Three Volunteers Recognized by the Junior League of San Jose

April 17, 2018 – Campbell, Calif.  Three volunteers with The First Tee of Silicon Valley were given certificates of appreciation during the 49th annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon by the Junior League of San Jose. In a program emceed by Laura Garcia and Marcus Washington of NBC Bay Area many volunteers and organizations were recognized for Giving Back and Paying Forward during 2017. Ten volunteers received the Crystal Bowl award, one of whom went on to be awarded the Voluntarism of the year award. We are very proud of all of our volunteers and wanted to acknowledge Lionel Hunt, Nicholas Ngai and Santad Kiatsupaibul for their commitment to the program during 2017. Lionel began volunteering with us shortly after moving to the area.  He brought in his son, who moved quickly through our program.  His son is now off to college, yet that has not wavered Lionel’s commitment to our program.  He can be counted on to volunteer consistently and with integrity.  He is an excellent role model for our participants and works to engage them in the program and to have a personal connection with them. Nicholas is that volunteer who can be relied on to carry out our standards while providing the best customer service.  His work ethic is strong, if he is not actively working on a project, he is thinking of ways to improve our process so that it is running as efficient as possible.  He knows all of the participants and their parents and greets them by name.  He is a pleasure to work with and we find ourselves counting on him to go above and beyond every week.
Santad began volunteering shortly after both of his children advanced out of the beginning level of our program.  Often times parents volunteer with a mind to stay with their child or to help their child advance, not the case with Santad.  He not only volunteers at the entry level, but he has encouraged his children to give back to the program as well.  As soon as his son was age-eligible, he began volunteering. Santad is that always smiling, constant presence who helps our participants feel comfortable and confident.

Volunteer Appreciation Week

The First Tee of Silicon Valley Thanks You for your time and dedication to our participants and program. We are forever grateful for how you have assisted us this year in so many ways. If it’s coming at the crack of dawn to set-up our equipment, chatting with parents of how to improve their participant in life and golf skills, recording waivers or report cards, checking participants in and out each week, and so many things in between, your work is definitely noticed and appreciated. Without you, our staff and instructors are not able to make a difference in the lives of youth throughout Silicon Valley by building their character, instilling life-enhancing skills, and promoting healthy habits. You truly make a difference in the lives of our participants. In honor of National Volunteer Week, we want to say a big THANK YOU! We appreciate all of you and thank you for your continued commitment to The First Tee of Silicon Valley.  We look forward to working with you in the days, weeks, months, and seasons ahead. We hope to see you all volunteering our community events, tournaments and golf play days to come.

Coach Alan & DCP Alum Rock HS Partner for Success

Coach Alan and Downtown College Prep Alum Rock High School Partner for Success Coach Alan is a The First Tee Level 1 Coach, coaching 2 classes this season.  He is also the coach for the Downtown College Prep Alum Rock High School (DCP) golf team. The team began practicing with The First Tee of Silicon Valley, as concurrent enrollees, in the Fall of 2016.  They have taken three classes together which has allowed Coach Alan to incorporate the Nine Core Values and course management (e.g. pace of play) into their practice time. The team competed in their first match in the Spring of 2017 and have competed in two matches so far this year. The team consists of eight regular players, one of whom had swung a golf club before. The other 7 players had no previous exposure to the game. In the 2 years since they began practicing they have persevered through the growing pains that comes with learning the game of golf.  The DCP Lobos have found success and have won both of the matches in which they have competed in the Private School Athletic League this season. The partnership of The First Tee Silicon Valley and DCP began when Coach Alan first began thinking about starting a golf team at DCP.  One of the athletic directors referred him to The First Tee as he had partnered with us in the past with Golf and STEM classes. Coach Alan is really thankful how the TFTSV coaches helped his players become golfers.  They also opened his eyes on how he could become a more effective golf coach and leader.  It’s been a great relationship!

