As you may have already heard, First Tee launched its national alumni network platform. We encourage you to register HERE and search for our First Tee – Silicon Valley Group.
Having a chapter alumni club will allow us to continue nurturing our relationships with FTSV staff and alumni, strengthening our community and bonds with each other as we navigate our professional stage of life.
Our group will focus on three main pillars: Networking, Opportunities, and Giving Back.
- Networking: quarterly meetings, engage and network with FTSV alumni and staff, alumni mentorship program
- Opportunities: speak at FTSV events, represent FTSV at golf outings, and career development opportunities
- Giving Back: volunteer coaching, opportunities to join the FTSV board and become an official advocate for FTSV
Members must be 18 years or older. Members must have completed at least two sessions of the First Tee program. We encourage you to invite your fellow FTSV alumni to grow our community to stay connected and involved with our chapter!
“First Tee – Silicon Valley has played a pivotal role in my life in developing character and gaining lifelong mentors and friends. Specifically, I’ve seen my self-confidence, public speaking, teamwork, and leadership skills grow through FTSV programming, events, and opportunities. The Eagle and Ace courses and opportunities introduced me to the concept of professional networking and conducting informational interviews, preparing us for our professional lives. I’m truly thankful for the mentorship I’ve received and the relationships formed through FTSV”
— Rhea Advani, Alumni
Already an Alumni? Join us as a volunteer Board Ambassador! Board Ambassadors give advice, assist with projects, represent the organization in the community at events, help raise funds, and expand FTSV’s network throughout Silicon Valley and beyond. LEARN MORE…