FTSV’s Alumni Meet Up at the San Francisco Giants Game Was a Total Success!

(FTSV Alumni Meetup at SF Giants Game) – This past weekend, First Tee Alumni from across the country came together at the San Francisco Giants game to catch up with old friends, make new ones, and enjoy an afternoon of baseball and fun. Past participants from FTSV, FTSF and other chapters were all in attendance, as well as leaders from First Tee Headquarters, FTSF Program Manager TK Thein, and FTSV President & CEO George Maxe. Even though the Giants were not able to secure a victory, the alumni meet up was a great success.  FTSV already looks forward to the next one!

When asked about the event, FTSV Alum Kunal Laroia said, “It was great to see and catch up with everyone at the Giants game. The work FTSV has done over the years has truly shaped all of us, and it’s always inspiring to reflect on how much we’ve grown since our FTSV days.”

First Tee Alumi “All Grown Up”

The biggest take-away from the event was seeing the growth of First Tee alumni after aging out of the program. Where they were once kids, practicing their life skills on the golf course and navigating adolescence, now they are developed, capable and confident young adults. It was exciting and inspiring to see how participants had taken what they have learned and practiced in FTSV out into the world, and to hear all about their accomplishments.

Pursuing Goals Long Term

At the course, coaches stress the importance of short- and long-term Goals and creating Goal Ladders. After hearing about what the Alumni have been up to after leaving FTSV, it is clear how setting goals and planning for the future has helped them achieve whatever it is they are passionate about. Not only is FTSV happy for these ex-participants, FTSV is happy for the entire program, knowing how the lessons being taught now will impact them as adults in the future.

Building our Alumni Network

FTSV is so proud of all the work our alumni are doing, and if you are someone who was once in our program, we would love to hear what you’ve been up to! If you’d like to catch up with George ([email protected]) or just help to inspire current participants with your story, please reach out to Phoenix ([email protected]). Maybe you can even come share some of your knowledge in one of the ACE classes or become a FTSV Ambassador!

Fins out about more events like this and more! Become an official FTSV Alumni.

If you’d like to become a member of our Alumni Club someday, first you need to register for our program. You are in luck, because registration opens TODAY! Please visit our website to register for a session. We hope to see you out at the course!

Published: 08-14-24