The Moca Foundation $30K Grant for Gilroy Youth

(MOCA Foundation $30K Grant for Gilroy) – The Moca Foundation provided a $15K grant to support course sessions for Gilroy youth and $15K to support our School Program at Gilroy Title 1 Schools.

First Tee – Silicon Valley delivers Youth Development to South County

First Tee – Silicon delivers our youth development program at 3 locations throughout Silicon Valley with Gavilan College Golf Course serving South County youth. The Moca Foundation grant will help underwrite mentor training to provide a 1:4 coach:participant ratio coaching, curriculum supplies and golf course access fees especially for the youth in the Gilroy area. FTSV is focused on building relationships, fostering teamwork and inclusion, and creating an engaging activity-based learning environment that makes learning interactive and fun.

Moca Foundation Funds will underwrite 3 Gilroy Title 1 Schools

We are also excited to announce that The Moca Foundation will also be funding 3 Gilroy Title 1 Schools (Mt. Madonna High, Solorsano Middle and South Valley Middle) so they can participate in our School Program utilizing financial aid supported by grants. Our goal is to transition/recruit low-income kids from our School Program to our Course Program at Gavilan Golf Course. The Moca Grant will underwrite golf and games equipment, training and a field trip to Gavilan for 3 new schools.

May van Scherrenburg, The Moca Foundation Associate Director shared…

“We are proud to support First Tee – Silicon Valley’s efforts of character and leadership development for Gilroy youth to foster a culture of acceptance and provide mentorship. Golf provides a powerful vehicle to help kids build the strength of character and life skills that they can use both on and off the golf course.”

If you are interested in learning more about how you can support our programs or improvements, please contact Judy Dixon Deaton, Development Director [email protected] or 408-508-4881.

Gilroy Class Spring 2024

Published: 08-14-2024