First Tee – Silicon Valley Welcomes New Coaches to a Growing Team

We would like to welcome our two new coaches, Franchesca Garcia and Tiffany Lau. Additionally, we are pleased to announce we will be having 12 new volunteer coaches this season with another 12 in the onboarding process.

Our new additions join a coaching team of over 20 instructors and over 50 volunteer coaches, serving 500 participants this spring. Not only do they allow for more participants to take the program, but they are responsible for establishing a strong relational climate and an engaging learning environment for our participant. According to our most recent survey,

  • 96% of our participants felt their coaches cared about them
  • 97% said their coaches kept them engaged and active
  • 96% said their coaches improved their life skills
  • 92% said their coaches improved their golf skills

First Tee – Silicon Valley coaches go through 4 trainings within the year where we practice our golf and life skill curriculum, develop strategies for activity-based learning and mix in developmental relationship tools from the Search Institute and Positive Coaching Alliance.

Making a difference is best done as a team, and we are fortunate to have a strong and growing team of coaches leading the way.

Interested in getting started:

If you are interested in joining our growing team, learning new skills, and making a difference please:

  • Visit our volunteer page and click on the volunteer form.
  • Contact Julie Donnellan at 408-508-4882 or [email protected] for volunteering
  • Contact Chris Moreno-Hunt at 408-508-4884 or [email protected] for paid coaching
  • Click here for our volunteer tri-fold for more information
  • We are accepting volunteers year-round, but to be able to coach in the next season you will need to complete the on-boarding steps by 2/15 for Spring, and 5/15 for Summer, 8/15 for Fall, and 11/15 for Winter
  • Training provided (golf and life skills)