Support Our Mission – Become an Ambassador

(Support Our Mission – Become an Ambassador) Leadership, engagement and fundraising are key to First Tee – Silicon Valley’s sustainability and success.  Consider being part of a volunteer Board Ambassador program that believes youth development makes a difference. 

You are the right person for this role if you are passionate about supporting and advocating for our mission to impact the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character and instill life-enhancing values through the game of golf.

Ambassadors represent the diverse interests, needs and concerns of the constituency we serve in the underserved communities within our service area which spans from the southern city of Hollister to Milpitas in the East Bay to Southern San Mateo on the Mid-Peninsula.

Ambassador Attributes include:

  • Diversity that embodies all the differences of the kids we serve
  • Modeling The First Tee Code of Conduct and “Respect for Our Organization”
  • Reflection of high standards of conduct in their professional and public lives
  • Outreach into golf clubs, professional associations, corporate hierarchies, and personal networks
  • Willingness to make a difference in the lives of our youth constituents

The Ambassador Role is to give advice, assist with projects, represent the organization in the community at events, help raise funds, and expand FTSV’s network.  Many of our Ambassadors also choose to serve as volunteer coaches so they can directly mentor our youth and make a positive difference as a role model. Visit our volunteer page to learn more.

Complete the  volunteer form to get started as an Ambassador and/or Coach. We look forward to getting to know you through our interview and our on-boarding process which includes background checks, Safesport training and mission-program training.

Click here to meet all our Staff, Coaches and Board Members.

Published: 10-11-2024