Coach Tracy – Going Above and Beyond

Meet Coach Tracy. She joined First Tee – Silicon Valley as a volunteer in 2019 and has made a positive impact on her participants and on our organization.

Tracy played golf at ASU and has a passion for giving back. “First Tee – Silicon Valley means that I can share my lifelong passion for golf with the upcoming generation of golfers,” says Tracy. “And while it’s great to see their golf skills improve over the season, it’s even more rewarding to help them learn and apply the life skills in their daily lives.”

Tracy has coached every season since she started, but her contributions go beyond her commitment. She, along with fellow volunteer Mark Diamond, worked with our staff to create an additional resource in the volunteer training process. In her most recent season, she came up with a new activity that helped her participants internalize and engage with the core lessons for the season.

“Tracy is meticulous about mastering her volunteer responsibilities and requirements, and also goes above and beyond by identifying creative ideas that enhance our lesson plans and the experience of her participants,” says Program Director, Chris Moreno-Hunt. “She is an outstanding volunteer who is knowledgeable, collaborates well with her team of coaches, and cares about the development of her participants. We are grateful to have her coaching and our organization is better off with her on the team.”

We are looking for additional coaches like Tracy. If you are interested in making a positive difference, being part of a supportive community, and building your coaching and leadership skills, please apply to join our team.

How to get started

  • Visit our volunteer page and click on the volunteer form.
  • Or contact Julie Donnellan at 408-508-4882 or [email protected]
  • Click here for our volunteer tri-fold for more information
  • We are accepting volunteers year-round, but to be able to coach in the next season you will need to complete the on-boarding steps by 2/15 for Spring, and 5/15 for Summer, 8/15 for Fall, and 11/15 for Winter
  • Training provided (golf and life skills)