Open Houses This Spring

Open Houses are scheduled in April and May to further educate people about The First Tee of Silicon Valley and encourage support through advocating, volunteering, or donating. Board Members Ernie J. Moreno and Ben Heben will host their Open House at San Jose Country Club on Wednesday, April 25th. The casual wine and cheese gathering will include a couple of testimonial speeches from past participant Ryan Rankin and current Ace instructor Robby Keith in addition to a video and overview of our program. San Jose Country Club and The Ernest Pieper Jr. Santa Clara County Championship have been benefactors to The First Tee of Silicon Valley for a number of years. Board Members Greg Staszko, John Ritchie, Baiba Scott and Thao Dang will host their Open House at Silver Creek Valley Country Club on Thurs., May 3rd. Guests will be served cocktails and snacks while hearing from current Ace instructor Robby Keith and 2018 First Tee Scholar Isabel Suizo. There will also be a special appearance by San Jose Major Sam Liccardo and an overview of our program by Executive Director George Maxe. If you would like to host an Open Houses of your own, please contact our Development Director, Judy Dixon, at [email protected].

Honesty is the Best Policy On and Off the Golf Course

Honesty is a virtue and it can be taught to children. Teaching the value of honesty to children is part of the development of moral and emotional strength. The quality of honesty helps to develop character and solid self-esteem.
  Honesty is an important trait to have in your academic and professional life but also core to the game of golf.  Golf is unique from other sports in that players regularly call penalties on themselves and report their own score. The honesty of players is captured when they follow the rules and etiquette of the game of golf. What would you do in these situations? Your ball is in the rough. You take a full swing intending to hit the ball but miss it completely. You did not touch any part of the ball, nor did you change the ball’s position. Would you pretend the stroke was a practice swing and not count it? You’re preparing to hit out of a bunker but accidentally ground your club in the sand. No one noticed. Do you play the shot without taking a penalty? As one of The First Tee Nine Core Values, honesty has to do with being truthful. Not only when playing golf but in everything a young person engages in throughout life. Our goal is to teach participants honesty through hands-on activities. Games that require them to implement honesty by tallying their own score, determining if their ball stayed within the boundaries of the course and learning what it means to be accessed a penalty stroke. In the words of Tiger Woods, “Achievements on the golf course are not what matters, decency and honesty are what matter.” Consider registering your child in a class, becoming a volunteer or supporting our non-profit youth development organization.

Energy Helps You Stay Active

Everyday your body uses loads of energy to help you manage your busy life. While eating, working, studying for a class, and even playing a round of golf, you’re using energy which is equipped through the calories in your diet. Energy fuels your body’s internal functions, repairs, builds and maintains cells and body tissues, and supports the external activities that enable you to interact with the physical world.[1] This is why it is so important to make sure you are eating enough nutritious food to support a healthy lifestyle and especially to fill your body with useful energy. Children need energy because they are growing quickly and are continually becoming more active. Energy is also needed for mentally challenging endeavors such as reading, doing homework, listening and learning in class and more! Creating a healthy diet that is high in vitamins and minerals and includes a good supply of protein, carbohydrates and fats will ensure your children with enough energy to make it through the day. Families should try and limit the intake of sugar they give to their children as it can cause bad eating habits at such a young age. Sugar has no nutrients, therefore eating too much can result in negative effects on your energy levels and can increase the risk for obesity. Because children are still developing, it is significant they do not eat big portions, but instead eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day so they are able to conserve energy. Their stomachs are still growing hence the need to eat more than adults. The First Tee of Silicon Valley encourages youth to stay active, eat right, and develop a healthy lifestyle so they have the energy they need to live life to the fullest. Our goal is to help youth by not only staying active on the golf course but by providing positive learning environments as well. Consider registering your child in a class, becoming a volunteer or supporting our non-profit youth development organization. This post was written by Morgan McGwire, a student athlete at Santa Clara University and volunteer with TFTSV. [1]

Isabelle Castro and Isabel Suizo Earn National Designation As The First Tee Scholars – Class of 2017-2018

