Support Financial Aid by Joining the Caddy Club

Join the Caddy Club as a way to support our Financial Aid Program and meet the needs of providing a nurturing environment for the young people in our community.

Together, Building Game Changers!

Our kids and teens are facing challenges unseen by previous generations. Many lack access to safe opportunities that foster a culture of acceptance and provide mentorship. They live in a world where social pressures are always on, calm and confidence are hard to access, and perseverance is a required superpower every day.

Youth Development through Golf

FTSV exists to enable kids to build the strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of new challenges. By seamlessly integrating the game of golf with life skills curriculum, we create learning experiences that build inner strength, self-confidence, and resilience that kids carry in everything they do. With the belief that ALL kids deserve the chance to grow in a supportive environment with mentors guiding them. We are dedicated to building golf programs that are accessible, welcoming, and as impactful as they are fun.

Who You Will Be Helping:

(FTSV on-course participants)

  • 90% racially diverse
  • 100% certifying youth graduate from HS
  • 100% Ace top level teens go to college
  • 80% achieve all A’s and B’s in school

Class Participant Surveys Reported:

  • 97% Had fun
  • 96% Said Coaches were fun and cared
  • 94% Like golf and improved golf skills
  • 90% Felt included as part of the group
  • 88% Want to continue with FTSV classes
  • 84% Learned new life skills to improve their character

How You Can Help:

  • Every $250 donation allows FTSV to offer financial aid to a new under-served, at-risk youth participant to attend an 8-week program.
  • Become a Caddy Club member by making a minimum $20+ monthly donation for at least 12 months or a one-time donation of a minimum of $240+. Click Here to Join!

All Caddy Club members receive invitations to our free Donor Appreciation events which includes our Caddy Club Majors fantasy golf competition with more than $25,000 in donated prizes available. It kicks off with the Masters on April 7th