Help FTSV Youth Overcome Challenges – Be a Volunteer Coach!

First Tee — Silicon Valley is looking for high quality, caring people that are interested in showing up and guiding others, so they become even better people and leaders of tomorrow. Our volunteer coaches are responsible for bringing our core lessons to life by finding and using coachable moments. They work together to make the classes fun and engaging. They also empower participants to develop perseverance strategies and set goals. 

Coaching is fulfilling and beneficial!

  • Coach Mark – “I started coaching First Tee to help kids learn golf, a sport I love. Interestingly, I quickly found out how much more meaningful it is for me to see them learn life skills. It’s witnessing the life skill growth that now really moves me.”
  • Coach Rob – “Understanding how much the juniors look up to the coaches and how much of an effect we have on their lives is impactful.”
  • Coach Catherine – “Volunteering has helped me hone my skills in leadership, patience, and collaboration and makes me feel like I am making a positive impact in my community.”
  • Coach Matt – “FTSV has introduced me to wonderful people and helped me form indispensable relationships. FTSV helps me better the lives of my students and myself!”
  • Coach Jack – “FTSV encourages personal growth and responsibility in a FUN way among friends and caring coaches in a sport that can last a lifetime.”
  • Coach Tracy – “While it’s great to see their golf skills improve over the season, it’s even more rewarding to help them learn and apply the life skills in their daily lives.”

What if I am not an expert coach or golfer?

Our coaches come from all walks of life with different life and golf experiences. We provide life and golf skill training as well training on coach strategies, techniques, and on our coach philosophy. Our goal is to make sure every coach feels supported. Additionally, we have created lesson plans to help everyone is work together and support one another in the content and delivery. There will always be a lead coach for each class coordinating the group of coaches.

What is the time requirement?

  • Volunteer coaches can choose from several class options by location, day of the week, and time.
  • Time commitment is 2.5 hours a day, once a week for an 8-week season. The 2.5 hours include a 30-minute pre-class meeting, 1.5-hour class, and a 30-minute post-class debrief.

How do I get started?

  • Visit our volunteer page and click on the volunteer form.
  • Or contact Julie Donnellan at 408-508-4882 or [email protected]
  • Click here for our volunteer tri-fold for more information.
  • We are accepting volunteers year-round, but to be able to coach in the next season you will need to complete the on-boarding steps by 5/15 for Summer, 8/15 for Fall, 11/15 for Winter, and 2/15 for Spring.

Join our team, learn/develop coaching skills, make a difference in the youth, and give back to the community! Please help us spread the word. The more positive and dedicated coaches, the better the program, and the more impactful it is for our youth.