Isabelle and Isabel are Seniors at Evergreen Valley High School and have been participants at The First Tee of Silicon Valley since 2007.  Both are currently Ace Certified participants, the highest level class, and demonstrate the Nine Core Values every day.  Isabelle has been able to participate in the 2016 Nature Valley First Tee Open at Pebble Beach. Isabel has been able to participate in the 2017 The First Tee Life Skills Leadership Academy.  They embody the leadership skills and characteristics that define The First Tee Scholars.  Isabelle and Isabel are not just participants, they have given back as volunteer coaches as well.  While serving as volunteer coaches they model the Nine Healthy Habits and golf etiquette to our younger participants.
I’m honored to have been selected as one of the First Tee Scholars for 2017-2018. I’m very grateful for this opportunity that will help bring me one step closer to achieving my goal of graduating with a medical degree in college to become a pediatrician. I am very much looking forward to attending college to focus on my educational pursuits, be involved in volunteering opportunities and internships, and making new friends.  Isabelle Castro
I’m very honored to be awarded with this distinction. The First Tee has not only granted me this wonderful opportunity, but also has helped me develop the work ethic and diligence necessary to earn this award. I’d like to give a special thanks to Coach Matt for encouraging me to apply and guiding me throughout the application process!  Isabel Suizo
We are so proud of Isabelle and Isabel for their accomplishments both on- and off-course, including their selection as scholars.  With bright futures ahead of them, they will be great additions to the student body of their college of choice. George Maxe, Executive Director
The First Tee introduces children to the game of golf and its inherent values, recognizes participants for exceptional achievement in academics, leadership, character development, and chapter and community involvement through The First Tee Scholars Program. More than $7 million in college scholarship has been awarded to participants nation-wide by chapters and the home office since launching the Scholars program in 2003.

Golf has a long-standing tradition of Respect.

Respect is one of the most important virtues a child can have. Teaching your child how to respect others will ensure they develop positive relationships with their family, friends, teachers and mentors throughout their life. Respect can be taught in many ways, but ultimately it is about ensuring your children lead a happy life and treat other people kindly. The First Tee has established Nine Core Values that represent some of the many inherently positive values connected with the game of golf.   Respect is one of the cornerstone core values. By participating in The First Tee of Silicon Valley, young people are introduced to these core values which are incorporated throughout the program and they are encouraged to reinforce these behaviors at school and at home. In the game of golf, it is important to show respect for oneself, playing partners, fellow competitors, the golf course, and for the honor and traditions of the game. Have you ever noticed at the beginning and end of a round of golf, players shake hands? The sport of golf was built on the long-standing tradition respect between players. Consider registering your child in a class, becoming a volunteer or supporting our non-profit youth development organization.

Girl’s Golf Celebrates the Winter Olympics

The First Tee of Silicon Valley hosted its quarterly Girl’s Golf Play Day on March 3rd at Rancho del Pueblo with a Winter Olympic theme. Led by LPGA Coach Molly Springmann and Program Coordinator/Coach Manny Gallardo, girls 3rd through 8th grade enjoyed an afternoon of lunch, inspiration, games and activities. The favorites in the game category were the cross patio skiing on paper plates and the noodle throw.  In the spirit of the First Tee Nine Core Values, the girls listened to Olympian speeches and discussed the key qualities that make a medalist. They also sported their creativity by making marshmallow snowmen and decorated cookie medals.  The day of fun and building friendships concluded with closing ceremonies and anticipation for the next Play Day scheduled on May 12th.

Thanks to SJCC for Hosting a Trek!

The First Tee of Silicon Valley would like to thank San Jose Country Club for their welcoming hospitality in hosting one of our Treks. Participants, Rishi and Kelly, were able to play a fun round of golf with Board Director Ben Heben (CFO at Chronicle, an independent company within Alphabet) and Board Ambassador Nicole Hayashi (Investor Relations at Google). The First Tee of Silicon Valley is grateful to be a beneficiary of the Ernie Pieper Santa Clara County Championship held annually at San Jose Country Club.

Thank You, Coach Ashley!

