participant, Sapna, who brought a STEM aspect to the day with several small robots that included a windmill, robotic animals, and a golf swing replicator. Station 2 featured our friends from Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center. They introduced us to some of their animal educational ambassadors – Violet, the opossum; Lazarus, the gopher snake; and Apollo, the American Kestrel. Gary and Gary from Oakland Turfgrass Education Initiative hosted Station 3 with their interactive water and soil experiments. Thank you to everyone who attended, our wonderful vendors, and Gavilan College Golf Course for hosting us!