2nd Annual Challenge Cup Update

The 2nd Annual Challenge Cup is an inclusive and friendly challenge between golf clubs benefiting the First Tee – Silicon Valley to help us grow the game of golf while building game changers in our community. It is an opportunity for golf clubs to demonstrate their philanthropic spirit of giving back to a non-profit closely associated with their favorite past time. The Sharon Heights – Menlo Challenge Cup started on December 20, 2019 when 28 players from the two clubs played the first match. The event was contested at Sharon Heights and we raised over $16,000 for the benefit of First Tee – Silicon Valley. Sharon Heights won the inaugural match by a score of 201-159 in our unique aggregate point par scoring format. This year we have 3 Golf Club head-to-head challenge matchups competing for the Challenge Cup:
  • La Rinconada 434 Vs Almaden 410 took place on October 30th and raised $16,750
  • Silver Creek Vs San Jose – November 24th
  • Sharon Heights Vs Menlo – December 3rd
*The Challenge Cup match-ups are organized by club members for members and may not be endorsed by a club’s Board of Directors. All teams are encouraged to include men, women and seniors in their team tally. Each participant makes a donation to benefit the FTSV to register.  The format is a Point Par Scoring with 100% of Handicap — Net Par 1 point, Net Birdie 2 points, Net Eagle 3 points, and Net Albatross 4 points. The Aggregate of Top 24 scores from each Club determines their team score. The Team scores will be compared to rival Club to determine each match up Club winner. All money raised by both teams will be donated to FTSV in the name of the winning club plus bragging rights!  The team with highest overall score among ALL Clubs is declared winner of the 2nd Annual Challenge Cup Perpetual Trophy! We also assembled our own team using the same format as a team building event where coaches and participants from our three locations came together to represent First Tee – Silicon Valley. The match scoring 326 points was played on November 9th at the Golf Club at Moffett Field. There were 27 participants made up of 9 Ace level youth, 9 instructors, 7 volunteer coaches and 2 staff. If your golf club wants to challenge another club, Contact Development Director, Judy Dixon Deaton to get started 408-508-4881 – [email protected]. The donations from the Challenge Cup will allow us to create a sense of belonging for all kids – no matter what walk of life. It will help us build the strength of character that empowers kids through a lifetime of new challenges by seamlessly integrating the game of golf with life skills.  

Coach Spotlight: Meet Gabby Ruiz

Gabby has been one of our most reliable and effective coaches at First Tee – Silicon Valley. She is a Level II First Tee Trained Coach which means she attended two national coach trainings that helped develop and refine her coaching techniques. Gabby began our program in 2010 and completed the Ace program which is our highest level. Upon her final certification, she began coaching in 2017 and has since coached hundreds of participants each year. Before COVID you would have found her at Baylands Golf Links during the weekdays and teaching up to 3 classes at Rancho Del Pueblo Golf Course on Saturdays. “First Tee – Silicon Valley has always been like family to me,” says Gabby. “I grew up with First Tee and went from being a participant to a volunteer, to a coach. Coaching boosted my confidence in my communication skills and gave me a platform to be a role model for the youth. Go FTSV!” In addition to her coaching, Gabby is currently assisting us in the office with marketing projects while pursuing her bachelor’s degree in graphic design at San Jose State University. When COVID hit she began working with our team to produce our safety videos, core lesson videos, certification guide videos, and golf course videos, all of which are featured videos for our coach training and education, and used as resources for our participants and guardians. According to Program Director Chris Moreno-Hunt, “Gabby is counted on to serve many roles within our organization. She always rises to the challenge whether the it is to produce instructional videos, give speeches at fundraising events, mentor fellow coaches, coordinate outreach efforts, or empower and guide participants in class. She can do it all, and she does it all with efficiency and confidence. Every First Tee chapter and any organization would be fortunate to have Gabby on their team. Luckily for us, she is on our team and we are better for it!” With coaches like Gabby, our participants are in good hands. Thank you Gabby! If you would to learn more about joining our coaching team, click here to get started.

Winter Season Starts December 1st

Registration for our Winter in-person classes opened November 4th. Since then over 190 participants choose to register with all but three of our 21 classes selling out. Our upcoming Winter season will be our third in-person season since COVID-19 began. Last season over 160 students were able to participate in our first full 8-week season thanks to the hard work and diligence of our coaches and staff and to the dedication of participants and their parents/guardians. This Winter we will be building on the momentum of the past two seasons to deliver our largest season since re-opening – still only 40% of our normal capacity. We are doing all that we can to serve as many participants as safely as possible. Thank you to the 190 participants (plus those on the waiting list) for choosing to join us. We are truly grateful. Serving our community and empowering our youth with life and golf skills is what fuels the fire for our team and motivates us to deliver a successful, safe, and engaging program for all. To learn more about our programs, or to register please visit our Youth Classes page.  