Please join me in thanking Coach Ashley for her hard work and dedication to The First Tee of Silicon Valley and our youth as our Operations Coordinator for Marketing and Program Coordinator.  Her last day on our staff was Thursday, February 22nd.  Ashley coordinated many of our events, including Girls Golf, community events and the Family Fiesta. She made a big impact on the participants she coached and events that she coordinated. Thank you, Ashley! — George Maxe, Executive Director
Biggest thank you to my entire TFTSV family! Thank you to George and the team for giving me the opportunity to give back to this wonderful organization and to get my feet underneath me after graduation. Thank you to every Coordinator, Instructor, and Volunteer for the constant support and source of laughter. And thank you to all my kiddos and their families for welcoming me into their lives as a coach and bringing me so much joy every Saturday.  🙂  Lots of love, Coach Ashley
Coach Ashley was recently featured as an Alumni of The First Tee.  Read the article here

Welcome, Chris & Lina!

Please join The First Tee of Silicon Valley in welcoming Chris & Lina! Chris Moreno-Hunt joins us as Program Manager.  He holds a Bachelor of Arts in American Studies from Pitzer College where he played on the golf team for four years, earning awards for First-Team All-League and the Jesse Clark Sportsmanship award. Prior to joining TFTSV, Chris was the Program Manager at the The First Tee of the East Bay for six years. He was also the Head Golf Coach for the Albany High School men’s and women’s teams coaching the men to their first league title in 45 years. Chris also taught golf at Tilden Park Golf Course as a lead instructor for their Nike Jr. Golf Camp, and Jr. Golf Academies. Learn more about Chris from the Q&A below. Q: Why did you get involved with The First Tee of Silicon Valley? A: In my six years with The First Tee I have enjoyed working with coaches, volunteers, and schools to deliver a unique program that promotes positive character development in ways that few other programs do. I am excited for the opportunity to continue delivering the First Tee curriculum and getting to know the Silicon Valley community. Q: What is your favorite Core Value and why? A: Courtesy.  Being polite and considerate of others should be something we do not have to think about–it should be an impulse. When we operate with inherent courtesy we create an environment of empathy.  Empathy will in turn help us understand each other and through understanding comes positive change. Q: What do you look forward most about your new role as Program Manager? A:  I look forward to building relationships and strengthening our partnerships with the Silicon Valley community. I have heard wonderful things about the community and I am excited to find new ways to expand our reach, particularly in underserved areas. Q: Do you have any hobbies? A: I play league soccer, indoor badminton, and enjoy plucking away at the Ukulele. Q: Is there anything else you’d like The First Tee of Silicon Valley community to know about you? A: When I was first introduced to golf I had no idea how much it would shape me as a person. I believe in the 9 Core Values and I try to live by them every day of my life. I care about others and would like nothing more than to help others experience the joy and the life lessons this game has offered me.   Lina Peña-Herrera joined our team as Operations Assistant in February. Lina habla Español.  She will be working closely with our outreach program and the Latino community. Learn more about Lina from the Q&A below. Q: Why did you get involved with The First Tee of Silicon Valley? A: Because we wanted our children to be involved in a youth program that combines not only sports practice but also the teaching of core values. After a long time asking for info on different sport programs, we found that TFTSV had just what we were looking for. Today, after being involved in this wonderful program for more than four and half years, we can state TFTSV was our best decision ever. Q: What have you learned about yourself while being a volunteer with our chapter? A: I found out that is very rewarding helping other participant families in TFTSV to fulfill their expectations of the program and, at the same time, get involved in my children’s activities. All of that makes me feel happier and more productive. Q: What is your favorite Core Value and why? A: Perseverance. Because I never stop working to achieve my goals and dreams. No matter what how difficult it is, I just keep moving. Q: What do you look forward most about your new role as Operations Assistant? A: I want to let my community know that through golf we can help our children develop their sport and life skills. Also, I want more children to come to our program, take advantage of the opportunity to share with other children, and understand through the game each value applied. Q: Do you have any hobbies? A: Crafting and travel to new places with my family. Q: Is there anything else you’d like The First Tee of Silicon Valley community to know about you? A: I enjoy teaching Spanish, volunteering at my church and working with the staff, couches and volunteers at TFTSV.