Ace Teens Attending First Tee Leadership Series

Five First Tee – Silicon Valley (FTSV) active Ace high school participants will get the opportunity to take part in the second annual First Tee Leadership Series in partnership with PGA TOUR Superstore. The Leadership Series is an engaging and empowering five-week series designed to provide teens the opportunity to (1) build relationships with local PGATSS leadership, (2) uncover their leadership values and strengths, (3) identify potential careers based on those findings, and (4) develop goals on how to attain their desired career path.

Facilitated by PGA TOUR Superstore General Managers, the Leadership Series will create a pathway for participating teens by providing additional mentors for them to consult with regarding future school and career options. First Tee teens who complete the five-week leadership series will be eligible to apply for the First Tee Leadership Summit at West Creek Ranch in Montana in the summer.

This year, 31 First Tee chapters will be participating in the First Tee Leadership Series. Last year 2 of our participants were selected for their work at the Leadership Series to attend the Leadership Summit in Montana. Click here for the video recap.

East Palo Alto PGA TOUR Superstore General Manager, Justin Secrest, will be leading the series of classes for both the Silicon Valley and San Francisco First Tee chapters.

To be eligible for national opportunities like the Leadership Summit one must be an active Ace participant, which is the top level of our program. For more information on our national, regional, and local participant opportunities. Please visit our youth opportunity page.