Participant Spotlight: Meet Jonathan Tessmann

Jonathan Tessmann has been in our program since the Spring of 2012 and was a part of the first class that participated in our grand opening of our Gavilan location in Gilroy.  He recently certified at the Eagle level and is moving on to Ace, which is our highest level in the program. John is a sophomore at the Gilroy Early College Academy. Aside from our certifying program, John has been assisting the Gilroy location as a volunteer and has been a trained mentor for the last three years.  He also participated in our participant opportunities such as our seasonal tournaments, the practice squad, and our Go Green event where he assisted in planting multiple trees at Gavilan Golf Course. According to John, “First Tee – Silicon Valley has meant opportunities to meet many great people, cultivate good values, and play my favorite sport. Without the First Tee, I would have never played golf. I will always be grateful for the positive influence the First Tee has had on my life.” John spends his free time introducing the game of golf to fellow classmates who have never experienced the sport.  Outside of golf he is an outstanding student and is the vice president of the debate club at his school. John is ambitious, focused, and curious to learn.  Recently he has taken a serious approach towards researching colleges and has been working with one of his coaches on figuring out what type of college fits his interests and how to approach the process. John is a leader in our program and we are excited for what his future holds. Are you interested in joining Jonathan and taking a FTSV class? Please visit our Youth Classes Page.

PGATSS Grant Empowers Local Youth

In partnership with The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, the PGA TOUR Superstore makes grants to chapters where the stores do business to empower local youth in the surrounding community. The First Tee – Silicon Valley was the recipient of a generous $15,000 donation in support of the 2020 Classic at Baylands Golf Links. The check was presented by East Palo Alto General Manager, Sandy Davison, on September 26th to participants Isabella and Leonardo at the East Palo Alto location. The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation promotes positive change in peoples’ lives and builds and enhances the communities in which they live. They seek innovative solutions that enable young people, families and communities to achieve results beyond what seems possible today. The PGA TOUR Superstore provides First Tee chapters with equipment donations, tournament sponsorships, training and clinics and customer fund-raising events. We are very fortunate to receive annual support and are very grateful for our partnership.

Mid-Peninsula Youth Impacted by Classic Fundraiser

Presenting Sponsor SAGA Foundation, 15 additional sponsors and 114 players helped the First Tee – Silicon Valley expand our impact on Mid-Peninsula youth by supporting our inaugural Classic golf tournament. The fundraiser was held at Baylands Golf Links, one of our program locations, on September 21st. It was an amazing day that raised $75K to help our kids become better versions of themselves while enriching the nearby communities of East Palo Alto and Redwood City.

The additional sponsors who made generous donations were: PGA TOUR Superstore, Maris Consulting Group, CourseCo, Wade Financial Advisory, Inc. IBM, Pinnacle Bank, Hallagan Huston Family Foundation, BOLData & Western Digital, Rutan & Tucker, LLP, Audi Palo Alto, Zoom, Bill Powar, Anheuser-Busch, and Reyes Coca Cola Bottling.

The format for the tournament was a 2-Person Best Ball. Low Net First Place Winners were John Bittrolff and Bruce Andreau posting a net score of 60. Low Gross First Place Winners were Bill Ayres and Andrew Bowdish posting a gross score of 67. There was a Closest-to-the-Pins Contest sponsored by Baylands on the 10A short-game hole to kick off the tournament. There were 3 pins and 3 winners: Ryan Janecek, Bill Powar and Ray Robidoux. Golfers also had their shot at the Hole-in-One contest hole for a chance to win a 2020 Q5 sponsored Audi Palo Alto.

We were especially excited to showcase our Baylands Capital Campaign plans which include our proposal to partner with the City of Palo Alto for a 50-year lease beginning 2021. It includes a $4.3M Capital Campaign to underwrite project expenses to raise range nets making the youth area and short game hole safe for First Tee classes as well as to add new nets along Embarcadero Road path and to complete the youth area greens, bunker & tees. This will allow us develop the lives of 1,000 young people every year by providing education programs that build character and instill life-enhancing values through the game of golf. Contact George Maxe if you would like to learn more.

Our recent college scholarship recipient, Nancy Rivera, would like to personally thank you for the impact you have had on our program. Because of you, we work to actively create a space of belonging for every kid and teen — no matter what walk of life. We provide active learning experiences that develop inner strength, self-confidence and resilience that kids can carry into everything they set out to accomplish.


Meet Our Chevron Scholarship Recipients: Juan Pablo Roa and Mitchell Fong

Congratulations to FTSV alumni, Juan Pablo Roa and Mitchell Fong for receiving the 2020 National Chevron STEM Scholarship. Chevron selected Juan Pablo and Mitchell for their accomplishments in academics, leadership, and community involvement, as well as for majoring in a STEM related field. Each will receive $10,000 total over the next 4 years. Juan Pablo Roa has been a participant with us since 2011 and volunteered as a junior coach as soon as he was able. He is currently a freshman at UC Berkeley majoring in data science with a focus on sports analytics. As Juan Pablo states, “being awarded with the Chevron STEM Scholarship is a real honor. This award gives me hope to embrace challenges during these challenging times, knowing there are good people that can help make goals and dreams possible. The scholarship has lightened my financial burden and have allowed me to focus more of my energy on studying and pursuing my dream of giving back to the community through my data science work.” Mitchell has been in our program for 4 years as a participant and 1 year as a volunteer coach. He is entering his first year at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo where he is majoring in engineering. As Mitchell states, “I learned in the First Tee – Silicon Valley that we all need to ask for help and build a go-to team and I am grateful for Chevron extending their hand. With passions for sports, engineering, business, and community, my dream is to become a social entrepreneur to provide underprivilege youth opportunities to pursue athletics. Thank you for believing in my future and for your support.” The scholarships are named after the First Tee participants who competed in the 2019 Chevron Shoot-Out at the PURE Insurance Championship as a pay-it-forward scholarship. In addition to receiving the scholarship, Chevron will be connected with possible internships and employment opportunities. As an added part of Juan Pablo’s and Mitchell’s scholarship, they were connected with First Tee – Silicon Valley alum Varsha Nekkanti as a college mentor. Varsha is a junior at UC Berkeley and Ace-certified participant. She spoke with both recipients via Zoom offering advice for how to navigate the new experience of college. She will be available to Juan Pablo and Mitchell throughout their time at UC Berkeley and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Congratulations, Juan Pablo and Mitchell! We are excited for you to begin your journey through college and we wish you all the best!

Participant Spotlight: Meet Leonardo Villegas Luiz

Meet Leonardo Villegas Luiz, an 8th grade student at Ohlone Middle School in San Jose. He has been in our program since 2018 and is an active participant advancing to the Birdie level. Additionally, he has participated in our STEM classes, Golf Play classes, and in our seasonal tournaments. Most recently he has represented our chapter during a $15,000 check presentation at the PGA TOUR Superstore. Leonardo’s passion for the sport and for the program is unquestioned. He has a competitive spirt that helps him succeed. Last summer he won a national First Tee contest that required him to submit an essay and drawing about the impact First Tee has had on his life. His award was free tickets for he and his family to attend the US Open at Pebble Beach, a place he loves ever since he attended his first FTSV field trip to the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am. Leonardo says, “the First Tee has changed my life. I used to be really shy and had low self-confidence. After joining I became more respectful, outgoing and responsible. My love of golf has only grown bigger because of the First Tee.” Leonardo, with the help of his brother and mother attends every First Tee – Silicon Valley season. The classes are better when he is involved as his enthusiasm and drive has a positive effect on his peers and coaches. We are grateful to have Leonardo as a participant in our program! Go Leonardo! If you are interested in joining Leonardo and taking a FTSV class? Please visit our Youth Classes Page. Our Winter season will begin December 1st and registration will begin November 4th at 10am.

Borina Sutikto Received PURE Insurance Scholarship

First Tee of Silicon Valley participant and coach, Borina Sutikto received a $1,000 college scholarship from First Tee trustees, Ed and Lisa Vaughan. Borina applied to play in the PURE Insurance First Tee Open at Pebble Beach Golf Links, but the event was cancelled due to COVID. Accepted participants normally play the world-famous Pebble Beach golf links alongside a Senior PGA Tour in a nationally televised tournament. Borina’s strong golf resume – 2019 JGANC player of the year – made her a top prospect for the cancelled tournament. Ed and Lisa Vaughan made generous scholarships available to rising senior applicants. Borina will be able to redeem the college scholarship for the school of her choice. She is in the process of applying to schools now and plans on playing golf competitively in college. Congratulations, Borina!

Coach Spotlight: Meet John Spadafore

John Spadafore joined our program as a participant in 2011. He grew through the program and completed Ace (our highest level) in 2014. Since then he graduated from CSU Monterey Bay and majored in Accounting. John was one of the first two alumni that we ever hired and is a pioneer for future FTSV alumni looking to make the jump from participant to instructor. He has grown to be an instructor who leads by example and facilitates class engagement.  As John states, “FTSV has taught me Life Skills that I used to help me get into college. With the Ace classes I was able to learn about different colleges and career paths which led me to go into accounting. As a coach, FTSV continues to impact me through constant exposure to the Life Skills. I get to see players achieve their goals for golf, school, and careers. This helps me with my personal goals in my life and to continue to persevere through my own obstacles.” John carries himself with humility and confidence. According to Program Director Chris Moreno-Hunt, “John has been an instructor for five years. We trust Coach John to carry out our First Tee mission because he has the experience and because he embodies the Core Values that we espouse. He pays attention to detail and is affable which makes him a great coach and great person to have representing your program.” We are fortunate to have him be an integral part of our chapter for the last 10 years. He has successfully laid the foundation for future alumni to make the transition to become First Tee instructor. If you would to learn more about joining our coaching team, click here to get started.

Classic Golf Tournament September 21st

There is still time to join in the fun at the First Tee of Silicon Valley’s inaugural Classic 2-Person Best Ball tournament on Monday, September 21st. Our fundraiser will take place at our class location golf course, Baylands Golf Links in Palo Alto. Thank you to our generous Presenting Sponsor, SAGA Foundation, and Contributing Sponsors: IBM, Inc., BOLData Technology, Inc. & Western Digital, Hallagan Huston Family Foundation, Wade Financial Services, CourseCo Inc., Pinnacle Bank, and Maris Consulting Group for helping us expand our impact on the Mid-Peninsula as we develop the lives of young people. Classic Timeline & Activities*
  • 7:30am Registration and Range Opens
  • 8am – 1pm Assigned Tee Times (Net & Gross Flights)
  • Closest to the Pin & Audi Palo Alto Hole-in-One Contests Plus Raffle
  • Boxed Lunches at start or turn and beverage stations on course
  • Post Round Beverage and Boxed Appetizers
*We are working closely with Baylands Golf Links to ensure the tournament will comply with all local government and safety Covid-19 regulations. Carts will be provided as requested, but the course is a very walkable experience. Register Online – Invite your friends and colleagues for a great day of golf and camaraderie! Please Contact Judy Dixon Deaton for Sponsorships Opportunities or other information (408) 508-4881 or [email protected] All proceeds benefit the First Tee – Silicon Valley a 501c3 non-profit.

Safe Summer Classes – Fall Classes Start September 8th

Check out our upcoming season: FTSV Course Program

SEPTEMBER 2020 – First Tee – Silicon Valley held our summer in-person classes from July 5th through August 8th with 120 participants, 19 coaches and 19 volunteers. Our team worked hard to ensure our policies were in line with county’s safety procedures and all safety policies were followed with consistency. We created safety videos, signs, and adjusted our class procedures. Temperatures were taken, masks and gloves were worn, and coaches and participants maintained physical distance. As a result of everyone’s commitment to safety our summer classes took place with no reported cases of COVID-19! We are grateful to have delivered a fun, safe, and engaging program during these uncertain and difficult times. It took everyone to pull it off.

Each season we survey our participants. Those that completed the survey said, 96% had fun, 94% that they felt part of a group, and 87% said their life skills improved. Even though we had a condensed program our participants and coaches made the best of the situation, learned, and had fun.

We look forward to carrying this momentum into the Fall and offering our first full 8-week season during the COVID era beginning September 8th. Perseverance, as defined in our PLAYer book, is “to keep going no matter what.”

Program Director Chris Moreno-Hunt emphasized, “As long as we have the support of our participants, their families, and our donors we will continue to persevere and deliver programming to the best of our abilities. Our commitment to building character, providing safe and supportive mentoring, and delivering engaging physical activities will remain despite COVID-19.”

We are grateful for the 160 participants (and over 80 plus participants on the waiting list) for choosing to join us this season and choosing to persevere as well. Almost all of our classes filled within the first day of registration. On behalf of our team of coaches, volunteers, and staff we remain committed to serving our community and we thank everyone who is persevering with us.

We have a great team of coaches that make our program possible. To join our team and get involved as a volunteer coach, please visit our Volunteer page.

To learn more about our programs and future seasons please visit our Youth Classes page.